Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    Hi @sdh68k

    It seems that the "rule" :manlol: is:

    ... more than one device using the same network (whether it is a private local network or a professional company network).
    In fact, the software does not seem to know how to discriminate between these two types of networks. It can only recognize if there are more than one device using TeamViewer connected on the same network.
    So, if you use a private local network (like most of people in their homes), but you have TeamViewer installed on more than one device (a desktop PC and a mobile device, or a laptop...  etc) even though one of them is connected via Ethernet LAN, and the other via WiFi, your  private local network will be considered (detected) as a "professional network" (of course, this is wrong !).
    And this, both from your home and from the home of your correspondent. ... Then, one or the other, or both of them, will be blocked !

    TeamViewer developpers should know this, but it seems they don't mind, or they are unable to solve this problem... And they prefer to block true private users than to let some professional cheaters using the software as private use without paying a license.


  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    Hello sdh68k, and Gianluca G.

    It seems that "the rule" is :
    Only a single device using TeamViewer and connected to the  private local network.
    If more, the software is unable to discriminate between a private local  network (like the one that most of us use at home) and a professional corporate network.
    If there is more than one device,  using TeamViewer, and connected to the same  network at the same time (e. g. 1 desktop PC, + 1 smartphone, or 1 laptop... and whether it is a private local network or a professional corporate network), the software will consider it (detect it) as a professional network... I can't see any other explanation ???
    And we're blocked !... It's unfair, but it is !

    I would like to add what I think of this way of penalizing real private free use, but I'm afraid I would be censored, even though I would express it very politely !


  • Beyond the rules, I use TeamViewer for the good of the students of the school where I teach, I do not see anything commercial in this way to use it.
    What does all this have to do with the profit and commercial use of TeamViewer? What damage am I getting?
  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    Hello cujo68000

    I think that everybody understand you are sincere and you really use TeamViewer for "the good of your students" and it's a non-profit use. But, unfortunately, this is not the TeamViewer poilicy !

    It seems that you think somebody decides if your reason to use TeamViewer is "good" or not, and will judge if your way to use the software is properly "non commercial" ?

    Be sure that most of people who complain on this forum do the same use as yours, I mean "non-profit" use. But we are blocked too, like you.

    TeamViewer terms of Policy are not really explicit and change by  "Commercial" (or "Professional") use the real situation which is as following :   ... multiple devices, using TeamViewer, and connected on the same network, whether it is a private local network or a professional corporate network.

    This detection is made automatically and you cannot avoid it (several devices such as desktop computers or mobile devices or laptop). The same network  IP is detected as used by several devices, that's all !

    So, nobody will mind what is your way of use (if you wanted to charge your students, nobody could know this if you don't write or say it publicly)... neither "profit" or "non-profit" is the question, nor teaching several students or helping only one person who you'll charge or not !...

    As soon as you'll connect any computing device on a shared network by other devices using TeamViewer, you are considered as "Professional use"... nothing else !... and you, we, are blocked !

    And, finally, complaining of this on this forum is total useless as nobody can consider and solve individually your problem (as same as thousands of other persons who are in the same case as yours).

    Hope that my explanation can help you to understand better the situation :manhappy:


  • ruVic
    ruVic Posts: 1

    The best solution I found (for Windows 10) is to download teamviewer app from Windows Strore. It does not seem to have the licensing problem.

  • Here's another data point for reverse engineering TV's commercial use algorithm:  Only one of my computers is barred, the one that initiates sessions.  I am an extreme hobbyist, and I have more computers than I care to count.  Several of them are "headless" (no keyboard, mouse, monitor) using TV to modify them when necessary. (usually after @!$%!$ Microsoft updates). 

    I'm experimenting with a virtual machine as my initiator.  So far, so good.

    I'm also experimenting with alternatives to TV.  No joy there ... yet.

    Great engineers at TV, though I have no kind words for the management.  I hope those engineers are looking for new jobs. because they are next.

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    Hi ruVic !

    Thank you for this information, but :

    1- For how long time are you using it since you got it from Windows Store ?

    2- By that time, how many computing devices have you remote control ?

    3- Have you tried to connect another device, using TeamViewer, on the same network using both TeamViewer at once ?

    ... Wishing you it will last long for you ! (I've been blocked 2 times for no reason exposed in TV terms of policy... finally I gave up  to submit again the "official form" to request being unblocked, as the first time, I had to wait for a month !).



