Same ID on two laptops ...

The temaviewer app shows the same ID on both my macbooks with MAc os so i can't connect to eath other   ...HOw can it be fixed please?


  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    hi, I would suggest you to uninstall it from one machine complete. Then with other machine running Teamviewer iwht shown ID online reserved, try to reinstall it and run on the first machine.

    By this way it could be assigned a seperate id to other mahine.


  • Thaanks a lot but still did not work >>> still same ID (

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐


    please take a look to this post

    i bieleve it could give you some point to understand what is hapened and you have this issue.