Commercial use - Connection time out



  • The form says it could take 30 days. If that is true, I need to look for a new solution.

  • 2fools
    2fools Posts: 11
    It has been almost 5 years for me since i first reported the issue ... their resolution was to

    "Remove the computer with Windows Home Server from the network or uninstall TeamViewer from it"

    So - no solution. Just unistall the version you are using, install version 9 (Google TemaViewer Version 9 download).

    Then Go to Extras>Options>Advanced>Show Advanced Options>

    Then "Check For New Version" change to "NEVER"
    Also "Install New Versions Automatically" change to "No Automatic Updates"
  • 30 day is a minimum, mine was never fixed in at least 6 months but all I get is the warning pop up now.

  • i tried calling the tech support but apparently tech support is only available for paid subscriber...
  • Hello same to me
    I have 3 computers and sometimes I access my home when I'm out
    I've always done it.
      And now dis that I can not use commercially
    Can you solve your case?
  • I paid for a v9 TV license when I was supporting one small company that had a domain network.  I no longer support that company and since upgraded to the latest version of TV.  

    Now when I tried to connect to a friend's PC to do troubleshooting, I was flagged as "commercial".  I have around a dozen PCs in my list, all friends and family that need assistance from time to time.  I get paid in dinners and wine if they feel generous.  Is that commercial?

    Where did I go wrong?

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @willgill,

    Thank you for posting.


    The free version of TeamViewer cannot be used on a device that used to be used for commercial purposes. So although I understand that some of your usage is commercial and some is personal, the only way for us to create a system that splits commercial and personal use on one device would be to monitor the content of your connections which we will not do as it is a violation of privacy.   The free version can only be used in private environments. 


    For more information please read this article

    I also recommend to use the license you have paid, so that you can connect to PCs without having any error message. 


    Hope this information will be helpful for you.


    Best regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • I don't have a mixed environment anymore.  It sounds like my main computer will be forever flagged as once being used for commercial purposes.  This is such a shame.  

    I can't use my older version of TeamViewer since it is not compatible with newer versions.  I hesitate to purchase another commercial version

    1. Because I don't do commercial work anymore.

    2. It will just become obsolete and incompatible in less than a year.

    Maybe I'll RDP into another computer running TeamViewer or just move to another remoting system.

  • PatQQ
    PatQQ Posts: 1

    I'm getting A LOT of Commercial Use Detected recently living abroad in China.
    I never had this issue happening that often ever since Teamviewer came out. Been using it since day 1. Teamviewer 3 I believe.

    I use Teamviewer to help out my family and friends with their computers, as well as accessing my own laptops away from home.

    Right now i'm unable to make ANY connections at ALL. It just says "You can no longer start a new session". And the connection is cancelled. Doesn't even have a timeout now.

    Please fix this issue. Thanks!

  • Yes, I've been have this problem too. Longstanding user, today is the first time it has ever suggested I am using it commercially (which I am not). It tells me the session will be limited to 5 minutes, but its more like about 30 seconds before it shuts down the session and then prevents further access attemptsfor 10 minutes 

  • Hello.

    I have sent a signed agreement in which I declare my home use of TeamViewer. They have replied me with the following:

    "Thank you very much for sending your self-declaration of personal use to us.
    We apologize for the delays in our mailings.
    We have successfully reset the TeamViewer ID you submitted via the form provided earlier, and we acknowledge that you are using TeamViewer for personal use only.
    With your signed declaration, we took additional steps to make sure your TeamViewer ID remains reset."

    However, in my Windows Desktop application it still reads "Evaluation Version Expired".
    I don't understand...

  • I sent a ticket a days ago, no answer, so, how do I do to connect to my computer in home without having to pay for a commercial license that I'm not interested, they are forcing me to buy one, or should I move to a better app? Suggestions?
    Thank you!

  • dc6050
    dc6050 Posts: 1

    This is all for personal use. My home PC is set up for unattended access and is linked to an email. My laptop's installation of TeamViewer won't let me connect to my home PC because it says my trial has expired. I tried logging into my account on my laptop and it still says my trial is expired. Isn't personal use free?

  • I use TeamViewer to remotely address issues with my in laws laptop, how ever my TeamViewer turn in to trial version & it tells me only 2 days left in it, on top of that it lets me connect to my in laws laptop only for 5 min. then it kicks me off... Any help appreciated...

  • 2fools
    2fools Posts: 11

    Uninstall then install Version 9 from here:

    Then go to Extras>Options>Advanced>Show Advanced Options

    Then Change "Check for new version" to "NEVER"

    Then change "Install new versions automatically" to "No automatic updates"

    This **bleep** never happens with version 9. It all started with Version 10 and forward.

