Power BI and Tableau reporting not working with Service Camp

I tried to follow the instructions here https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/servicecamp-Knowledge-Base/Reporting/ta-p/33423

but I have been unsuccessful to get this to work in either Power BI or Tableau.

I've tried to use both Power BI and Tableau to try and connect to the reporting to our Service Camp tickets but Service Camp no longer comes up as an option in Power BI and when I tried to connect with Tableau, it gets stuck at the sign in complaining that cookies aren't enabled.  I need to get some data from our tickets for a project. 



  • Did you get an answer to this or solve it? I see the service is still not on Power BI

  • ithhart
    ithhart Posts: 5

    There is still no response as well as the service still not being on Power BI as well.

    The neccesary preview feature (Custom Data Connectors) according to the manual is also not present in Power BI anymore.