Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Tegoide
    Tegoide Posts: 15

    @Tegoide wrote:

    .. another umpteenth idea of the TV new marketing department ?

    After the useless and tremendous internal spellcheck, now the mandatory advertisement. At each TV session.

    I believe that soon or later TV will drop off us, considered by Team Viever marketing people and sales dept. as nasty scroungers.

    Here the screenshot (Edited by a moderator. Please attache the screenshot instead of putting the URL link)


    Anybodys elese is experienceing this beutiful TeamViewer gift ?



    I reiterate my question and complaint.




  • bobbh
    bobbh Posts: 4

    WIsh you hadn't said anything about the VM - now they'll probably prevent that as well :catmad:.  My sister has 2 kids and by the time I fininshed helping her set them up and do some maintenance on their computers, I was already getting the dreaded 'commercial use', then shortly afterwards, limited to 5 min.

    In the past, I've contacted support (when they allowed it), and of course, they read and/or copy/paste from a script they're told to use and lie and state that the software contains some 'intelligence' that allows them to determine commercial use, but that's bogus.  They have a simple counter and after x number of outgoing connections, the fun begins  :smileysad:

  • LtData
    LtData Posts: 1

    After having the 3rd "Commercial use" detected/suspected alert this year, I'm wondering if part of the problem is my pfsense router that gives my computers a ".local" DNS suffix and this is beign detected as corporate use. I managed to have the limits removed from my account via the proper process, but I'm trying to do what I can to prevent additional detection. I changed the DNS suffix to ".mylocal" to give it something different, but is there a specific suffix I should be using to avoid this tripping the flag, or am I out of luck as long as a suffix is being added? I tried asking this question on the form, but they referred me to here

    Yes, I am just using TV for personal use for connecting to my (desktop OS) machines, parent's computers, and sister's computer.

    I did see a post somewhere talking about them adjusting the "commercial use" algorithim to prevent false-positive, so hopefully that will help me also.

  • Ehkart
    Ehkart Posts: 1

    I have used TV for several years to manage the several machines that my family and myself use. I work roughly 1800km from home and so I needed a solution as I'm the only one with any of the IT skills necessary to remedy the various issues that three kids and a spouse run into commonly with computing at home. I was very satisfied with how TeamViewer worked for a long time and spoke highly of their products.

    Not needing the service in a business manor and not wanting to spend $500 a year, I'm sure you can relate to my dismay when for the third time I also received flagging for commercial use. I am certainly NOT using TV for commercial purposes unless children clogging their machines with games and movies is considered commercial use..

    Much to my pleasant surprise however,**Third Party Product** provides a free plugin for almost any OS and mobile device that allows remote desktop control. Known as **Third Party Product**, it's so far proven to be a fantastic and completely free alternative to the murky license heavy minefield that is TeamViewer. It's a snap to set up and I can confidently say it works just about the same. There is a limitation with **Third Party Product** that doesn't allow printing files remotely to a local printer and file transfer isn't available however through Google Drive you can easily achieve this.

    I'll be hailing the success of the **Third Party Product** alternative to anyone I know that's tired of TeamViewer being paranoid about us nobodies. Sometimes I hate to admit it but **Third Party Product** wins the day again!

  • Mona
    Mona Posts: 1

    there is a link somewhere that you can use to email and explain to TV what you use TV for and that it's not a commercial/business venture.....  They'll more than likely reinstate your access, they did ours.

  • Team viewer Guys,

    YOU are not able to understand what is commercial use and personal use. 





  • TV thinks I’m using software in a commercial capacity. This not true. How do I reinstate personal environment. I have three personal computers and three friends whom iproblem  I attempt help when they have problem. Two personal computers  in  California  and one in my home in  Oklahoma. How can I  remedy this prolblem

  • Luxes
    Luxes Posts: 1

    Been using teamviewer for years between the computers in my home, and from time to time with friends, since i know a thing or two about computers, being an enthusiast.

    The other day i bought a new laptop, installed teamviewer, shortly and helped a friend with GPU issues, then i got flagged for using it commercially....what??  Not getting a reply from teamviewer from the ticket thingy i sent it for people who are wrongly flagged either, what the s*** is going on?

  • Teamviewer free version. I use this version to access the computers of friends and relatives who ask me for information that I can not communicate by phone. I do not use it for work because I provide on-site assistance (my clients like "human contact"). I had tried in advance to offer them this type of assistance remotely but they do not want to use it.

    Now, I use this program for personal use but from today, October 11, 2018, its use is bound to me less than 5 minutes, then I get a message on the screen that tells me that I have to wait a few minutes before reconnecting ... should I behave?

