Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
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Updated by Akiho

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    I too am unable to complete the request. 1st... none of the links worked. I keep getting messages that the page didn't exist. Then I found a link in someone's post to the page. BTW the actual page is not user friendly. Finally figured out what to click. Takes forever to load... and don't click to another tab in order to multi-task because it will time out.

    OK after an hour and a half of trying to find the form to request a reset or request the account be reviewed... It times-out when trying to submit. All I'm trying to do is to get onto my son's laptop to help with a school project. How difficult can that be???

    TEAMVIEWER used to be a really great program.


    TV seems to think I'm using the software commercially and locked me down.

    This has happened before. If you look at my account history and communications with the company you'll see the explanation.

    Can someone please fix this?

    User: "bertbatman"
    Updated by Natascha

    **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** this pc number

    Why did this id start to be blocked as commercial use?

    I have 10 pc in my family and what is this use now?

    Look how many times a year I use the connection and this is only in my PC!

    To sell me for money, you first make backward compatibility of the product versions so that you don't have to run to the PC where you already see an outdated version and you can't connect to it.

    oh... and I just used the Teamviewer reset, but my only option was to select 'account management' issue. I love Teamviewer. It fits my needs perfectly, but this commercial use detected is getting old.

    User: "TeeElAche"
    Updated by Esther

    Every six months I get a Commercial use detected message. I have installed another remote desktop program because I lose my remote login ability for weeks at a time. I have NEVER used Teamviewer for commercial use. I mostly use it to remote into my home network while I am away from home. What should I do??????

    User: "bertbatman"
    Updated by Natascha

    **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** this pc number

    Why did this id start to be blocked as commercial use?

    I have 10 pc in my family and what is this use now?

    Look how many times a year I use the connection and this is only in my PC!

    To sell me for money, you first make backward compatibility of the product versions so that you don't have to run to the PC where you already see an outdated version and you can't connect to it.

    and what is it so stupid? Writes in 5 minutes will be disconnected, and blunt will disconnect after 30 seconds

    User: "bertbatman"
    Updated by Esther

    [personal information removed]this pc number

    Why did this id start to be blocked as commercial use?

    I have 10 pc in my family and what is this use now?

    Look how many times a year I use the connection and this is only in my PC!

    To sell me for money, you first make backward compatibility of the product versions so that you don't have to run to the PC where you already see an outdated version and you can't connect to it.

    same thing happened with me

    I really shouldn't be wasting more time writing this here, but I might as well see if there's anyone home that cares:

    I found a link you put into a comment response to a license reset:

    Like a fool, I followed it and thought I could just ask for a reset. Instead, it erased my input over 10 times, I had to use two different browsers, erase cookies 25 times, RE-Log in another 25 times.... Just to see if I could try to hit a button that said,: "Saving to PDF", watched for about 90 seconds, and then a cryptic message that said ERROR --- nothing more!!

    Here's the last message.... Maybe someone could post some REAL email addresses I could just use instead of form pages that are obviously broken and won't work. If not, I might take on the mission of finding anyone and everyone I can find, until someone listens:

    "" Can I get my TeamViewer ID reactivated?

    If you're using TeamViewer for personal use only and you have received the messages 'Commercial use suspected' or 'Commercial use detected', we're here to help you.

    'error' ""

    Really?? ""ERROR"" with NO explanation??

    • < ----------------------------------------------> NOTE that the following could NOT be submitted, since the previous error prevented it, evidently.
    • Oh, and the message that says you can SAVE your work, log out and come back later to submit it??
    • There is NO WAY to save your work that I could find-- it simply erased it and forcefully logged you out instead.
    • Minus the two ID's I tried to submit, and my name and home address this is what I tried to submit: < ------------------ >

    15th try to log in --- this time using a different browser ---  last time it was "Request for permission" on a pure black screen. before that "504 Gateway Time-out"

    I was LITERALLY 10 seconds from hitting SEND, and you LOGGED ME OUT and ERASED all my work.

    PLEASE just POST an EMAIL ADDRESS -- this are ridiculous hoops to jump through!

    I've had about 10 errors just trying to submit this form --- I'll try once more time and then just give up. 504 errors, and the last time, it TIMED OUT and erased everything I was entering here!!!  --- The login screen goes to a BLANK screen, and most of the time, NOTHING is showing, so I have no clue what to do next on this page ---

    I use this T.V. at Home -- ONLY at home, unless I am, or was, at my Mother's retirement community in St Pete --- (Which is now impossible to visit-- COVID.) --- I have these devices at home, with just my wife and myself: 2 laptops (Windows PC's) 2 phones, 2 tablets and a few TV dongles, 2 Fire TV's, 2 Roku's, and 1 Android TV. -- ALSO, OLD PCs that I still have, but are replaced -- One of which is ON, but only displaying the TIME and not logged in. -- NOTE that various OLD devices that are not turned on are most often used, just to get OLD data from them to my current devices.  

    In the past five years, TV failed me when I needed it most. I couldn't make it work for more than 20 seconds -- after not using it at all in the past year. At home, 99% of the time, it is easier, faster, and quicker to use VNC. On rare occasions when I am out, I now use "Remote Utilities" 10 user license, which covers all my devices. Luckily, Remote Utilities did what I needed. FYI, your 5 minute timeout STOPS after 20 seconds now.  And, it says I can reconnect in x minutes, but then I never can--it just gives a new time, and then fails immediately, and then an new time.

