Commercial use - Connection time out



  • I have installed by mistake as commercial user instead of personal, How can I change it   Thanks


  • Reyhan
    Reyhan Posts: 269 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @marijanabojovic

    Thank you for your posts.

    Could you please fill out the form in this topic here

    Thanks in advance.

    Did my reply answer your question? Please accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • kramdish
    kramdish Posts: 2

    Hello, good afternoon, 

    I use Teamviewer as a tool to connect to several of my computers (I have many at home) and help out a lot of friends.

    I used to get support by email but now they do not offer email support anymore.

    Could you please change the status of my account?

    Thank you very much.

  • fawasme
    fawasme Posts: 1
    My teamviewer session lasts around a minute only from my android and lets me reconnect around 15 minutes later. I have been using teamviewer frequently with my home computers for short periods of time but.this is. Annoying.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled teamviewer with no success. Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance for your help
  • Even though I have selected a free license for personal use , I am still getting an error , saying that my trial expired ..

    When I log into my TeamViewer account it says that my license is free , so why I am I getting this error ? 

    I need some help :-( 

    Thanks guys !

  • Katharina
    Katharina Posts: 135 [Former Staff]

    Dear andreitwv2, 

    Thank you for your post!

    Please have a look at this Knowledge Base Article:

    It will give you all the details on why you may be receiving that notification as well as a link to a web form via which you can contact our support team. 

    There are already many topics on this board that refer to the subject of expired trial versions and point to the relevant article. That is why I would also like to kindly remind you to use the search function before posting a question. Since we have many active users, it is very likely that it has already been answered and that you can get your solution straight away :)

    Thank you in advance!

    All the best,


  • A relative and I are helping my daughter with various things. She lives out of state.

    Anyhow, he told me to get Teamviewer. It was perfect but then some "trial membership" ended. He told me it would be free forever. Apparently I didn't pay attention and clicked business instead of personal use. Now I can't get it to switch, even deleting and re-downloading and installing. Any way this can be fixed?

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @MichaelFox

    try to read this Knowledge Base article


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • I got it and tried to submit a ticket. However it asks for a .log file and no where in the folder is there a .log file anywhere.

    There is one that says it's a log file but it's a "text document".

    Please bear with me. I am not very technologically advanced here.

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi MichaelFox,

    to help you is what I'm doing ... right now

    Try using the search box at the top of this community: you should find an article that explains exactly how and where to find the LOGs files required by TeamViewer: try searching for "log file".

    You will find an article written by @Jeremy of TeamViewer's staff


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • I tried again and all I got was no results. There is no file type of .log or log file.

    The only thing that says log file in the name of the file is a text document

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @MichaelFox,

    Perhaps your doubt is clearer. :-)

    You have followed what is indicated in the thread about retrieving the log file: from the folder that opens you will find several files. The one we are interested in has the following name (TeamViewerXX_Logfile -> XX = your TeamViewer version, eg TeamViewer12_Logfile) and Windows marks it as a Text Document. In fact, with the right mouse button, you can access the properties of the same and you will notice that the actual extension of the file is ".log"

    However its content is really a flat text file...



    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • Katharina
    Katharina Posts: 135 [Former Staff]

    Dear kramdish, 

    Thank you for your post!

    Please have a look at this Knowledge Base Article:

    It will give you all the details on why you may be receiving that notification as well as a link to a web form via which you can contact our support team. 

    There are already many topics on this board that refer to the subject of commercial use and point to the relevant article. That is why I would also like to kindly remind you to use the search function before posting a question. Since we have many active users, it is very likely that it has already been answered and that you can get your solution straight away :)

    All the best,


  • mlukac89
    mlukac89 Posts: 4

    Hi, my friend have problem with licence key because he installed Team viewer 12 as company user because he didn't know about it and he need only for personal use.

    He try to

    • uninstall
    • remove keys from registry
    • delete folder from c:\program files x86\team viewer
    • clean all with ccleaner
    • restarted computer
    • new install and he can't install and use it for free (personal) licence

    Is there any way to change this or to change only licence to "personal" ?

  • mlukac89
    mlukac89 Posts: 4

    I made him a script to delete all files, folders and registry key and even that don't works, why ?

    @echo off
    echo Deleting registry keys
    reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer" /f
    reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer" /f
    reg delete "HKCR\TeamViewerConfiguration" /f
    reg delete "HKCR\TeamViewerSession" /f
    timeout /t 5

    echo Deleting Team View from program files
    del /S /Q C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer
    rmdir /S /Q C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer
    timeout /t 3

    echo Deleting Team view
    del /S /Q C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\TeamViewer
    rmdir /S /Q C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\TeamViewer
    timeout /t 3

    echo Deleting Team View
    del /S /Q C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\TeamViewer
    rmdir /S /Q C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\TeamViewer timeout /t 3 exit
  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐
  • mlukac89
    mlukac89 Posts: 4

    Thanks DomLan we tried that but got only few days licence, as mine opinion its a bit stupid that licence don't remove with uninstallation because if ppls like him made a mistake they have big problems later that they can't solve.