    (I think you can understand that I'm trying to catch what TeamViewer management team is exactky expecting from us , I mean "Personal free use"... Actually I'm afraid there is no way to use it really free of charge)

  • Godbr
    Godbr Posts: 1
    I am personal used but I just was limited and qualified by teamviewer as business user, but it is wrong. I am personal user and instal it to some family computer to help. Also I Install to the corporative computer to access some personal files witch is storage there.
  • Well I can tell you that I most often connect to personal computers at home from my work. That computer is on a corporate network. I build and overclock multiple computers. When overclocking, you have to stress the CPU, Cache, RAM etc. for extended periods of time to verify stability. These tests push the componenets to their max for hours. You really need to keep an eye on things when doing this. So I log into them from work to do just that.

    I have been flagged as Commercial Use twice, sent in the form twice, cleary explaining what I do, and that I initiate remote sessions from my work computer.  Both times I was told that is OK and they reset my account. I had to send it a form for each computer. So far, after about a month, I have not had any more problems. Just today I was using TV to monitor 2 computers at home, on the same private netowrk, from my computer at work, on a corporate network, simultaniously.Still no pop ups. So I think that your theory that it is all based on TV seeing 2 computers on the same network is perhaps not correct, or at least not fully correct.

    Since the 2nd time I got flagged, I have selected and installed a back up remote access program in case TV starts acting up again. I still like TV best, but I cannot fully depend on it anymore like I have done for many years. I'm not sure how all of this is going to end up, but for now, after 2 Resets, my personal account seems to be working.


  • Ehi, io sono un blogger quando uso teamviewer per disconnessione, dopo un po 'di tempo ho bisogno di contattare i miei partner del mio sito web 

  • @Andre75 wrote:

    Hi ruVic !

    Thank you for this information, but :

    1- For how long time are you using it since you got it from Windows Store ?

    2- By that time, how many computing devices have you remote control ?

    3- Have you tried to connect another device, using TeamViewer, on the same network using both TeamViewer at once ?

    ... Wishing you it will last long for you ! (I've been blocked 2 times for no reason exposed in TV terms of policy... finally I gave up  to submit again the "official form" to request being unblocked, as the first time, I had to wait for a month !).



    (I think you can understand that I'm trying to catch what TeamViewer management team is exactky expecting from us , I mean "Personal free use"... Actually I'm afraid there is no way to use it really free of charge)

    It has little to do with multiple connections at the same time on a business network, I was connected at work on a 'single' PC connecting to home & that single PC got flagged, I was also using my notebook wireless (free network not corporate) I can use it on another PC at work & it is NOT flagged, so there is little rhyme or reason.

  • Ramiz
    Ramiz Posts: 1

    Good morning.

    I have problem to connect from my home PC, when i want to connect, it share me pop-up informations about commercial uses . 

    But it's my home PC and im at work now. 

    Can you help me with this problem. 

    You also can vwier the name of my pc in team

  • zt1
    zt1 Posts: 1

    My TV doesn't connect too

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi all,

    I apologize for the connection problems. Everything should work again. Thanks and sorry once again.

    Best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • i installed teamviewer on my work pc, but i use it to connect to my personal pc's at home
    now it says that my free license expired

    what i can do?

    we don't use Team viwer at work at all, but my work pc is a part of a domain

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    Hi @BillBittel

    Thanks for your comment about "my theory", which only a theory, you are right. But, correct or not, it could never be verified as TV refuses obstinately to communicate about.

    I just can say that, like you, I've been using TV for years and I've never been bothered like this before ! I used it only to help my relatives and friends, from only private network to only private network.
    On July, I've been flagged right when I was using TV in remote connection with a Mc Book air I had just configured for a friend and I had temporarily connected it on my private network to check if it worked well and transfer some files from my PC to the Mac.

    So, I submitted the form (and joined the log file) and I had to wait for ... one month !... before I could use it again !!! (always and only from my private network to another private network)... but for a short time (2 or 3 days), as I've been flagged again when remoting another PC for only 2 or 3 short sessions...
    But I can't know if TV had really reset my account, because I never got any reply from them telling so ???
    Actually, after a month, I had uninstalled TV, all the residual folders and files, and deleted all its registry entries. Then, I reinstalled the last TV version. So, I could not know if it worked again because I had got reset, or because I had fully unsinstalled it before reinstalling ???

    Anyhow, you are right as you point out the precarious situation in TV let us. Unless you are wealthy and can pay a license, TeamViewer is a no longer reliable solution as we permanently run the risk to get suddenly flagged. You can imagine what happens when you are helping your mom or sister, living in country side, to fill in and send an important online form or document !... You have to tell her : "Sorry mom ! Say your health insurance company that you'll fill in the requested form next month !... (when TV will have considered my demand and unblocked me)"
    And, if you dare to complain, writing here  "it's c...zy" ! You'll get a very nice help... your comment will be censored !
    So, you are still right, the best way was not to request again being unblocked, but find an alternative... There are some not too bad, but I must admit that none is as good as TV... at least, not yet... but TV is working well for its competitors (those these forum censors -human beings or robot- call "Third Party Product").