  • ADP88
    ADP88 Posts: 1

    ciao, per caso hai risolto il problema della connessione bloccata?

  • This is a bit weird. When I connect from mobile phone to my PC it shows me that commercial use is suspected (logged in with my account). When I use TW from my PC to connect to other PC, nothing. Works without notification.

  • I do not know if this is something that has been brought up before, but my husband who is the 'IT Guy" for his very large family has yet again been locked out for commercial use.  Has anyone done a query or asked if free users who use this platform allot would be willing to license it at a reduced rate for non-commercial use?  I know that when he asked (2 weeks ago) the sales rep just referred his question about commercial use message to someone in the tech department that unlocked his account. He has many times said that he would be more than happy paying to help support this platform, but that when he is not receiving any money for his help he/we cannot justify or afford a commercial license.

    If this violates the forum rules please lock or delete, otherwise, please help myself and my husband understand if this has been considered or is in motion.

  • bobbh
    bobbh Posts: 4

    Thanks for the info.  The link is  On that page, there's a link to a form to report false detection. (have my doubts about it's legitmacy, but at least it's there).

  • olly
    olly Posts: 4


  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 151

    I have the exact same behaviour.

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    @GordonSE03 wrote:

    I do not know if this is something that has been brought up before, but my husband who is the 'IT Guy" for his very large family has yet again been locked out for commercial use.  Has anyone done a query or asked if free users who use this platform allot would be willing to license it at a reduced rate for non-commercial use?  I know that when he asked (2 weeks ago) the sales rep just referred his question about commercial use message to someone in the tech department that unlocked his account. He has many times said that he would be more than happy paying to help support this platform, but that when he is not receiving any money for his help he/we cannot justify or afford a commercial license.

    If this violates the forum rules please lock or delete, otherwise, please help myself and my husband understand if this has been considered or is in motion.

    Hi @GordonSE03

    Your complaint is similar as many others here. I'm sorry that I can't provide you any true technical solution, but I can try to explain you how it works (I mean : why have you been blocked, and how to apply for a technical support. It doesn't mean you'll get reset).

    A- When using TeamViewer as "Personal free use", we are blocked because the software includes an algorithm that is supposed to detect if it's really used as "Personal" (Non commercial) use" or as "Professional use". The rules are detailed in the TeamViewer terms of policy. They are not very clear, but understandable at least (after reading attentively)...

    1- Actually, "Professional use" has nothing to do with "non-profit" or "profit" use (who knows if you charge or not the person whose you help ? or if you get money or any other advantage ?... Nobody, and no algorithm ! )... It's just a question of technical network environment :  From a device (desktop computer or mobile device) that is connected to a professional corporate network (whether it is in wire/Ethernet connexion and WiFi), or if you remote a distant device that is itself connected in the same conditions .

    2- "Personal use" is when your devices (desktop computer or mobile device) are both "host" and "client" connected to a private local network. That's all !

    But, this algorithm isn't efficient and it can't really make its work, nor properly discriminate between "Personal" and "Professional", therefore It returns lots of "false-positives"... So the situation is : when this algorithm is wrong, but TeamViewer doesn't want to run any risk of being cheated, so, even though its algorithm is wrong, the default rule will be "Professional use" !... and you get blocked !

    We are now countless free users who have been trapped by this algorithm...

    So, what to do ?... You can try to fill out the "official form", join your "log file", and send it... you'll have to wait for xxx (???) days, weeks, without any reply from TeamViewer... and if you win this lottery, you'll get reset (unblocked) after a long time... then... you'll get blocked again after a short time use !!!... and you'll have to fill out again the "official form", join your log file... etc... If you win again this lottery, you'll get unblocked again... Then you'll get blocked again... AND SO ON !...

    B- [removed by moderator per Community Guidelines - no hearsay - this is a TeamViewer community, run by TeamViewer]

    Hope things are clearer to you now, wishing you good luck !


  • DON"T use teamviewer to make a profit, It is used for helping friends out at no cost and to access my computers on my network.

    Please help me to fix this, 

    Thank you,

    Jason Hager

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    @Kungfujason wrote:

    DON"T use teamviewer to make a profit, It is used for helping friends out at no cost and to access my computers on my network.

    Please help me to fix this, 

    Thank you,

    Jason Hager


    Hi Jason,

    "Non profit" or "profit" has nothing to do with "Personal use " or "Professional use"... It's not that question, and it's actually just little rhyme or reason.

