updating on xp

Hello Everyone,

I have a winxp machine, I am trying to update the teamviewer to the most recent version so I can talk to  my win10 laptop.  When I try to update it fails .  In the log it says SSL/TLS connection failed.  I can connect to the internet on this machine with a browser so it has a connection.The version on the xp machine is ``.0.65452. Thank you for your help.




  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @Jeffluminais 

    I'm not sure which version are you using in XP machine. I would suggest you read carefully this OS compatibility list and I believe it will help you to take out important pieces of information regarding your current setup.

    Perhaps the solution to your case will be that you reach the limits of compatibility!

    Thank you and best regards