  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73



    " ... there is little rhyme or reason" ! You are right.

    Just a c..zy algorithm which's leading us into its same way !... (But "algorithm" doesn't mean "artificial intelligence" escaping from its conceptors... Human beings do it in order to aim a planned target)

  • I'm having trouble with my account, trying to connect to the computer where I work tells me that my account is for non-commercial use only, what do I do?

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    @Esther wrote:

    Hi all,

    I apologize for the connection problems. Everything should work again. Thanks and sorry once again.

    Best, Esther


    Hi Esther,

    Many thanks for that good news !  You give us all a great HOPE ! :cathappy:

    But, does it mean :

    1- TeamViewer will finally give up and remove the algorithm which cannot clearly and fairly discriminate between Personal free use and Professional use ?

    2- TeamViewer has finally found how to make work properly this algorithm ?

    3- Anything else that you wouldn't know ?

    4- When do you think it will work fine again ?

    Anyhow, you shouldn't be the one to apologize (unless you are TeamViewer manager or a development staff), but we don't think you are the one who took this strange decision to make a big mess in all free users' softwares. And it was not your fault !

    So, we all cross fingers and have a big hope that you say true...

    Thanks again.


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi Andre75,

    Thanks for your post.

    You are right, I am not a developer :-) But to clarify the post: We had some connection issues earlier today and the post you were citing was the "all-clear" message, that the issue was solved. See also:

    Regarding the commercial usage: If you are affected, please fill out the form to get your reset. (One more apology: I am sorry that I cannot help you better with this topic than guiding you to the form and/or the information in this KB article: )

    Thanks and best,


    Former Community Manager

  • I am a personal user. I submitted multiple tickets to get a determination about commercial use suspected notices that I have been receiving. I've had this problem over the years. Each time previous to this set of notices, I emailed Fabian and he reviewed my logs and cleared my accounts. Now Esther has told me that the ticket system is the only method of clearing these notices and restoring my computers to personal use. I submitted tickets over a month ago. The response time estimate in Fabian's article in the community concerning this is pasted below. I posted my tickets over a month ago and have received no outcomes of my tickets. I tried to submit another personal email to Esther concerning the matter today, but now it shows that I have reached my limit of personal messages. I feel very unsupported and am beginning to suspect that I may never have the issue resolved. I have switched to **Third Party Product**, another free program, for my remote management needs, but prefer TeamViewer's functionality for most things I do. I hope that someone from management will see this message and see if there is any other source of help. It seems I have exhausted all other options.


    How long does it take to unblock my TeamViewer?

    Please know that we review every request that has been placed.

    Due to the large number of requests we receive, answering the requests can take some time, although we are now aiming to solve all requests within seven days. We are sorry for the inconvenience.


  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    @Esther wrote:

    Hi Andre75,

    Thanks for your post.

    You are right, I am not a developer :-) But to clarify the post: We had some connection issues earlier today and the post you were citing was the "all-clear" message, that the issue was solved. See also:

    Regarding the commercial usage: If you are affected, please fill out the form to get your reset. (One more apology: I am sorry that I cannot help you better with this topic than guiding you to the form and/or the information in this KB article: )

    Thanks and best,



    Hi Esther,

    Thanks again for your kind, clear and quick response.

    I guessed already that I "misundestood" your former post ! :catsad: ... That's why I asked you some details

    About the form, thank you for the link, but I did it yet once, I had to wait for a month before I could use again TV... And it was flagged again a few days later (in all Personal use conditions, such as described in TV terms of policy, of course !!! )

    If you follow up this topic, you know that we are so many "free" users having been trapped into this issue !  So, you can understand that we don't trust anymore TeamViewer. We all do believe that its management staff is no longer willing to provide a true Personal free use with no problem.! They obviously show that they want to get rid of Personal free users...

    Therefore, it seems total useless to fill in again this form (anyhow, 1 month waiting for a reset, with no news to know what, is not reasonable; Moreover if it's for a few days free use after having been reset).

    I am just very surprised to see how TeamViewer is now working very well at helping it's competitors to win more and more market's places ??? (means TV will lose those it had got).

    But thank you again for having tried to help, even though you have no mean to really do it.


  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    @Esther wrote:

    Hi Andre75,

    Thanks for your post.