    Check my logs --- I haven't used TV now for years --- maybe 10 minutes at most-- total time. I promise, I won't install it on anything new. And, I won't recommend anyone try to use it, unless they erase it, lest they think it will work when it will (or might) fail when needed the most.

    How long does it take for teamviewer to review a trouble ticket? I use teamviewer at home to help my dad, and also have a paid version at work for work activities. I work from home and had my VPN running when I logged into my home teamviewer to help my dad. I was instantly shut down with the commercial use warning. I submitted a ticket almost a month ago now and have not heard anything back. I tried to submit another ticket and the message says something like please be patient your request is being reviewed. Do the requests ever get reviewed or do I need to search for another remote software? I'm not buying a license to help my dad 4 times a year, and I am not using work resources for personal use.

    Best to get a cheap paid account in that case.

    Saw your original post before TV removed it.  Thanks for the suggestion - I've been trying to find something else to use.  I will try it.


    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    TeamViewer has been uninstalled from all my PCs.   

    User: "Natascha"
    Moderator β˜‘

    Hi @Aggravateduser5 

    Thank you for your post and the heads up. ?

    I will let my colleagues know that it's currently not working. Will keep you posted in this thread if there's any news on that. 

    Thank you for your patience and I'm really sorry for any inconveniences caused. 

    Have a great day. 
    All the best,

    German Community moderator πŸ’™ Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

    It's still not fixed.  The "Generate PDF" button does nothing, on multiple computers and multiple browsers. And with Teamviewer not allowing free users to contact customer service (and this forum apparently being manned by frustrated users and no teamviewer staff), what is a person to do except give up and switch to other software platforms?

    Didn't understand a word of this - and appears to be not really relevant to the previous posts.

    Teamviewer stopped working. Every time I try to connect to my mother's computer (PERSONAL USE!!!!) it says connection is blocked after timeout. It then sets the timer for a minute out and still does not allow to connect. I tried using latest version, prior version, all the same. This software simply DOES NOT WORK. 

    fix it???


    ... and it thinks I am flooding the message board, so it is not even letting me post this message. GREAT!

    Not working for me

    I've had teamviewer free for a few years and have used it occasionally to help my 78 year old dad with email, etc. A couple months ago I started working from home and use my personal computer to connect to work over a VPN. I have a commercial teamviewer license at work, for work use - but I don't use that to help my dad. That license is for work.

    A few weeks ago he called and wanted help to sort his emails in a certain way. While I was connected to work through the VPN, I used my home computer to open up the home - free version to help him. Teamviewer instantly complained about commercial use (false of course - check my ID and history please). I went through the process to request a review of my ID and a reset so I could continue to help my dad on occasion. I have heard nothing back from teamviewer and I believe its going on three weeks now.

    How long does the process usually take and how are you notified whether or not the reset would be done? I would hate to have to purchase a commercial license for those few times a year my dad needs help. (He lives 117 miles away). I tried to go through the reset process again, but the page tells me "Your request has already been submitted and is pending further review. Thank you for your patience as we process your request."

    Thanks for the input or suggestions.



    I have just spent 2 hours trying to resolve this issue.  Clicking "Generate PDF" does NOTHING!  I have tried it on two separate computers, 3 different browers on every computer, checked my downloads, and NOTHING.  This unsolicitated "decision" teamviewer's algorithms made that I was commercially using when I'm clearly NOT, followed by a broken ability to even submit a request for reconsideration, followed by teamviewer providing NO avenue through customer service for getting help/support is the EPITOMY of poor design and customer service.  Although my use is 100% personal, I do work for a company that is in the middle of evaluating teamviewer and similar products, and believe me I fully intend to provide my 2 cents on how horrible this experience was and recommend against!  Maybe teamviewer just treats their free users like garbage and commercial is a different story, but I'll never know from this experience.

    Try doing the reset. I did it a week ago, still waiting.  Keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best.

    Apparently my Team Viewer ID has been flagged as Commercial.  I don't understand as I only use this software to help my 80 year old mom with her computer when she has problems.  Can someone please help me out?  I don't understand what to do now.  Thanks!

    I have same issue (COMMERCIAL USE DETECTED) when I updated to version 15.12.4   Seems to be something in that vers that is blocking 1,000's of free non commercial users.

    I use Teamviewer exclusively for personal use (mostly to help my mom out when she messes things up on her PC and to communicate with my home desktop when I am traveling) and do not use it commercially at all.  For some reason, I was flagged for suspected commercial use.  A week ago, I followed the procedure and submitted the form attesting to personal use only and requesting to be reinstated.  It has been a week and I have not heard anything back and still cannot use Teamviewer.  Does anyone know roughly how long it takes for these situations to be resolved?  Any input would be appreciated.  Thanks!



    I uninstalled TV from all my PCs. I created a new userID under a different eMail address. I reinstalled TV. When I try to connect it tells me I am a commercial user.   Clearly something is broken and TV refuses to even acknowledge that they have problem  If they don't want to allow free users, why don't they just say so?    

    I give up. I'll find an alternate product.

    Teamviewer drops out after 1 minute?

    And now it worked...

    Yes, I've tried multiple browsers

    Yes, I've tried multiple computers

    Yes, I've tried on mobile

    Whenever I try to go to the Reset management page (  to get my ID reset since TeamViewer thinks that me helping out my Grandparents is commercial use, one part of the page or another gets a 404 and I can't proceed. I have the PDF, but at this point I can't reupload it. getting "Error"2020-11-30_09h08_47.png

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