    Sorry, but nobody from this community can help you to "fix it"... Just try what I mention in my here above reply to @GordonSE03  (See :  "So, what to do ?"). If you are lucky, you'll receive a ticket, then no more reply or information from TeamViewer... You'll have to wait for days, weeks, month.... checking from time to time if it works again. Then, if you win the lottery, you'll get reset, then... (read all what I wrote to @GordonSE03, it's a bit tiring to repeat non stop)...

    And remember that you are not speaking there to TeamViewer technical support, this community has nothing to do with TeamViewer technical support.

    Good luck !


  • thank you Andre75, but being that the machine that keeps being locked out is on a Comcast residential connection and as far as we are aware none of the family uses a commercial/business network for connecting to the internet, your answer though enlightening has little to do with his situation.  It appears that TeamViewer's algorithm also looks at the time (how long a connection lasts) and content (what is being done on the remote connection.). That is the only way that the above makes sense about commercial use.

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    @GordonSE03 wrote:

    thank you Andre75, but being that the machine that keeps being locked out is on a Comcast residential connection and as far as we are aware none of the family uses a commercial/business network for connecting to the internet, your answer though enlightening has little to do with his situation.  It appears that TeamViewer's algorithm also looks at the time (how long a connection lasts) and content (what is being done on the remote connection.). That is the only way that the above makes sense about commercial use.

    Hi @GordonSE03

    I understand that, as same as me and everybody, you try to find out something which would make sense. But the fact is there is not. As told before by a user, it is "no rhyme or reason"

    I am (I was) using TeamViewer exactly in the same condtions as you, only through private local network, as same as my friends and relatives that I remote control sometimes... Some other users posting on this community use TeamViewer both from (or towards) their home network and office network including their mobile device .. We know that as they explain it, and  that's what TeamViewer doesn't want. I understand this expectation so, they can know at least a reason which makes sense,... but I never used it in any other condition but my home private network , from only one computer, and my relatives and friends also use it from home to their private networks (They are no more than 10 persons, I know each of them, even their homes and network as I am the one who went to install  and set those, and they all know only a few things about computer (that's why they obviously need my help through TeamViewer !)  For all of us, only one device using TeamViewer is connected to our networks...  And yet I've been blocked twice ??? and I am still.

    You mention a "time limit per session", but I haven't read anything about in TeamViewer terms of policy for "Personal use", anyhow, I seldom used it more than 1 to 3 hours maximum. By the way, I am the one to offline the TeamViewer connection on the distant machine, then I offline my own software, including its service in Windows Task Manager, that I never set running automatically. I didn't configure any machine that I remote control in order tout let TeamViewer running on with Windows... And my help to the others is about maximum 3 or 4 times a month (sometimes it can spend 2 or 3 months without I use it !)  So, I don't think that over limit time  can be a reason (not for my use at least).

    The other reason you mention : (".... and content (what is being done on the remote connection.)."  ???  I've never done something illegal  or even fobidden by TeamViewer's policy when I remote control somebody. But  I want to believe that you are kidding ?... Anyone who would be checking what you do on your private computer, without your ageement, is total illegal, it's a privacy violation ! TeamViewer is an European company, and I'm sure that  it will never run a risk to be black listed  and severly penalized for such a violation of the law.

    I say again that I understand your, same as mine, will to understand why we are blocked ?...  That would lead us into madness !... But, I'm sorry, there is no reason that TeamViewer can tell us.  No reason mentioned in its terms of policy... Just remaining the  hypothesis of deficient algorithm !

    But the worst is that the moderators here (even though they are really TeamViewer employees, as told me by Josh, one of them), don't want to communicate about this... They all persist to send us to "the form to fill out"... and they don't hear that we did it yet, but have been blocked again, soon after having been reset... and this reset time takes (it took to me) 1 month !

    I hope that @JoshP -moderator- is reading this post.

    I would say, if they are really TeamViewer employees they should have a way to inform their boss of this situation ? Why don't they ?... I f they do it, why still no solution ?... if there is one, why don't they tell us ?....  @JoshP, please understand that the only solution that you provide us (fill out the form) is useless as I (and many others) explained here several times. Filling out that form is not a solution for not being blocked again a very few time later, moreover it takes a very long time to get reset.

    Should we conclude that TeamViewer don't believe us when we say that we use the software under ALL its terms of policy ? The only way to prove it is ... to "fill out the form" with the log file !!! ad libitum... It doesn't work !


  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    @GordonSE03 wrote:

    thank you Andre75, but being that the machine that keeps being locked out is on a Comcast residential connection and as far as we are aware none of the family uses a commercial/business network for connecting to the internet, your answer though enlightening has little to do with his situation.  It appears that TeamViewer's algorithm also looks at the time (how long a connection lasts) and content (what is being done on the remote connection.). That is the only way that the above makes sense about commercial use.