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @mlukac89,

    Could you explain to me the case story better?
    Do you have a friend who needs help and you have to reach him with your TeamViewer? Has he installed a complete package and has selected (by mistake) the Commercial Type?

    If the answer is affirmative in both cases, then you could create a QuickSupport module from your Management Console and send it to your friend. ( -> login). Execution will allow him to be later reached by you for assistance.

    In any case, even complete pakage give opportunity to run once for assistance without complete installing process.

    If the case is not this, the personal use verification form is the only option available.

    I'm sorry.



    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • mlukac89
    mlukac89 Posts: 4

    He installed full team viewer "a complete package and has selected (by mistake) the Commercial Type".

    Now i'm helping him because he has no much knowledge in computers and systems.

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Perfect, try what i've previously suggested;

    If the answer is affirmative in both cases, then you could create a QuickSupport module from your Management Console and send it to your friend. ( -> login). Execution will allow him to be later reached by you for assistance.


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • xprt007
    xprt007 Posts: 4

    Hi there

    I have been using Teamviewer for a couple of years, exclusively to help a couple of friends with PC issues. For this particular account, I installed a version that allows remote access and doing a couple of things like logging in directly via the TV website, without having to ask for the user ID & password, etc. I included for this purpose about 4 or 5 PCs of friends to my online account & this worked with no problem.

    For 2 of these 4, 5 PCs, I and a friend had to re-install Windows 10 for a couple of reasons, several times.

    A couple of months ago, while trying to re-install Teamviewer on one of them, and going on to have a remote session, we're repeatedly cut off. I do not remember the exact message, but it was to the effect there's suspected commercial use!

    It's quite astonishing how this was arrived at, as said, because the only changes in my online account being the repeated re-installation of Windows on 2 of the 4 - 6 PCs in my account. Currently, for the 2 particular PCs, because of this it has not made sense installing TeamViewer yet because of the mentioned problem. Instead, the Portable version without needing an account is being used.

    Actually something I have failed to see is how to delete PCs that no longer exist, because of re-installed OS from the account. Currently, of the 8 PCs, only 2 are valid, the other 6 are non-existent, no longer valid entries that cannot be removed and are actually they are the 2 PCs only with different names given during re-installation!!

    So my questions:

    • Short of deleting the account, how do I get back to using the account without the mentioned cut-offs on false suspicion of commercial use or is TeamViewer absolutely infallible in its judgement when it takes such action? I think I read somewher on online, it is basically useless to challenge such moves by Teamviewer.
    • How do you remove or edit away PCs that no longer exist, such as in the case of re-installing an OS as mentioned?

    I would appreciate your help.


  • alonpet
    alonpet Posts: 1

    my partner trial licence expired

  • Mubu
    Mubu Posts: 2
    İ installed TeamViewer and chose commercial or both accidentally, and İ really only using TeamViewer for personal, non-commercial use, then are you able to remove the trial period for me so that TeamViewer reverts back to the free version?
  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @Mubu

    Try to follow what is indicated by this Knowledge Base (use form for verification)

    Hope this help


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • Mubu
    Mubu Posts: 2

    I did it as you told,But how much time later i will get answer?

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @Mubu

    from that form...


    But I'm pretty sure you'll be answered before.


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @alonpet,

    try to see this thread


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • PhantomF
    PhantomF Posts: 14

    Well a new version 77242 was released today and I didn't get one early time out all day with the free version.  Hopefully the issue is resolved now.

  • philly03
    philly03 Posts: 5

    Hi, I am writing you here since I cannot get through by phone or by submitting a ticket. I am not tech savvy so I asked my friend (which has a business and does pay for teamvierwer) to build my computer and he installed teamviewer on it but he installed the commercial one and this is for my home computer and now my cousin can't help me configure a hard drive since it says that I have to buy the licence. Can you please help. My friend came and uninstalled it and tried to install the right one but It is still the same. I only use teamviewer so that my cousin can help me with computer problems. He suggested that I write to you.  Thank you for your time. Phil.

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @philly03,

    You must send a verification request; You can reach the form if you follow the links I mentioned in the very first answers.

    In any case, if your cousin has a private license and you are in the only position to be READY for receive assistance, you can ask him to install a custom form (QuikSupport module). This is not a complete installation, but will allow your cousin to give assistance to you.

    Hope this help


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder