Connection Issues with Teamviewer Quick Support

I am having problems with my customers not able to connect when using Quick Support. When it opens the username does not show up and they get an error message that it is not able to connect to the internet to check the proxy servers. Anyone else having this problem?



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @garybc,

    Thank you for your message. ?

    Our developpers worked on a fix. It should be working again now.

    Can you confirm?

    If not, please contact our support: 

    Our team will be happy to assist you here. ?

    Best regards


    Community Manager

  • garybc
    garybc Posts: 2

    Is this as an update to Teamviewer Quick Support that should be downloaded and updated to my website.  I have been working with your support team and it seems the problem is that sometimes QS has an older version as part of the log file and since older versions are not supported it will not connect.  Was this what they fixed?

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @garybc

    The issue was that the QuickSupport couldn't be opened and used.

    If you have an open support ticket, please follow the instructions of our engineers. They always have the latest updates on bugs/resolved cases.

    I thank you in advance.

    Best regards


    Community Manager