Reset TeamView ID for a Mac

Can someone at TeamViewer please help resetting an ID for a Mac computer.

I brought a MacMini off eBay and the same ID is used even after a complete wipe of the SSD and new install of the OS.

The original owner stated they can still see the machine is powered on or off but cannot login.

How can I reset the ID ?




  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @GrahamBerks 

    I think that your issue landing here in this article, regarding the renew of the ID.

    Please read for the OS you want to renew it and I believe it would be fine.

    Best regards

  • Already tried that, it doesn't work.

    As stated, I have wiped the SSD completely and installed a new OS amend it still has the same ID.

    It says 'raise a ticket' but I don't have a support account.

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Yes, I read it.

    Independent of the SSD wipe, did you try to uninstall it in this way, reboot the Mac, and install the latest version?

  • Yes, the process must be the same for Mac as per Linux & Windows