Sign out of TeamViewer Desktop after inactivity

Hi there, 

I use authy to login to TeamViewer on my own desktop (using Authy as extra security). From there I connect to 4 different PCs. I often forget to sign out (or exit) TeamViewer on my desktop in spite of best intentions. 

Question: Does anyone know if there is a setting which will automatically sign me out (or even exit)  TeamViewer on my desktop after a period of inactivity? 

Thank you


Best Answer


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @michellepace,

    Thank you for your message and welcome in the Community! ?

    You can set this up directly in the TeamViewer options of your computer.

    1. Open TeamViewer on your computer
    2. Go to Extras → Options
    3. Go to Advanced
    4. In Advanced settings for connections to other computers, place the arrow on the timing out period you desire

      TeamViewer options.png

    I hope this could help. ?

    If not, do not hesitate to ask your questions here. ?



    Community Manager

  • Thank you Jean for your reply. However, this is not actually what I am after. On my PC I log into TeamViewer and I use the APP Authy. I then have access to a variety of machines. Should I leave my PC unattended, these machines then become at risk. 

    What I am looking for is for *me* to be logged out of TeamViewer upon XX minutes of activity such that my password and authy code would be required again. Does such a setting exist?

  • Thanks Jean. That is quite a big sercurity hole, but very simple to solve. Could you please suggest it as a feature request?

    Even windows will "lock" after a certain amount of inactivity. 

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @michellepace,

    I checked and this function already exists for our Management Console (
    You will be automatically logged in after a certain amount of time. But not for our TeamViewer client version.

    I forwarded your request to implement this for the client version as well. ?

    Thanks again for the discussion - take care and stay safe! ?



    Community Manager

  • dear all

    i see this message is from may 2020

    already improvement made for professional paid users?

    i really need this as i always forget to logout

    i have around 10 computer in my netwerk i use and i now there are definitly 50 desktops with teamviewer open and acces to all 10 computers

    please let me know where i can change the setting that teamviewer logs out on your desktop application after for example 1hour of inactivity

  • It's been three years since this request, and I am wondering if this feature will ever be implemented. The OP is right, this is a security hole. The desktop client should ask daily to reauthenticate using Two Factor authentication. To many machines can be at risk, if a PC is left unattended, or if a TA gains remote control of a user machine through social engineering, etc. Very common this days.