    You are right, I am not a developer :-) But to clarify the post: We had some connection issues earlier today and the post you were citing was the "all-clear" message, that the issue was solved. See also:

    Regarding the commercial usage: If you are affected, please fill out the form to get your reset. (One more apology: I am sorry that I cannot help you better with this topic than guiding you to the form and/or the information in this KB article: )

    Thanks and best,



    Hi Esther,

    Thanks again for your kind, clear and quick response.

    I guessed already that I "misundestood" your former post ! :catsad: ... That's why I asked you some details

    About the form, thank you for the link, but I did it yet once, I had to wait for a month before I could use again TV... And it was flagged again a few days later (in all Personal use conditions, such as described in TV terms of policy, of course !!! )

    If you follow up this topic, you know that we are so many "free" users having been trapped into this issue !  So, you can understand that we don't trust anymore TeamViewer. We all do believe that its management staff is no longer willing to provide a true Personal free use with no problem.! They obviously show that they want to get rid of Personal free users...

    Therefore, it seems total useless to fill in again this form (anyhow, 1 month waiting for a rest, with no news to know what, is not reasonable; Moreover if it's for a few days free use after having been reset).

    I am just very surprised to see how TeamViewer is now working very well at helping it's competitors to win more and more market's places ??? (means TV will lose those it had got).

    But thank you again for having tried to help, even though you have no mean to really do it.


  • I m

    @Esther wrote:

    Hi Andre75,

    Thanks for your post.

    You are right, I am not a developer :-) But to clarify the post: We had some connection issues earlier today and the post you were citing was the "all-clear" message, that the issue was solved. See also:

    Regarding the commercial usage: If you are affected, please fill out the form to get your reset. (One more apology: I am sorry that I cannot help you better with this topic than guiding you to the form and/or the information in this KB article: )

    Thanks and best,


    I filled out a form & all the requested info well over a month ago like many other users. I have never heard a word back or had a resoultion, this does not help.
  • i use teamviewer for personnel only thank
  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73


    Hi Glassdub

    Not only you  Lot of people didn't get any reply, including me.

    That's what I answered to Esther, who advised to fill out and send this form. But my answer to her has been censored !!! Maybe are we impolite  to say publicly that even this way (which needs "normally" 1 month to get unblocked) is no way ?

    I wonder why you have not been censored ??? :mansurprised: ...  And yet you must be very impolite to say the truth here !

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    @Esther wrote:

    Hi Andre75,

    Thanks for your post.

    You are right, I am not a developer :-) But to clarify the post: We had some connection issues earlier today and the post you were citing was the "all-clear" message, that the issue was solved. See also:

    Regarding the commercial usage: If you are affected, please fill out the form to get your reset. (One more apology: I am sorry that I cannot help you better with this topic than guiding you to the form and/or the information in this KB article: )

    Thanks and best,



    Hi Esther,

    Thanks again for your kind, clear and quick response.

    I guessed already that I "misunderstood" your former post (bad luck !) :catsad: ... That's why I asked you some more details.

    About the form, thank you for the link, but I did it yet once, I had to wait for a month before I could use again TV (in all Personal use conditions, such as described in TV terms of policy, of course !!!  I swear !)... And it was flagged again a few days later ! :catfrustrated:

    If you follow up this topic, you know that we are so many "free" users having been trapped into this issue !  So, you can understand that we don't trust TeamViewer managers anymore. We all do believe that :
    1- Its management staff is no longer willing to provide a true Personal free use with no problem ! And they obviously show that they want to get rid of Personal free users ?...
    2- Or the algorithm used in TV to discriminate between Personal free use and Professional use is not efficient and returns too much mistakes... And TV developers can't (yet) make it better ?

    Therefore, it seems total useless to send again this form (anyhow, 1 month waiting for a reset,(with no reply, no news to know what about) is not reasonable ! Moreover if it's for only a few days free use after having got reset, then getting blocked again !



  • mcbrooks2624
    mcbrooks2624 Posts: 1
    edited September 2022

    I recently purchased an used MacBook and have tried to use teamviewer, however, "teamviewer suspected commercial use” keeps popping up.

    Could you please advise me reading this case?

    I am using it as personal use.

    My teamviewer ID is [removed per Community Guidelines]

    I will look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you for your time.


  • So i can use it as in the same way? it won't disconnect me again?
  • RudieV
    RudieV Posts: 5

    Since a two weeks I get this message when I connect to my multimedia pc, which is in my own local network, that I or the multimedia computer is being used commercially.

    Unless my pc is doing things at night that I am not aware of, and it is switched off so that would be a surprise, I never use TV commercially. 

    Why am I getting this message? How can I get rid of this?