No iPad keyboard remote access

lehmanbob Posts: 2 ✭✭

This has not happened to me before. Remote desktop access to Windows 10 PC from iPad has worked fine.  But recently when I opened app on the desktop, I could not get a keyboard to open on the tablet, so couldn't really do anything.  Could just be a mismatch bug between TeamViewer and app, but thought I would mention it.


Best Answer


  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @lehmanbob 

    Did you enable the on-screen keyboard from the setting menu in Windows?

    You can do that if you open the Start menu and write the command


    It will open the "screen keyboard" instantly. Then, you can pin the icon at the Taskbar and you can have the virtual keyboard just by clicking on it.

    Please update with further results.

    Best regards