Mac M1 Silicon


Hi! I've got the M1 chip MacBook Air. I just installed TeamViewer and was able to get my account connected and the device showing up. I connect to my computer from my iPad occasionally and I notice that TeamViewer is often not running. I know I started it. I know it's set to start when the computer boots up. I think it's crashing. I'm not sure how to get logs to help.

TeamViewer says I'm running the latest version, 15.17.6. I'm not sure if I'm running the right installer—is there an installer specific to Macs with the M1 (ARM) chip? I know Rosetta allows apps that aren't built to run natively, but the TV site specifically mentions Native M1 Support.


  • LivecomSG
    LivecomSG Posts: 1
    edited June 2022

    I have the similar issue with M1 Mac Mini running on latest MacOS 14.2 and Teamviewer apple silicon version.

    My alternative solution is to install **Third Party Product** there. everytime i need to connect with teamviewer, i connect **Third Party Product** first. I click teamviewer from there to make it online. Then I can close **Third Party Product** and use teamviewer to control.

    I am wondering why teamveiwer did not really pay attention to the issue and fix the bug accordingly.