Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Hello, I'm using Team Viewer, but I continue to recognize personal connection as a commercial connection. Please resolve it.

    my email > [The personal information has been removed.]

  • I've gotten the dreaded commericial use detected message, but *only* on he copy on my laptop, which never does anything except remote into the machine in the living room. I literally use this copy for laziness so I can access the machine out there from my bed! I can't think of a more personal use for it than this!? Does it assume connections within a LAN are commercial? My router should obviously look like a residential router. I'm gonna submit a ticket for this, I'm just curious how the program "thinks".

  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Hi All,

    May I know when will the limit being removed after ticket submitted?

    I submitted the form yesterday, but still, the limit did not remove yet?

  • I've recently received this message with two devices I had it installed on - an old android phone (used to receive verification SMS messages related to outlook, tinder, instagram for two factor auth) and a laptop which contains photos, files and other things I would like to access while travelling as not to haul around everything on a harddisk. 

    So I'm managing two personal devices, for personal, non-paid use. And I got the message anyway. I've filed reports but have not (yet) gotten a reply, and honestly don't expect one soon either. Right now I cannot access various services while abroad just because teamviewer decided to block access to my android phone, meaning I can't see SMS messages properly (it's a slow phone and the 1 minute is not enough....). 

    Highly fustrating. It's pretty obvious that Teamviewer does not want a lot of people to use data on their application for free and is trying to reduce the network/cpu usage for free users by randomly sending out commercial use notifications/restrictions. Its become extortion-ware, effectively. 

  • splow
    splow Posts: 6

    Extortion-ware is right, especially for anyone who physically does not have remote access to a PC.

    I am a software developer and absolutely support that people should not freeload or pirate software, however, I think TV should not falsely advertise you allow free use if you cannot correctly ascertain what is free use.

    Plenty of users that rarely use TV and use it to less than 5 pcs getting flagged - not from hearsay, but colleagues and friends of mine. So this is all **bleep**. Exhorbitant prices that totally excludes the occasional user that is supporting family and friends for personal use. 

    Great product, hateful policy on this. I'd much rather there is no free version and a reasonable price for a basic product, or a free version that has limits or whatever. Don't go around saying free for personal use and then have rubbish analytics that flag people incorrectly. 

    I've completely moved out of TV and testing various products - really rooting for the newcomers. Really hope the old major players get a rude shock at how different pricing is - **Third Party Product**, **Third Party Product** and TV have basically excluded the huge pool of folks that do tech support for family and friends. Good luck to the newcomers that are offering much more reasonable pricing. 

  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Me too! I submitted the form , but no response and no updates. I am so frustrated.

    Hi Teamviewer team,

    I have been recommending your apps to my friends. I hope that you will not make me disappointed. Looking forward to hearing from you soonest!

  • I have the same issue as well i use the teamviewer to connect to mypersonal pC only and i had whitelist n blacklist only accessible by me.


    however it was tagged use commercial and it restricts connection to 1-2minutes and then u cant reconnect after 15 minutes.


    submitted the form but no replies so far its frustrating as i been using teamviewer for years and i really hope they have a plans for personal home users for a special price instead of a woophing 700usd.... 

  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86
    yes... so frustrated right now. I really hope Teamviewer will really react on our form submitted.. but seems they never do?!
  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Hello guys,

    May I check if there is anyone who really got Teamviewer to remove the " commercial usage" tab? If yes, how long will it take? 

  • stevep
    stevep Posts: 18
    It took about 1 month. I still get a nag screen that says they think I'm a commercial user when I open it, but then I get full use of the product. Their rep assures me that I'm registered for personal use. It's been working for 3 months without further problems.
  • Teamviewer is working for me again.  From the time I sent in the pledge that I was a non-commercial user to the time it was working again was about 3-4 months.

    These are the facts that I know.  After I was cut off, there was quite a surge of people reporting as you have.  Then suddenly, the number of messages dropped significantly at the same time TV was working again.  

    Remember, you are of no benefit to TV unless you report real issues.  Hopefully TV realises this and will allow more conscientious non-commercial users.

