Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
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    Hi I am having the same problem somehow  I can't go back to free


    Unfortunatey, TeamV is not what it used to be.
    In fineprint they promise FRE USE for personal purpouse (and they do not mension any time limits).
    So is not the outcome. They are blocking even personal users.
    I have been blocked 2 times, although i used it strickly for personal use.

    It is hard to find a mail, where to complain, when it happens (maybe it is done by purpose).
    It take months for them to remove the block. Im not shure that the second block is removed yet (sent complain mail nov.-19).

    Once you are blocked - they states that you have 5 minutes time limits, which is not true. I do not know what watch they are using, but the connection went down within 30-90 seconds.

    I have found a good enought substitute for TeamViewer,  Chomes addons - remote desktop.

    For now i cant recommend TeameViewer for personal users only.

    They have also very bad customer support (non existing).


    You are right! My message was censored. At least I hope that the Teamviewer team are looking at our messages AND will hopefully change their policy. **Third Party Product** - remove the * I wonder if this will get censored?

    @Bonzadog  lol, it has been censored again, the email I got notifying me had the **Third Party Product** references but your last message on here had been censored.

    @Bonzadog wrote:

    My suggest was not "censored" when I suggest using "Remote Assistant" from ***Third party product*** Not quite as good as TeamViewer but excellent to work with. @TeamViewer: Wake and and take action -- you are about to lose customers.


    It's the same as it was and just not worth using for home use anymore.
    I use Discord screen share to help my friends and family thesedays - not ideal but we don't get disconnected and then blocked for a bunch of time supposedly because they decide to just assume everyone is using for business use, regardless of the fact they have my email address and 'registration' to know I am a home user helping out family and friends once in a while!

    Either pay for the software of find something else would be the best advice.

    My suggest was not "censored" when I suggest using "Remote Assistant" from ***Third party product*** Not quite as good as TeamViewer but excellent to work with. @TeamViewer: Wake and and take action -- you are about to lose customers.

    You have to be persistent.  I used Facebook to connect with them and eventually got it al sorted out.

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    Np Android apps but great for possibly what a lot of of use it for on windows PC's ... for now at least...

    The fact that Tv block any unwanted links to 3rd party software suggests they're  worried we'll all defect.  **bleep** right, as good as TV is when it's free, if you continue to ignore us, we'll do just that and regardless of whether it's on TV forums or not we'll strive to meet our most basic needs.  So TV managers either just scrap the free aspect or come up with a more workable compromise.  How much would you make if you asked all of us free users to pay ยฃ1 a month? Surely you can monitor useage to a degree whereyou can truly assess business use as opposed to personal use...??? I know it sounds stingy but I'd pay ยฃ1 or $1 a month for an arbitrary amount of access. But it would have to be something not too ridiculous...Say 1 hour per day free what's that worth?  Plus that might encourage users to log off more, I sometimes forget to do this ... oops. 

    for me it is even about 30 seconds and customer care does not give a sh*t

    before i even give teamviewer another go, is this still going on?  If sessions are limited to 5 minutes even for personal use, its literally pointless for me. 

    I had updated and still got classified as a commercial user. Perhaps if you wait for a while it may happen to you

    I was using 14.x and tried connecting to a friend who was 15.x - it told me that upgrade is needed.  My 14 was installed as "Personal" - but I believe that when the in-place upgrade came down it was "Commercial."  I removed TV (and settings) and reloaded - making  sure to pick Personal and my issue was resolved...

    As I have now become thoroughly annoyed with the lack of response from TV on the topic, I am posting here with a low expectation of a resolution (based on the sheer volume of other unanswered posts on the same topic).  I am part of the "playing by the rules" community of users who use the free software for it's intended purpose, to support my family.  For the third time, I am dealing with the "commercial use detected" nonsense and my sessions are cut at 5min. 

     - Only happens when I connect from my MacBook or iMac to a Windows machine

    - Mac to iMac works fine (so far)

    - Windows to Windows works fine (so far)

    I have now opened 3 tickets over the last 4 weeks and have not received a single response on the subject.  Called support today and they told me the ONLY way to get support on the free product is through the web form..... that goes unanswered.  #businessmodelfail. Why offer a product if you cannot use it within the restrictions you yourself set on it?

    I am hoping someone here has found a DIY fix for this as this is excruciatingly aggravating.  I am 20yr veteran of IT and I know what the difference is between personal and commercial use.  With that comes a general disdain for technology that does not work.

    Interesting side note, when I asked the support person how they detect commercial use, she was not able to give me a direct answer but said its at least partly related to the internet connection I am connecting from.  In other words, if I go to a coffee shop, it will detect the coffee shop internet and flag me.  It goes the same for airports, hotels, free wifi hotspots, your ISP's internet connection, LTE personal hotspots, and practically EVERY other place you can connect from!  She said its for "home to home" connections.. .which doesnt work either!

