Command-line to change the Teamviewer Random password (for spontaneous access) password strength v15

We would like to change the current Teamviewer Random password (for spontaneous access) password strength setting, to the below setting for all of our v15 Intune host machines:

Password Strength = Secure (6 characters)

The reason for this, is sometimes our end users are randomly presented with a blank password field when we try to estabish a remote connection.

We currently manage our devices via Microsoft Intune (See below), & need the correct Command-line argument for this feature change?

/qn CUSTOMCONFIGID= APITOKEN= ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %COMPUTERNAME% --group-id --grant-easy-access"

Thanks in advance :)


  • TotalPC
    TotalPC Posts: 87 ⭐Star⭐

    Hello Johnny,

    For Windows OS' that setting is in the registry. At the moment, I don't believe there are any command-line arguments to change that, you would have to either change the setting within TeamViewer's options, or change the registry setting then restart the TeamViewer service. Here's the exact registry setting for that option:

    or for 32-bit: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer]

    Look for the DWORD value: Security_PasswordStrength

    If it's not there it's defaulting to data value 1 (6 Characters) the other values are detailed below.

    0 = Standard (4 digits)
    1, default, or none = Secure (6 characters)
    4 = Secure (8 characters)
    2 = Very secure (10 characters)
    3 = Disabled (no random password)

    If you go into TeamViewer's advanced settings there at the bottom it offers a couple Export and Import options. Choosing the Export to a *.tvopt file, then opening it in a text editor, will show you the various registry options TeamViewer is currently using on that system. Normally this file is intended to be imported through TeamViewers GUI, but it will show you the many variables TeamViewer uses in the registry to really customize it to your needs through the use of registry scripts.

    I don't have experience with Intune, so I may be way off the mark here, but I hope this information helps you.

    TeamViewer user since version 6 (2010). We used other remote software programs (TVNC UVNC PCAny) for many years before.
  • HI, how would you do this via policy from management console, I dont see option to disable random passwords?