Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Dear Sirs, I just disturb you about a problem I have with my teamviewer license; I'm a home user and I can confirm that no professional or commercial use of Teamviewer has ever been made, but some days ago a messsage appears: "commercial use suspected..." and my teamviewer sessions last just 5 minutes from that momento on....

    Again I confirm that only personal use of the sw has been made (management and maintenance of friends and relatives pcs, in addition to mine when I'm out of home); so please, if it's possible, re-.activate my teamviewer license asap. 

    Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation and best regards

    Luca Baruffaldi

  • Don't use TV for personal use. I have in the past, and it was a good product, mostly stable. But even though using it to connect to a remote computer a few times a month, TV kicked me out and wanted to sell a licence. You should try **Third Party Product** instead. Not an easy setup but once you get there, it works. 

  • Ich habe seit einiger Zeit, vielleicht ein paar Wochen, Probleme mit Teamviewer. 

    Ich nutze das Programm um meinen Verwandten zu helfen und werde fast immer nach ein paar Minuten rausgeschmissen mit der Meldung dass der Nutzer ein paar Minuten gesperrt wird. 


  • A few months ago one of my pc's was blocked for Commercial Use. I uninstalled and forgot about Teamviewer for a while. Today I reinstalled Teamviewer on the PC again. It's working now but I'm getting Suspected Commercial Use Pop ups. I really don't want it blocked again. Please, what do I do? I only use this pc as the household media server.

  • PraO
    PraO Posts: 2

    Bei mir ist das genau so. Man kann praktisch nicht mehr damit arbeiten.
    Auf diversen Seiten habe ich als ältere Begründung gelesen, dass das wenn man es übermäßig benützt so sein soll, aber bei mir kommt es auch, wenn ich vorher 1-2 Wochen mit niemand verbundem war. Gefühlt ist das so seit dem Upgrade auf Version 14.

  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    Hallo @Tommyfare @PraO 

    vielen Dank für eure Posts und herzlich willkommen in der deutschsprachigen Community. 

    Könnt ihr bitte nachschauen, welche Versionen auf beiden Seiten installiert sind? Stellt bitte sicher, dass ihr auf beiden Seiten die aktuellste Version verwendet. 

    Gerne könnt ihr auch einen Screenshot der Meldung hochladen. Achtet dabei bitte darauf, dass keine TeamViewer IDs, Passwörter oder Emailadressen ersichtlich sind. 

    Solltet ihr Fragen dazu haben, stehen wir euch gerne zur Verfügung. 

    Ich wünsche euch einen guten Start in die neue Woche. 

    Viele Grüße

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • Hallo Natascha.
    Es ist auf beiden Seiten die aktuellste Version installiert.
  • Dossini
    Dossini Posts: 3
    Yes !!!! one minute and also less ....... 30 seconds !!
    it's incredible !!! It's not a good thing at all !!!
  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    Hi there, 

    Thank you all for your posts. 

    Can you please tell us the exact wording of the message you receive in this context? You are welcome to post a screenshot of the message. Please make sure that there are not displayed any TeamViewer IDs, passwords or email addresses.

    Which version is installed on the remote side? 

    Looking forward to your answer. 

    All the best, 

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • I had a problem while I was transmitting my pc to a friend of mine via teamviewer and in the meantime I received the message from Ban because I used the account for commercial purposes when it is not true

  • It varies. It says something like "It seems are using Teamviewer for commercial purposes" and then "You have been disconnected due to using Teamviewer for too long" 30 seconds too long when connecting only and almost always exclusively to the same computer at my home in another country to help my Dad use his computer?
  • I'm sure it does but it's not very smart
  • PraO
    PraO Posts: 2

    Hallo Natascha,

    mein Problem ließ sich tatsächlich beheben, wenn beide Seiten mit der aktuellen Version 14 arbeiten. Bisher habe ich das nicht so genau genommen, da es nie Probleme damit gab.
    Damit es verläßlich funktioniert, musste ich meine Installation komplett entfernen und durch eine frisch heruntergeladene Neuinstallation ersetzen. Denn ich bekam beim Start eine Meldung in Englisch, dass ich auf die neueste Version wechseln muss.  Bin ich aber auf Update gegangen, hat er mir auf Deutsch bestätigt, mit der aktuellsten Version zu arbeiten. Dieses Verhalten ist seit der sauberen Neuinstallation weg.

