Shortcut to connection

Hello. I would like to know if there is a possibility to make a shortcut to connection to exact station, so a user can just click it and connect to the station. Of course I would like it work even on hosts where outgoing connections are disabled (but the user needs to connect to just one other station anyway). Please give me some advice. Thank you.

Best Answer


  • If you have a TeamViewer account, you can add any host to your "Computers & Contacts" list, from there it is a double click to connect to that host.

    I don't understand what you want to say with "outgoing connections disabled"? If it is disabled in a firewall, than i see no way to connect.

    Can you give more details about your configuration

    »We are all born unique, but most of us will die as a copy.«
  • pzzoz
    pzzoz Posts: 26

    Thank you for your reply. I don't mean clicking a position in TeamViewer program window, on the list of computers and contacts. I would like to make a shortcut on user's profile desktop, so it is possible to connect to station without opening the main TeamViewer window. Maybe let's not take care about disabled outgoing connections feature now, it will make sense when a shortcut I desire will be done. Do you still need more details about my idea?

  • pzzoz
    pzzoz Posts: 26

    This is great and it works, thank you. But going back to another question - what if advanced configuration is set to not to allow outgoing connections, but there is a need to connect to one exact machine, just using such a shortcut we managed to make a few moments ago?

  • I don't think this is possible and especially together with the shortcuts it doesn't make sense to me.

    I should have mentioned, that you expose your passwords by using shortcuts. And the only scenario i can think of, where a limitation to a single destination host might be useful, is when other people have access to this TeamViewer installation.

    Perhaps it is possible if you use some third-party-tool (like Hide my Windows) that can hide app-windows, but that would perhaps hide the remote-windows too - i don't know and i would not recommend this.
    This way you have to allow outgoing connections, but it's not possible to initiate them without window.

    »We are all born unique, but most of us will die as a copy.«
  • 42
    42 Posts: 3 Staff member 🤠


    There is an additional option for the shortcuts:

    If you have the device with a pw in your partnerlist, you can easily drag it out of the list and drop it on your desktop. It will automatically add an shortcut, which can then be double clicked for a connection.

  • pzzoz
    pzzoz Posts: 26

    Of course it makes sense, bacause I mean a scenario that a user is not allowed to make outgoing connections (due to company's internal safety rules), but there is a need to connect to other machine using TeamViewer (just one exact machine). Other scenario: I need to make a closed group of machines, where a user is allowed to connect to - just exact machines, not any.

  • As far as I know, TeamViewer does not provide such a feature (I do not know if this is possible with the additional features in one of the commercial versions)

    I see another way to achieve your goal. You can use a firewall to completely disconnect TeamViewer from the Internet and then establish a direct connection (LAN, VPN, or directly over the Internet). If the host has a fixed IP, you can restrict access to only that host through your firewall.

    But! As long as TeamViewer does not support this natively, each solution is only a workaround and there is a real chance that there are possibilities for a workaround of the workaround. For example, it might be possible to use TeamViewer without installation, I do not know if any of the installed TeamViewer options will be applied.

    Is the meaning of this rule that this user is not authorized to connect to one of your hosts, or are there any hosts that are not yours? When we talk about your hosts, you can use the Black / Whitelist function on those hosts.
    Have you thought that it is easy to connect to other hosts with the mobile phone, and that it may not be possible to prevent the use of TeamViewer. If it is only a single host, TeamViewer may not be the right solution. TeamViewer is great to connect many computers without a lot of configuration effort, but to make a single connection to a single host, any software can be used (RDP, VNC, ..). The configuration effort should be limited.

    »We are all born unique, but most of us will die as a copy.«
  • pzzoz
    pzzoz Posts: 26

    Thank you for your extended reply. You made me thinking about a feature that can make a whitelist of machines, where a user is allowed to connect to, meanwhile all the rest of outgoing connection is blocked (by settings in TeamViewer advanced configuration). Is it possible to configure TeamViewer to achieve that? Or now it is still impossible in TeamViewer 12?

  • At the moment TeamViewer does not provide a possibility to limit outgoing connections. The idea behind TeamViewer is to control many computers from one computer. So you can only make white-/blacklists for every host. Using the whitelist you have to add every user to every host this user is allowed to connect. Using the blacklist you have to add all users to all hosts and then remove the users from hosts where they are allowed to connect.
    It might be possible that this can be done with policies but as i can't use this feature i don't really know.
    »We are all born unique, but most of us will die as a copy.«
  • 42
    42 Posts: 3 Staff member 🤠

    Restricting the access from the TV to only make it possible to acess a specific machine/s (therefore whitelisting outgoing connections) is at the moment not possible. Only incoming connections to device can be restricted.

    But, you can make a feature request in the idea board. :)

  • Thank you so much.
  • Best solution !

  • thx

  • That is a great solution. are there any other parameters we can use? for example username and password to log into the machine as well? things to make it easier?

  • YTVC
    YTVC Posts: 1

    >>42 Posts: 3 Staff member 🤠

    >>December 2016


    >>There is an additional option for the shortcuts:


    >>If you have the device with a pw in your partnerlist, you can easily drag it out of the list and drop it on your desktop.

    >> will automatically add an shortcut, which can then be double clicked for a connection.

    The above doesn't seem to work anymore. When I drag and drop to my desktop, nothing is created.

    As a workaround, I noticed that the shortcut that used to be created (and now doesn't) was a web document with a URL that looked like this: "teamviewer8://remotecontrol?connectcc=123456789"

    So I thought I would create it manually, but I can't figure out where the number comes from - it's not the TeamViewer ID.

  • This doesn't work anymore. TeamViewer crashes:

    Faulting application name: TeamViewer.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x66e9e29f
    Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.19041.4842, time stamp: 0xe6d00f33
    Exception code: 0xc000041d
    Fault offset: 0x000000000003b699
    Faulting process id: 0x3bc0
    Faulting application start time: 0x01db0ec6b235c439
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
    Report Id: 448dd107-a338-47e3-8f37-3d7708e46679
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:

  • Same for me as well. My TeamViewer crashes when using the shortcut to make a connection.

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" -i <TeamViewerID> --Password <Password>

    Is there a solution to this?


  • CSSM
    CSSM Posts: 1

    It appears a new release has broken this functionality, my best guess is that the shortcut launches a New exe, which isn't Signed In when the connection is attempted, then it crashes.