Update now to the most recent TeamViewer Remote version 15.61. See the Changelogs here.

[Windows] v15.8.3 - Change Log

Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

Operating system: Windows

Version: 15.8.3

Release date: 2020-07-28



  • Black Screen improvement: The black screen feature now shows an image with the TeamViewer logo on the remote machine.
  • Licensed customers can now opt-out of in-product marketing messages. Important in-product messages like EULA updates will still be received.
  • Improvement in URI handling relating to CVE 2020-13699.

Bug FixesBug Fixes.png


  • Fixed a bug for TeamViewer Printing which sometimes caused an error during printer driver installation with a result code 80070490.
  • Fixed a bug for File Transfer which navigated to an incorrect folder when typing "C:" into the path field in the File Transfer window.

Former Community Manager



  • deejinoz
    deejinoz Posts: 35

    I'm confused. We are being told (not by TeamViewer it seems but by third part security information providers) that 15.8.3 for your Windows version is needed to prevent the CVE-2020-13699 exploit.

    Critical problems TeamViewer needs to address:

    1. As customers you should be keeping us appraised of such serious vulnerabilities.

    2. You should also keep us appraised of updates that you release to address such serious vulnerabilities.

    3. This change log doesn't even appear to mention this vulnerability.

    4. For a remote support services system provider TeamViewer really needs to pick up its security game, especially as remote working is rapidly becomming the new normal in a post COVID-19 world.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @deejinoz 

    Thanks for your comment.

    Yes - this update includes improvements in URI handling related to the CVE-2020-13699 as mentioned in the Change Log above.

    We also released updated versions for TeamViewer 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.2 and 14.7 accordingly. I posted the Change Logs in this board as well.

    Also, we posted a statement in our announcement area to inform our users and customers. Please feel free to subscribe to the board to stay updated on all updates posted on this board.

    Please rest assured that it is our top priority to ensure the best possible security for the connectivity solutions our users trust in. That’s why we encourage leading security researchers to search for and disclose to us potential vulnerabilities related to TeamViewer regardless of the root cause.

    Thanks and best,


    Former Community Manager

  • hi @EST 

    regards this one -> 

    • Licensed customers can now opt-out of in-product marketing messages. Important in-product messages like EULA updates will still be received.

    is that possible to untick this options but without login to tv account. i noticed the options is greyed out if users not logged in. i was using MSI installer for our organization. that my understanding that should be unticked.

    another question. is the blue ribbon saying that: free for non-commercial use on the top, as soon as we installed the new version. can it be get rid as well for MSI installer in our organization?

  • Lexo
    Lexo Posts: 1
    edited July 2021


    How to deploy disabling in-product marketing messages via GPO or Registry on Windows?


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,062 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Lexo,

    It is not possible to deploy this parameter as it is not device-based, but account-based.

    Therefore, every user will have to make this change for himself.

    Alternatively, you can also deploy custom modules, as there are no ads in custom modules:

    Here is how to create the custom full version:

    Here is how to deploy it:

    Community Manager