    Hi @GordonSE03

    I understand that, as same as me and everybody, you try to find out something which would make sense. But the fact is there is not. As told before by a user, it is "no rhyme or reason"

    I am (I was) using TeamViewer exactly in the same condtions as you, only through private local network, as same as my friends and relatives that I remote control sometimes... Some other users posting on this community use TeamViewer both from (or towards) their home network and office network including their mobile device .. We know that as they explain it, and  that's what TeamViewer doesn't want. I understand this expectation so, they can know at least a reason which makes sense,... but I never used it in any other condition but my home private network , from only one computer, and my relatives and friends also use it from home to their private networks (They are no more than 10 persons, I know each of them, even their homes and network as I am the one who went to install  and set those, and they all know only a few things about computer (that's why they obviously need my help through TeamViewer !)  For all of us, only one device using TeamViewer is connected to our networks...  And yet I've been blocked twice ??? and I am still.

    You mention a "limit time per session", but I haven't read anything about in TeamViewer terms of policy for "Personal use", anyhow, I seldom used it more than 1 to 3 hours maximum. By the way, I am the one to offline the TeamViewer connection on the distant machine, then I offline my own software, including its service in Windows Task Manager, that I never set running automatically. I didn't configure any machine that I remote control in order tout let TeamViewer running on with Windows... And my help to the others is about maximum 3 or 4 times a month (sometimes it can spend 2 or 3 months without I use it !)  So, I don't think that over limit time  can be a reason (not for my use at least).

    The other reason you mention : (".... and content (what is being done on the remote connection.)."  ???  I've never done something illegal  or even fobidden by TeamViewer's policy when I remote control somebody. But  I want to believe that you are kidding ?... Anyone who would be checking what you do on your private computer, without your ageement, is total illegal, it's a privacy violation ! TeamViewer is an European company, and I'm sure that  it will never run a risk to be black listed  and severly penalized for such a violation of the law.

    I say again that I understand your, same as mine, will to understand why we are blocked ?...  That would lead us into madness !... But, I'm sorry, there is no reason that TeamViewer can tell us.  No reason mentioned in its terms of policy... Just remaining the  hypothesis of deficient algorithm !

    But the worst is that the moderators here (even though they are really TeamViewer employees, as told me by Josh, one of them), don't want to communicate about this... They all persist to send us to "the form to fill out"... and they don't hear that we did it yet, but have been blocked again, soon after having been reset... and this reset time takes (it took to me) 1 month !

    I hope that @JoshP -moderator- is reading this post.

    I would say, if they are really TeamViewer employees they should have a way to inform their boss of this situation ? Why don't they ?... I f they do it, why still no solution ?... if there is one, why don't they tell us ?....  @JoshP, please understand that the only solution that you provide us (fill out the form) is useless as I (and many others) explained here several times. Filling out that form is not a solution for not being blocked again a very few time later, moreover it takes a very long time to get reset.

    Should we conclude that we are not trusted by TeamViewer and its moderators when we say that we use the software under ALL its terms of policy ?  Unfortunately, the only way to prove it is ... to "fill out the form" with the log file !!! ... and... ad libitum... It doesn't work !


  • On my locked out machine (I have at least four other machines) I created a virtual box running linux and then loaded TV onto that OS.  It's a little klunky but for now, it works.  If TV flags that one, I'll create another virtural machine.  Once you have the vitural interface set up, it takes just a few minutes of one's time to create a new instance, though the loading of the OS takes about half an hour.  This would be the whack-a-mole response where I am the mole.  

    We should be looking for a new company, anyway, because it is pretty obvious that TV is having financial challenges,  (running out of money?  preparing to be taken over? general cooking the books? etc?)

    (Mr/Mrs/Ms Moderator, you'd should be looking for a new job, too.)

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    Hi @OldSurferDude

    My reply to @GordonSE03 has just got censored !... I wonder why ??? but never mind !

    You are too kind to warn those whom their marketing managers are working to make them jobless. But they shouldn't mind too much as they show that they are competiting for the next Nobel Prize in Physics... and they'll get and share it, with no doubt ! So, don't worry too much for them.

    Your  "wack-and-mole" is interesting, but you know that most of us don't have more than one computer, and our competence in IT doesn't allow us to reach the "klunky" system !  That's why because we liked to use TeamViewer. It was not too complicate for our simple mind ! Anyhow, thanks to provide us a solution which could work better than to "fill out the form"... Why don't you apply for a job on this community ?... At least you will give us more than a single solution ... which's useless or just works for 3 sessions.

