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  • 허정훈
    허정훈 Posts: 2
    edited December 2023
  • Underskore
    Underskore Posts: 3
    edited March 13

    Teamviewer, this **bleep**. How does using teamviewer to control my pi and my other pc trip the commercial use at least twice **bleep** year now?

  • I have been using TeamViewer privately for decades. Recently I have been exhausting my laptops cpu and memory and rather than spending another grand on upgrading I remember TeamViewer and connected my old desktop to my laptop to offload cpu and memory consumption so both my devices are connected nearly all the time. I am guessing this is what triggered the commercial suspicion.

    Once filing for the access reset, how long does it take to get reestablished?

  • Pannathat
    Pannathat Posts: 1

    I'm Using from my laptop to my home pc to download my personal picture and Remote destop for playing game on my pc

    Why I got commercial

  • Tof06
    Tof06 Posts: 1

    In this procedureto reclaim free version, when you mention: Add all TeamViewer IDs that are involved in your connections. 

    Should we provide all IDs from which we connect from, or also IDs on which we connect to ?

    Hope it is only from, otherwise I have more than 10 :(

  • krupers
    krupers Posts: 2

    Hello everyone, I am also having that issue but with a notice like that. I can confirm that I filled that form last time, because as an University Lecturer I have to connect remotely to my computer at the University as well as my other home computer and I have some devices I use frequently. Unfortunately I didn't know that I (probably) have to add to this for all IDs, not the primary one I am connecting from (not to), so this was my mistake. But now I can not resubmit this form and I do not know what to do :(

    I already confirmed my personal use and I can confirm it again - there is absolutely no commercial use, but I think that I was stressed and filled the reset form wrong - this is the effect of my fault :(

    Could you help me with that?

  • Tsanguine
    Tsanguine Posts: 4

    I have a commercial license as well as a personal free license and I would typically switch accounts depending on what machines I needed to access. The free personal one times out now and locks instantly making it worthless. Is there anything I can do? I'd rather not move all of my personal machines into my commercial license.

  • kristoffe
    kristoffe Posts: 1

    See I have never used this commercially and I noticed when I had a bug for jpg thumbnails I cleared my cache on many levels with ccleaner. Suddenly I am now accused (which in writing is LIBEL by teamviwewer) that it is commercial. I have always used this on my home system for my friends and their pcs. It's funny how they go through waves of this and harass users while claiming it is free. it would be interesting to match this 03-19-2024 with the amount of increase in price and how many workers they have laid off.

  • This content has been removed.
  • DoGauss
    DoGauss Posts: 1

    The quiz doesn't quite address my issue, as it is somewhat niche:

    • I'm currentliy in front of my work notebook and I COULD log in to TV with my company license - but I don't want to, because:
    • I do have a private matter to attend to with TV on a family member's notebook
    • I do not wish to use the company license for a private matter, because
    • although I could - and my boss wouldn't mind - I'd still rather not mix private and corporate matters more than neccessary
    • But as I cannot access my private PC at the moment (on vacation) the company notebook has to suffice.


    • The TV id of this notebook is primarily linked to my company account
    • How can I use my private account on the very same machine when tending to a private matter that requires TV?



  • MassimoSavino
    MassimoSavino Posts: 1
    edited March 25

    I have used TeamViewer to assist my father with desktop issues -- as a free, personal user -- for nearly 15 years now. On upgrading to the latest version, I was suddenly blocked from use under the false suspicion of commercial use, today. I accessed the reset page, and supposedly was reset.

    However, on reinstall and restart of the application, I was blocked again.

    Shame. I will never use this ever again, this software **bleep**.

  • nhumctech
    nhumctech Posts: 3
    edited April 3

    I submitted a request to re-enable free use.

    I got an email from TeamViewer support saying I needed to fill out another form, sign it

    2) THIS FORM is a declaration of private use that needs to be printed, signed personally and sent back to us replying to this email.

    The problem is the link to THIS FORM seems to be broken. When I click on the link I get this error message

    This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.

    How do I get the correct link to the form to fill it out and send it back?

  • theyland
    theyland Posts: 3

    Hi. When filling out the free reset form, which device is the "affected device"? My PC or my 86 year old mother's mac? I only entered my mother's device ID; should I have entered my device id? Or both IDs?

    Should I fill out the form again using my device ID, or both IDs?


  • Woolnut
    Woolnut Posts: 1

    Just had this suspected commercial usage pop up appear, even though I barely use TV and when I do, it is always to the same couple of devices which are owned by family members. I don't really understand how this so called detection works, I suspect because I am on Windows 11 Pro?

    This is a massive pain in the proverbial and the form isn't exactly useful, as its not immediately actioned. Often the need for me jumping onto for example my grandparents computer is fairly urgent. Having 5 minutes at a time to try and fix an issue and also having to navigate through random pop ups and accusations of commercial usage is irritating.

    I don't really know what was wrong with the old way this worked. I am looking for alternatives that don't accuse me of unfair usage and restrict me based on idiotic detection methods.

  • I use teamviewer from my ipad (while not at home) to access my mac (at home) to use the desktop interface that like multiwindow functionality or some software which is not possible from the ipad, I do this for several hours on a row, all activity is for personal use. Is this commercial or private use?