    You are NOT alone in trying (unsuccessfully) to deal with Team Viewer and their new 'business model.  I've personally given up and deleting Team Viewer from my personal computers rather than pay an exorbitant price for a professional license -- that I don't want or need.  The solution for me was to switch to one of the other alternatives.  There is a website listing and discussing the top ten alternatives to Team Viewer. I suggest you visit that site.

    TeamViewer has for some time had me on 5 minute limits thinking I use it commercially. Which I don't. I actually use it to support my 90 year old father.

    I cleared the pop up today and now the app says it's upgrading my account to business. I don't wish to and certainly cannot afford to upgrade. Please cancel whatever is happening! And if you are able to sort the commercial non commercial thing that would also be very helpful.

    Apologies, it was a complete accident and I could really use some help. Panicking a bit to be fair!


    Bonzadpg, I'm gonna give **third party product**

    Think I may have tried it in the past, but still no Android support which would be great for when I am away from home as I tend to rely on tablet or phone rather than laptop PC.  I have also asked to be notified when their Android beta becomes available


    Have installed it now, looks nearly as good as TeamViewer just doesn't list my current PC's as good as TV.  Definitely good enough for my needs though.

    Thanks again

    What was the **third party product** or has this been censored?

    I can recommend **third party product**. I, too, do not Understand TeamViewers current sub-optimal strategy. If they need money then charge, then all fee, but stop this blocking policy and reply to emails and reduce immensely the delay when one submit the "Private use declaration form"- I wonder if Teamviewer has a new management and they caused this unnecessary upheaval? I wonder if the Teamviewer Team actually look at these comments. I would never use **third party product** for remote control- they a data collectors.

    I have found Windows 10 comes with a nice app called "Quick Assist".  At work we've switched to **Third Party Product**.  For always on access, **Third Party Product** seems to work well.  Some of my older friends still use TeamViewer, hence my hope to have it restored.  Oh well, you're probably right.

    Find alternative, give up wasting your time with this, as good as it is, it's all a sham, they say it's free but clip your wings as quick as they can. I've applied on numerous occasions over the last few years **bleep** have never had any replies.  Their free use is a crock of you know what.

    I filled out and submitted a "Declaration of Private Use" form two months ago and have not heard anything since.  What are my options now?

    You need to fill out a form online to have it reset. Ive done it but it didnt help much. Hence why I am BACK to find a Support Team Member to try and fix it for good hopefully or Im going to find another Remote desktop service.

    Same here I'm getting very annoyed with Team Viewer this past month. It has been great for 6 or 7 years but all of a sudden it keeps giving me that Comercial use detected popup. I use it to connect to my gaming\Media\Plex rig to download anew movie to Plex Acc. when Im at my Dads house and that it.


    Same problem here... I need it to help my grandmother, and now it is a pain in the **bleep**... ยฌยฌ"

    I haven't used TeamViewer to connect from my personal laptop to my Desktop in month or so, and now its booting me after a min or 2 and says im using it commercially.  

    Both devices are not part of a company, personally owned.

    How do we get this unflagged as commercial ?

    Still no answer here nor on email.

    Could some of moderators answer please?

    @Esther @JeanK @apapakostas @JoshP @Nadin1 

    There should't be a 'low priced personal solution'. That's the whole point of 'free for personal use'...

    Happened to me three times now, even though I actually only use it for school. (I study IT)
    I don't even use it that often...

    Me neither

    What's that?

    Ah I worked it out.  Might be of use but no android app, I like to access my home pc from my phone from time to time.

    Tried twice over the years to use TV for purely none gain, but as everyone else suggests we get hounded to subscribe at ridiculous monthly costs. I'm sure even some of us who "like to help family" would be willing to pay a "nominal" fee per month to support friends and family for the solid access that TV offers.  Failure to consider this will ultimately  mean that more people will resort to using competitors like **Third Party Product** which while not as smooth as TV works most of the time flawlessly, just slightly differently..

    OK so TV doesn't give a monkeys and as to asking for them to review my usage< i wasted my time even tryin. Over 2 weeks later and still no response as expected both based on previous attempts and on more recent complaints online. I'm not a business person in any way shape etc, but I cannot understand how your business model works when the majority of people who expect this app to be free then get screwed over after getting used to using it, after being told you can use it if you're not a business deserve to be treated in such a cavalier way.  I have used TV for probably 5 years off and on as I still consider it to be a solid performer, but, for my limited needs will have to seriously consider reverting to **Third Party Product**, which, from my experience, means that, giving TV a wide berth for a few months then gives me some respite in using TV again down the line.  But like a failed relationship how many times will one return to said failed relationship?!!  Love the product , hate the **bleep** behind it.

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