    Bei meinem Freund (Version 10) und meinem Vater (Version ca. 12) habe ich jeweils die aktuelle Quick-Support Version heruntergeladen und seitdem hat die Verbindung länger als 5min gehalten.

    Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung,

  • fripzap
    fripzap Posts: 1

    hello, teamviewer detects a commercial use while it's wrong how to do? thank you

  • Did it fix itself or how did it get fixed?

  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    Hallo @Tommyfare 

    könntest du, wie @PraO, bitte einmal versuchen, TeamViewer auf beiden Seiten komplett mit allen Einstellungen zu deinstallieren? 

    Installiere ihn anschließend erneut und teste es bitte noch einmal. 

    Ich hoffe sehr, dass das hilf und freue mich auf deine Rückmeldung dazu. 

    Viele Grüße

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • Good day;

    Although after claiming for the commercial use of the product, you have answered me
    "After reviewing your application, we decided that your use case can be described as" personal "
    I still have the same problems of not being able to connect with my equipment.
    Do I have to do some other procedure for TeamViewer to return to its private use situation?

    Thanks and best regards

  • Did it ever get reset properly? I'm still waiting.

  • Today nothing change. still limited 1min max

  • And there's no technical support or contact for free users to follow up. So I guess we just have the one minute free version that just keeps telling us commercial use detected even though we've also been told it isn't.

  • I suspect you may have to send in a form for each and every computer to which you connect, not just the client (or is it "server" using client-server terminology?)

    I think if you send the form everyday, for each computer, from each computer, for three months you may hear something.

    Or not.

    I suspect that Teamviewer has dedicated one person, one hour per month, to review cases such as ours.

  • ykanello
    ykanello Posts: 1

    I am not using this professionally but I am blocked to use it.

    Really bad :( will not use it again.

  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 153

    @OldSurferDude : yes, I think you're right, I filled in the form for all my IDs, the problem is that when they answer back, they don't tell you which one has been reset to free. Thus I've received an email like this, and another one to fill the declaration of personal use, but again no idea to which IDs they apply. Therefore, I consider the procedure to be completely useless, and it's just dust in our eyes...

  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    Hi @pv7721 

    You have to fill out a form for each ID... We are not able to reset more than one ID with only one form. 

    Thank you and all the best,

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 153

    @Natascha : Yes, I understood that, what I point out is that when we receive back an answer from TV, we don't know to which ID it pertain...

  • I get same email some days ago, but I haven't tried it yet

  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 153

    @AriannaMicrochi : have you filled the form only for the ID of your computer, or for all the IDs you connect to?

  • fuxas100
    fuxas100 Posts: 2

    Hello (i'm sorry for my english). :) I use Teamviewer for personal use. (i connect my pc from pc of my wife for personal use, because she now live  in another Country. Its 2 Device. .

    Few weeks ago, Teamviewer was block my account for sospect use commercial.

    So, i send email for Teamviewer and explame my real situation. And  2 days ago i have this message in my email from Teamviewer: Dear TeamViewer User, Thank you for getting in touch with us. We are happy to inform you that your TeamViewer ID has been reset to “free”. After reviewing your request, we decided that your use case can be qualified as “personal”. So, today i open Teamviewer, but i have message that me or my wife use teamviewer for use commercial :/ Today i was send ticket for Teamiwer, i hope that will response more fast. Or Maybe some administrator che read my message. I will send my personal Id. Thank you so much. Have nice Day.


    I send another email for Support and i hope they will response more fast for me, or maybe here some administrator can read my situation, i can send my real id, in private message. 

    Thanks for support.

    Kind Regars.

  • fuxas100
    fuxas100 Posts: 2

    I have also, this problem with my notebook.

  • Same problem here. "You've been using Teamviewer for too long" (or similarly worded) after less than 10 minutes of use (and a timeout before I can login again). This is not useful any more. I'll drive to my friend's home in the weekend and fix his problem then. In the meantime, I won't recommend Teamviewer to anyone any more.