cannot enter admin credentials, screen got pop up message


Hi Guys,

 Everytime the PC needs the admin credentials the above message pops up. What setting should be setup to fix this issue? Newbie here.

Thanks for your reply.



Best Answer


  • Stokesy
    Stokesy Posts: 1

    I've had this problem recently aswell but running TeamViewer 14 host on the other end. The user is logged in on a standard account and is therefore not an administrator so Teamviewer isn't running with administrator rights. 

    Whenever I try to do anything with admin rights this window pops up and completely stops anything I was trying to do until the UAC window times out. 

    Only noticed it more frequently in the last week or so.

  • Hi JeanK,

    Thanks for the quick reply. Based on your reply, the only way that I can install softwares remotely is that I need to provide to the User my admin credentials to open teamviewer. If that User have admin rights or have my credentials then he does not need my help in installing softwares. Is there a work around for this? I am very new with teamviewer.

    Kind regards,


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @javaman34,

    Yes, this is correct. ? 

    Unfortunately, there is no workaround to bypass this.

    Best regards


    Community Manager

  • JFra
    JFra Posts: 2

    The remote employee can't run anything as an admin, if they could, we wouldn't need to login.

    Your solution is not viable. 


  • JFra
    JFra Posts: 2

    So what you're saying is that teamviewer is useless if you have to install anything remotely on a user that does not have admin rights? (basically all our remote users).

    @JeanK wrote:

    Hello @javaman34,

    Yes, this is correct. ? 

    Unfortunately, there is no workaround to bypass this.

    Best regards



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @JFra@javaman34 and @Stokesy

    Thank you for your messages. ?

    By reviewing this thread, I noticed that I misunderstood/ made a mistake in my explanation here.

    By connecting via UAC, you can connect with your admin rights, in order to elevate the rights on the remote side. Therefore, by connectiing with your admin rights, you will be able to install programs.

    I hope this clarifies the question.

    I am sorry for the confusion caused.

    Best regards


    Community Manager

  • I am having the same issue as well.  How are we supposed to connect to UAC with our credentials if we have already connected with Teamviewer ID/Password of the computer we are troubleshooting? 


  • In the remote PC, open teamviewer go to Extras--> Options --> Security and set the windows logon to your liking. Hope it helps.

  • Balac
    Balac Posts: 1

    I have same issue , sad to see that this is the default design . The core and most common use case has not been taken into consideration . No end user has admin rights so unable to use the product . Sad