Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
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    Hi i am having the same problem. I am using for personal use.
    i need help!! i dont find any contact to help me with that

    I think they will do it for securing the site from spammers.

    I made a mistake and clicked Commercial Use during installation , Now i am reinstalling it but i see error 'Your trail period has expired.'


    Can somebody help me resolving it

    How long does it take to unblock my TeamViewer?

    Due to the large number of requests we receive, answering the requests can take some time, although we are now aiming to solve all requests within seven days. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Well it took a lot longer than seven days (actually 5 weeks) for them to respond to my form declaring I'm a personal user. This is the 4th or 5th time I've patiently waited for a reset (and been unable to use TV properly while waiting).

    Previously we could use the trouble ticket system, which seemed much more efficient. This was my first time having to use the declaration form method. And it's also the first time their reply email said anything about my license remaining reset to free.

    "With your signed declaration, we took additional steps to make sure your TeamViewer ID remains reset."

    I guess we'll see.

    But hopefully the recent reports are true... that people aren't getting falsely flagged as often, or they are able to continue to use TV even if they are falsely flagged for commercial use?

    I hope they really have fixed this seriously annoying problem once and for all.


    Kse Dyna --
    Is there any update on this?

    I have, the only noticeable difference is that it's listed as a "Preview" version now, I don't remember if the new nag & ability to use it on the marked PC at work came with this version as I auto update but it works, it wouldn't hurt to try there otherwise is no other functional difference..

    i am in the same situation but i had to change out my moms computer as it she down lodes ransom wear, i need to release that computer so i can add her new one can some one help me with that?

    @bazbsg wrote:

    I'm getting notified that Teamviewer 14 is available now. Has anyone tried it yet and have any information on how it affects this issue with "commercial use suspected"?


    Hi !

    It's a good question.
    Sorry that I can't help you, but I think you better to create your own thread to post it. You'll have more chance to get replies.
    (the subject title might be something like : Version 14. Is everything OK with "Personal use" ? Then, add in your post  : .. and all other features ?)



    I'm getting notified that Teamviewer 14 is available now. Has anyone tried it yet and have any information on how it affects this issue with "commercial use suspected"?


    ... I want to add to my former reply that I'm afraid my last "wish" is no way.

    On one hand, I understand that the real free users who have been trapped complain here (of course, I'm one ! :manhappy:). But there are too much "Free users" who don't play fair (and they always will, that's as old as our world)...

    And, on the other hand, I also understand that TeamViewer's managers need to protect their business... I'm total aware of the cost of the development and maintenance of such a product.... It's "mountains of money" !
    And any company needs to make money to keep on working at this maintenance and improvment of one's product(s)... They are not charity organizations. And, as you said, they have to "move forward" non stop (it's the rule of our kind of economy, and if you don't, you die !)

    But I can't see any 100 % reliable way to discriminate between those who really honestly use the product at "Personal use", in the respect of its owner's rules, and those who try to circumvent these rules (whether it is with or without their knowledge) ???

    The current way used by TeamViewer until now, is probably efficient for its managers, but it just can penalize those who play fair (I should say it's "a default way", which's unfair for the true "Personal users").

    @OldSurferDude wrote:

    @Andre75  et. al. The way you can help is simple.  When you see an anomoly or a bug, go on the forum and present the bug.  If you found a work-around, then describe it.  This helps all users.  In addition, the developers and maintainers, do indeed, read the forums and correct flaws as priorities permit.  Same is true for feature requests, even though, as a free user, you would probably not get access to that feature.

    This is how we "pay" for our free usage.

    On a personal note, I reloaded TV on my "offending" computer and have yet to see "commercial use detected".  

    I think I'll start a thread I'll call "TV for the hobbyist" where I describe my usage.


    Hi !

    Thanks for your advises. But to  remotely control some of my distant friends' computer, I do not use TV anymore (I have told yet that, by blocking me twice, and let me wait for 1 month before I got reset, TV pushed me to look for another mean... until I found it !
    (That's why I said that TV helped us a lot)...

    I loved TV, but I can't run the risk to let my friends and relatives in a big mess all in a sudden, without any warning... whether it would be due to my own blocking (for false "Commercial use detected") or the one of the person's computer I'm helping.