    Oh, I think I guess why you don't apply for a job here ! You scare it will not last longer than the official reset solution !

    Nice evening !


  • JRossi
    JRossi Posts: 2
    I have been having this issue since Version 13 came out. Filled out the form multiple times. It gets reset. However, when I filled out the form last time (about a month ago), the option for attaching a log file is missing. Still heard nothing back.
  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    @JRossi wrote:
    I have been having this issue since Version 13 came out. Filled out the form multiple times. It gets reset. However, when I filled out the form last time (about a month ago), the option for attaching a log file is missing. Still heard nothing back.

    Hi @JRossi

    Thank you for your one more information.  I feel a bit less lonely.

  • Andre,

    I'm retired and don't have a life.  One of my hobbies is undermining greedy management. The frustration we are experiencing here is a direct result of decisions made at the highest level of management.  The moderators paid to look at this forum are being exploited.  These people must perform "... unworthy or corrupt use of [their] talents for the sake of personal or financial gain."  I am truly sorry for the moderators.  I truly hope that they can find more satisfying employment.

    If enough of the moderators quit, then the highest levels of management will have to pay higher wages to those doing the disgusting tasks (lying to people) required of them.  The moderators are only here because of their financial situation.  

    I used to write scripts for customer support ... until I learned what they were being paid.  I told my boss "I'm not doing this any more.  You pay them a decent wage and I'll start writing scripts again."  I didn't have to write scripts again.  

    It's greed.  You and I and the thousand other people in our situation are trying to do right.  We're helping people.  We don't get paid, we just make the world a tiny bit happier.  In my lifeless life, it is something that brings me a modicom of happiness.

    But, greed, pure and simple unmittigated greed, is **bleep** life out of everyone.

    Hey! You!  Moderator.  I am sorry for your life.  I'm sorry you can't even say to your boss, "Do you have to be so greedy?  Do you know that for every one of these thousand people there are five that are being help, but no longer because of your greed?"  Go back to school, do something to better yourself.  You're not going to find opportunity, much less, compassion at TV!.

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    Hi Old Dude,

    I'm retired too and I know all what you say. I think you more say it for others than for me. (I've saved your post before it disappears, but few people will read it, and still fewer will understand what you mean). What's wrong ? To make more and more money is absolutely normal, isn't it ?...  What can you do... even what can we do, both you and me ? We are quite lonely and helpless before this situation. The world "works" like this since it's very beginning, even before human beings existence ! Our monkeys ancestors was like that already ! I'm afraid that we are just against the wind...

    The moderators are exploited, we should say victims, but at the same time, they are the accomplices of those who exploit them. They are not aware of this, and even seem very proud of the power they are given. They really believe that they have power and they use it to give themselves the illusion of existence. That is basically what dictators feel. You can see that on any other Web communities. It works like that and this is how they can  recruit their "Community managers", "Moderators", or any other terminology like that, except the true one which is "Censor" ! I can feel a bit sorry for them, but not yet cry or feeling compassion for them ! The world is too much full of "moderators" ! At one certain time in Europe (39-45) they were called "zealous informers"... but the noise of the boots disappeared and the name with it. Nowadays, this name is more trendy, and no longer shameful

    Of course it's easy to understand that, if their job were to help the users, and if they had a mean to help those who have the problem of "Professional use", they just will do it !... So, it's obvious that's not their job... then, what would be their job ?... Let's anyone who is not too much "moderator" in one's brain to conclude !

  • Andre75
    Andre75 Posts: 73

    Hi @NYCNative

    No, but please, find out a smart way to let us know...



  • Same here. My parents are in their 80s. they've been hacked, twice. I use it to help them and move to multiple machines I have a my home. I was shut down in July for suspected commercial use. After investigation I was told that if I access one of my PCs from starbuck you get flagged.  I remembered helping my dad from starbucks while on the road just before the flagging and timeouts occurred.

    I went through the ticket process and was certified non-commercial and restored on August 11th. I got an email from teamviewer announcing the restoration. 

    I was good for a couple months. Now i'm seeing the "commercial use suspected" screen pops again.  I tried to proactively address this again but TV has shut down their support email address.  The reply I got sent me to their website to open a ticket but you have to have a license before you can create one. 

    They don't have a reasonable license for this type of use.  Looks like they are squeezing us off of their product.  

  • No. I tried to connect later but after 3 minutes I disconnected. Maximum 5 minutes. Then I get a message that tells me to wait a few minutes to be able to re-use ....