  • hello, please fix my teamviewer that dtcted as commercial. thx

  • Where is the form that we fill out to send the information in?

    I cannot get any good service from these guys unless I have a PAID license, like the free clients don't matter.

  • Dear engineer of TeamViewer:
    I am a student in University of Science and Technology of China, and I have been using TeamViewer on my computer in my laboratory and dormitory, but this computer whose TeamViewer-ID is **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** was detected that seems to be used in commercial environment. Sincerely, I need your help to take a check that it is being used for personal usage including research and tests running.
    Thanks a lot!

  • heya

    got the same warnings and restrictions also

    just use *Third party product* instead

    teamviewer won't solve your problem unless you are a paying customer

  • Hello.

    Once blocked, they sent me an e-mail with the subject "Your request regarding commercial use: next steps". In step 2, it says:

    "THIS FORM (pdf link) is a declaration of private use that needs to be printed, signed personally and sent back to us at the following email address [email address removed by moderator].
    When you return this to us, we will review your response confirming your declaration of private use and use this to determine whether we can re-enable your use of TeamViewer"

    PDF is: [The link has been removed per community giudline]

    Hope it helps.

  • 2fools
    2fools Posts: 11

    Uninstall then install Version 9 from here:

    Then go to Extras>Options>Advanced>Show Advanced Options

    Then Change "Check for new version" to "NEVER"

    Then change "Install new versions automatically" to "No automatic updates"

    This never happens with version 9. It all started with Version 10 and forward.

  • Hi!

    I have the same problem can you send the PDF to me please. The moderator has take it away./Ann

  • Hi AnnLoise0.

    I think you should contact TeamViewer help support, since the PDF may vary with the user.

    Kind regards!

  • Hi banderas20 !

    I have already tried it but they say I should go through the community. It is difficult to get help.

    Kind Regards Ann

  • Unfortunately I choosed commercial use by my first installation. My use is 100% private and I want to change it know to private use. How can I do it. Uninstall and new installation by choosing private use does not help. Tia!

  • So when i re-installed windows recently i had to redownload teamviewer. Upon installation a little while ago i accidentally must have chosen the commercial use option and now i have been prompted that my trial has expired and i need to buy a license. I have been using teamviewer for personal use nearly 2 years on this account and i need help from the Team Viewer Support Team to change my Computer ID back to private. 

    As i cant sumbit a ticket on the webiste without a license i thought i'd post here. :)

    Thank you kind regards Alex

  • splow
    splow Posts: 6

    I am quite surprised to see a lack of discussion on TV's community on this issue. There are certainly plenty of discussions outside of TV's community on this issue ... 

    I am a retired programmer that have been asked by manufacturers in my past life to help out their customers and I do this maybe once a week for a short time. I don't get paid, but yesterday it says commercial use detected, and I am completely blocked from any use - both my notebook PC and home PC are blocked at the same time. 

    I really think this is pretty vicious. Time limits and that sort of thing might be acceptable - gives you time to appeal if you are genuinely using this for personal use, but outright blocking based on usage guess-analytics ... really? 

    Why doesn't TV just say personal use is only free for 30 days and charge for personal use? They seem to be getting a lot of bad publicity with this commercial use block. Personal use could be a much lower pricing with limitations on number of PCs or usage or whatever. As a retired programmer, I have always paid for everything I use and donated with software I found useful, so to experience what I am experiencing with TV is just brutal. 

  • Completely agree splow. 

    With all of the other remote support tools available now I am migrating ALL of our clients and working with other MSPs to migrate away from TV. We were able to several thousands of dollars per year by moving away from TV but when you manage thousands of endpoints migration can be a pain.

    Find another solutions folks - there are a lot of options now in the remote support tool market place and most of them are cheaper.

  • splow
    splow Posts: 6

    I totally understand the need to have a steady income to allow the continued development of tools, but it would be wise to heed the appearance of 2 giants in this field - Intel AMT, some many years in its unfortunately slow development, and Google's own ideas on this. 

    I don't understand the lack of a custom pricing enquiry at the very least - show some consideration for a variety of users that can't work with the pricing offered. 

    You and I are obviously have very different needs - I've honestly not noticed any difference in TV's many versions since I started using it, since my usage is entirely based on a convenient remote desktop solution free of router config, and I would think there is a whole ocean of users like myself. Sigh. 

  • 2fools
    2fools Posts: 11
    What others are available?