Double screen (simultaneous) on Mac


I would like to use my office Computer (Remote, PC, dual screen) from my Home computer (Local, Mac, Dual screen).

I would like to use the 2 screens from my home mac to display the 2 screens of my office PC.

I know how to switch from 1 screen to the other, I know how to display the 2 screens of my office PC on 1 sceen of my home mac, but I can't have the 2 screens of my office PC displayed on the 2 screens of my home Mac.

I know this is possible when both computers are PC, but is this possible with Mac?

Thank you for your help.

Best Answer


  • jlt926
    jlt926 Posts: 1

    How do I connect from a Mac to a windows computer with multiple monitors. The options to choose the monitor to connect to is not available.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍
    edited July 2021

    Hello @jlt926,

    Please check out @Esther's latest blog post:

    In the fifth section called 5️⃣Tile Window to left/right of Screen, she explains how to get both monitors on one screen.

    In your case, you will need to place the first remote monitor on the left, and the second remote monitor on the right.

    If you want the remote screen in full screen, you can also use the Active monitor feature in the View menu of the Remote Toolbar:

    Hope this helps 🍀

    Community Manager