teamviewer windows10 desktop
i've got this message after auto update,
'to connect,please validate your account first.'
tried many times,never recieved sms code.
help me plz.
Every time i try to connect. It asks me to validate my account. What to do?
I deleted it and registered account again with same email. Now I got this message. What is this? Should I buy a new SIM on every my China trip?
I am reporting the same issue in China. I am a holder of a valid Chinese sim card. My Teamviewer has been updated to the new version, and two-factors authentication activated.
When trying to connect to any other computer, a messagge for account validation through SMS pops up. After following the procedure, the SMS never arrives. This is extremely annoying, as it prevents completely from the use of the service.
A workaround on how to fix this issue would be appreciated.
Hi @tion,
Thank you for your message.
It would be helpful for us to investigate if you can tell us the country you are in.
Currently, TeamViewer introduces account validation to unverified users in China which corporates with validation code in the text message. When you delete your TeamViewer account we delete all data related to your account. However, the phone number associated with the deleted TeamViewer account cannot be used to validate a new account until 2 months after the deletion.
For more information, feel free to check out this KBA and follow up on this post for more updates.
Best regards,
This phone number has been used with a recently deleted account and is currently unavailable.
How can I validate my teamviewer account while visiting china if I dont have a chinese mobile phone number?
Hi @ivantao ,
Thank you for posting on Community.
In order to complete account validation, can you kindly make sure that your TeamViewer account has been verified and only Valid Chinese mobile number to be used for receiving the validation message please.
Meanwhile, as we are also facing huge demanding requests of SMS validation, we kindly ask your patience on receiving the SMS.
For more information, feel free to check out this KBA and follw up this post for more updates.
Once again thank you for your patience and understanding.
Warm regards,