  • stevep
    stevep Posts: 18

    If you are getting this nag screen, then TV should work OK once you're past it. I didn't realize that at first, and thought I was still locked out (This is from V13)

    New nag screenNew nag screen


  • stevep
    stevep Posts: 18
    I think there is a real benefit to TV from free use - a 'herd' effect, like herd immunity. TV is an expensive product, and will have a limited base of paid users. By having a large pool of free users, they can raise awareness of their product at little cost to themselves. TV is, after all, an excellent product, and with a large free client base, they get talked about and recommended in a wide array of online forums and review sites, something they wouldn't achieve as a specialized product with a limited, albeit well-heeled, client base.
    We do have value!
  • fernjr
    fernjr Posts: 1

    Hi All, so I use TeamViewer at home, strictly to access my media server so that I dont need to have 2 monitors/mouse/keyboard on my desk.  Last summer, my account was flagged as a commercial user. I went through all the steps, it took almost 4 months, ending with me sending in a signed afidavit swearinfg that this was for personal use.  It worked for 3 months, now, I go to use it today, and it is again flagged.  Help???




  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Hi friends,

    Will there be a notification to inform you that your account was unlocked ? I've submitted the ticket last week but no any response so far :-(

  • splow
    splow Posts: 6

    No notification in my experience - it just suddenly works. 

    However, it is very clear TV has no interest in supporting personal use ... take a hint, find an alternative. 

  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Agreed, it sounds like they are blocking the users to use it and making tricks to  block the users. That's sad. 

  • Jim267
    Jim267 Posts: 1
    I’ve been using TV for about 10 yrs on 5 personal computers and 1 laptop. Recently laptop was blocked (determined to used for commercial use) I’m retired and only use this device to help spouse and mom with their computer issues. How do I get laptop reinstated as non-commercial.
  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Fill in this form and wait!

    I am one in this queue as well... the other users said needs to wait 3-4 months! Good luck!

  • Dear reader(s),

    Since 2 days I experience connection issues to my computers at home. Connections times-out after about 30 seconds and reconnecting is not possible due to restrictions. 

    When I try to connect to another computer, a message pops up with the message: (translated) "Teamviewer is used commercial by you or your connected partner. Your session will end in a few minutes. The free version of Teamviewer is for personal use only"

    I only use the application for private use and exclusively with my own desktops (desktops, media pc's and homeserver). I never used this for commercial matters and i am pretty supprised by this message as I use Teamviewer for this purpose for a long time now.

    The only thing I can imagine is that I connected a few times from outside the country. My partner is living in Qatar. I lived in Qatar for a few months and connected frequently to my server for updates and tranfering documents and files. I assume this is allowed and still 'personal use', but I maybe this caused the 'license issue'?

    Is there somebody who can help me with this matter. As I do not have any license, I cannot submit a ticket. Looking forward to a reply. As I am using my homeserver exclusively remotely (no monitor or keyboard attached) this is pretty inconvinient.

  • Since I have purchased a Reconditionned Dell Computer from [The URL link has been removed per the community guideline.] I keep getting warning that I am using Teamviewer as a commercial use ! 
    For many years now I only use TeamViewer to connect to my summer house to view My IP cam there and I also use it to help my family members and close friend with their computer problem, 
    Todaay it is worst, i get this message  and Within one minute I get disconected from my Summer home computerImage 2.jpg
    I Would like any help I can get to get rid of this problem 
    Thasnks to anyone that can point  me in the right direction 

  • Just use TeamViewer v9.
  • I am using Team Viewer for personal use.
    However, there are restrictions on access for commercial use.

    I am so innocent.
    I have never used it for commercial purposes.

    Please remove the time limit for using the Team Viewer.

    I pledge not to use it for commercial purposes.

    Please let us know your email address.

    hava a nice day!


  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Please fill in this form and wait for 3-4 months. I am queueing as well. :-)**Please do not post ...

    Good luck!

  • Rings
    Rings Posts: 11

    Waiting 3-4 months is a joke my friend :)

  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Hope you will hear the updates "within" 3-4 months. I am one of the one waiting , mate!

  • ingrae
    ingrae Posts: 1

    There is 5 minute limit for my connection to my home computer. I dont use it for a commercial use. I was connecting to my computer at home. Please help me to improve it that program takes me to use my computer without limit.
    Thanks in advance
  • i'm facing the same issue with the latest version Teamviewer 14 on my laptop, iphone, tablet and another PC.

    there's nothing to do with business use! y is it that teamviewer nowadays causing this issue???