A transparent box is following around my cursor


I am working on a Mac connected reomotely to a PC. A Transparent box is following around my cursor and will not let me click inside the box but it will cover important parts of the page I need to click on. If anyone has any insight into how to fix this, I would really appreciate the help. Attached below is a photo of the box if it helps. Thank you!

Annotation 2020-03-17 090833.png


  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @callahancohane 

    I can think of two possible causes of this issue and they are both in the Windows machine.

    First is that maybe it is turned on the Magnifier, which is causes a rectangle box to follow the mouse wherever is going. A little strange as a cause, I know but it is easy to enable it by accident. You can see in this post how to manage it easily.

    The second (and most possible) is to have enabled the Translucent Selection Rectangle on the Windows Desktop. This is a box that represents the area that will be covered if right-click is pressed. This is in the Visual effects and as an example, I'm giving you this link to understand how to manage it (depends on your Windows version).

    Let us know if one of these solutions worked for you.

    Best regards

  • Hi Vatsilidis, 

    Thank you for the quick response. I tried the magnifier approach and now my screen is extremely zoomed in. I am unable to zoom out because the key commands are not translating properly from Mac to the remote PC. I have the Send Key Combinations checked off but am unable to zoom out using the key commands. I am so zoomed in it is rendering my ability to use the remote computer useless. Do you have any insight into how I can zoom out?  

    Thank you,

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐


    Please at first try by pressing Ctrl + Alt and rotating the wheel on your mouse (down is zoom out).

    Else give a look to this picture

    Screenshot 2020-03-19 00.03.34.png

    Please notify me if its all ok.

    Best regards