  • sgeorge
    sgeorge Posts: 1

    TeamViewer for private use is fake.

    After filling out the reset form I got the feedback that the Id was successfully added. But it still does not work. Meanwile I have taken much too much time with trying to get free private use.

    It would be more honest to say, that teamviewer is for commercial use only. That would have been saved a lot time for me.

    Finally, I am sure, never to come back to teamviewer.

  • Toniodiaz
    Toniodiaz Posts: 1
    edited June 25

    Hi Esther,
    I've been using TV for so long that I cannot remember. Always it has been as a private use like giving some support to my mother or father in their computers as they are not that skilled in IT or accesing to my home computer with my laptop from abroad. I have never had problems until today that I got that message and couldn't connect anymore.

    I cannot imagine how do you determine that helping my mother using her laptop could be considered a commercial environment.

    I could not even use the app for the 5 minutes stated, after a few seconds the session was terminated.

    I carefully read al the comments above although they are quite old and followed the instructions to reset or reclaim my free version. Filled the form and submitted it for a message that the response could take up to 72h. Some of the people here seem to have no success even after several days. How could I be sure you are considering my case and not to waste my time.

    Just as I told you before I loved the TV app for years and I'm sure you can see that my connections happened rarely and just as you asked, personal to my beloved ones. I would hate to find another source to do that since I got used to TV and always trusted the security of your connections.

    Do I have to go and find another app? In which other can I trust?

  • RoMo17
    RoMo17 Posts: 1

    TeamViewer is a fantastic tool! But why have they not figured out that the dialog box telling you about that your use are suspected to be commersial, also should have a link to this explaining page, so that you easily can find how to handle the situation!

    Time after time it have happened to me, and every time I spend meny grey hairs trying to find how to correct the error.

  • DanIvan
    DanIvan Posts: 1
    edited June 28

    This is the third time in under a year I'm asking for a reset. I only connect from my Ipad or Iphone to my windows computer. 95% of the time I connect between the same two IP's which both belongs to private homes. How can it suddenly be flagged as commercial use?

    I'm currently trying **Third Party Product** while waiting for my TV to be reset. It works great so far.

  • siemlac
    siemlac Posts: 1

    Hello, is the connection with non commercial licence time limited? I did a reset of IDs on my laptop, pc and my wife's laptop, and still when im trying to do smth system closes conection and tells it was sposored by TeamViewer…

  • czon
    czon Posts: 1

    Hi. I have the free version, I want to be able to help my long distance girlfriend with her computer. But every time Im trying to help someone I get a false positive with the commercial use detection and get blocked to connect to their computer. What can I do to not be blocked. Kind regards Victor.

  • My ID was flagged as a commercial user about a year ago. I am simply helping my uncle with his NAS and I don't use TV for anything else. I filled out the declaration form about a year ago, but nothing ever happened with that. Uncle called again asking for help and obviously, I filled out the new form and so far no response. I have confirmed that is not working many times by signing out. It would be helpful if there were an email confirmation with a request number and an escalation process if there was no response when submitting the form. I had to create a new TV ID just to post, as my original ID is not receiving Email from TV , but others have no problem contacting me. I got the following message and I checked spam as requested

    To ensure the continued security of your account, you need to first confirm this browser is a trusted device. We have sent you a confirmation email containing a device authorization link. If you don't receive this verification email within a reasonable amount of time, please check your junk or spam folder. Read further information about trusted devices.

    The problem is I never get the Email to confirm is trusted. I am not sure if this issue is impacting the lack of response/action to the form but I have no idea how to address this with TV.

  • I just wanted to say thanks for re-enabling my ID. It took some time and multiple submissions but I was pleasantly surprised.

  • ifg
    ifg Posts: 1

    Hi - like others I've been using Teamviewer for years for poking my collection of PCs, laptops and NAS, etc., as well as the usual firefighting for friends and relatives. I got the "suspected commercial use" banner about a fortnight ago, filled it in, got an email back saying all good and is reset. Tried a connection, banner still there. Filled a reset form in again, email says good to go for private use, tried connection, still got banner. Tried third time, no email after a week, so on my fourth reset attempt! Is there a way of flagging which devices are suspect, which would save re-entering them all again (I've about six devices in all including family).



  • Whartoa
    Whartoa Posts: 1

    Hi, I have the dreaded "suspected commercial use" message for the second time this year.

    2nd April - Suspected commercial use - Reset request sent. Email response received a couple of days later and reset successful.

    30th Sept - Happened again. Reset request sent. No response

    8th Oct - Still locked. Reset request sent again. No response.

    20th Oct - Still locked. Reset request sent again - added all 7 devices I've connected to in last 12 months. Await with bated breath.

    As with many people above, I am retired ex IT professional who has no problem helping friends and family who have limited IT skills. I do not get paid for this so, as far as I can tell, I qualify for the free licence. I've used TV to help people no more than 15 times since 2023 so I'm not sure how that's been identified as being commercial use. Sometimes it takes time to help but that's understandable given the limited skills which some have :-)



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