Odd Screen Resolution with TeamViewer Host


I have 2 Samung tablets, one is pretty old and the remote display is good. I bought a newish Samsung tablet but the display is all squished and I am unable to fix it.

Old Samsung 10.1" SM-P605V Android Version: 5.1.1 works without issue

New Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e 10.1 - Currently it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting. Ok well this was happening so much that I uninstalled the host app and reinstalled but now I get a blank screen. Before It looked normal but in a 4:3 aspect ratio and looked squished that I dont even want to work on it.

Anyone have similiar issues and resolved it?

For clarity I am remoting in using TV15 from win10 to the Samsung Tablet. I have also rebooted the tablet several times and uninstalled, reinstalled.

Update: So I decided to see if anything was going to be different if using Quick connect and its showing normal screen rez.

Update 2: Reinstalled TeamViewer Host for the 2nd time and getting blank screen, when I click on the spots I think are the controls I can see the tablet respond but not getting a picture at all.

Update 3: If I go into the Host app and choose Advanced, change the Screen Sharing Method from Knox to Media Projection, I see a screen, changing it back I do not and goes back to a blank screen. With Media Projection I dont get the desired key presses.

So either solution has its cons, Media Projection does not get the screen location correctly and Knox doesnt show the screen but does the screen locations correctly.



  • rfanch3r
    rfanch3r Posts: 3

    WOW, really? No responces? Do I need to make a ticket then if no one wants to bother responding?

  • rfanch3r
    rfanch3r Posts: 3

    And still no one? I cant even submit a ticket because it keeps redirecting me to the community forums.

    I cant even use the quicksupport now because of the position of the mouse. When I hit the 3 lines, it thinks its elsewhere and brings up Chrome and keeps hitting the u key.

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