    I loved it because it had all the features we needed (it was simple enough in its usage, with no rights' restriction on the helped computer, full and fluid display screen, pretty fast with no latency, easy transfer of files... the chat  and voice communication was a plus, but I didn't often need for my use). And it worked with no bug... But, bad luck ! it's now too much scary as it's no longer reliable (when I got blocked, I had to let my daughter planted in a big mess, and she couldn't use her computer for a long... I don't want that can happen again).

    I had no new feature request (those it had were enough for my use).

    So I couldn't be the one to report some bugs that I would have to look for a work-around. (except the "big bug" we are speaking of on this forum topic... but there is no way, no "work-around"). Moreover I never had any other boring or serious bug as far as I remember (I was using it for about 8 years or more).

    Maybe I'll use it again, if someday TeamViewer officialy communicates and says there is no more free users blocked for "Commercial use suspected", and we will not have to be scared anymore ?


    @Andre75  et. al. The way you can help is simple.  When you see an anomoly or a bug, go on the forum and present the bug.  If you found a work-around, then describe it.  This helps all users.  In addition, the developers and maintainers, do indeed, read the forums and correct flaws as priorities permit.  Same is true for feature requests, even though, as a free user, you would probably not get access to that feature.

    This is how we "pay" for our free usage.

    On a personal note, I reloaded TV on my "offending" computer and have yet to see "commercial use detected".  

    I think I'll start a thread I'll call "TV for the hobbyist" where I describe my usage.

    @OldSurferDude wrote:

    ... ... ... ...

    ... I certainly have learned that there are many viable alternatives.

    Hi Old Dude !

    Actually, this is indeed in which way TeamViewer helped us. We learnt a lot from this hard experience... and we should feel grateful for this.
    I just wonder how could I express my gratefulness, as I can't afford to be a paying user (my retirement pension is quiet short, and the way I used TeamViewer was totally non profit)...
    So, I can only keep on not use anymore this software to help those I'm still helping.

    My opinion is, "You get what you pay for".  For example, I have free Pandora; I have to listen to some really annoying advertisements.  When they become too frequent, I will find something else.

    Companies use free users as a testing platform, advertising platform, and/or as a malware delivery system, etc.   The more reputable companies will be transparent in their dealings with their users. 

    It would appear that TV made/is making an awkward attempt at trying to move users to being paying.users.  It looks like they are trying advertising.  They are flailing.

    I would advise them to develop a pay for services model.  That is, the free version is very basic: remote control with advertising, but no file transfer, no audio, no meeting, etc.  This is the model of Pandora, CamScanner and many others.

    Respect (karma) is always important and it is a two way street.  I felt disrepected by TV, but now forgive them.  They provide me a service and if they want my help to develop a great product, I will help to the extent they help me.

    Let us, the free users and TeamViewer, learn from this experience and move forward.  I certainly have learned that there are many viable alternatives.

    @Glassdub wrote:

    I don't really care, it works now, if it stops working for good I will be forced to stop using it altogether & these "legitimate" users could opt to use a hacked version if they are on a private home network.

    You "don't really care, it works now... ... " !
    I'm afraid that's the problem !
    I was completely unaware that some people used TeamViewer for their personal convenience. Just to check and control remote their own devices (desktop computers, laptops, Smartphones... etc.)

    With a "Personal use license", I was only using it to help and fix my family and friends' computers and I never even think of using for something else ! (of course, I also understood that it could be used to make business in a company, but only with a paying license).
    You and some others helped me to have a larger understanding of the situation... I should say thank you for this.

    But the usage you, and others, are doing of a TeamViewer "Personal use" license, pushed its owners to protect their business, by deploying this "devilish" algorithm !

    I did believe for a long that TeamViewer really planned to kick away its "Free users". But now I understand better and I have 2 questions :
    1- Is the owner of a product wrong to protect his business ?
    2- Or, are they those who don't play fair by trying to circumvent the owner rules ?

    Of course, I understand how convenient it can be to control remote and check all one's own computing devices, from home to work and from work to home (or from anywhere towards anywhere).
    But it's not "Dad's rules in dad's house" when you do it from, or to, a professional corporate network.
    And those who did it have penalized those who only wanted to be helpful towards their friends and relatives, from and to private home networks.

    As long as those who didn't play fair were unaware of this, they had an excuse... But, now they know, I'm looking for a right word to define their behavior if they persist to do it and say : "I don't really care, it works now !"... and I just can find one... "selfishness" !

    About  Quote : "these "legitimate" users could opt to use a hacked version if they are on a private home network."
    I hope you can understand that if we want to help our relatives and friends, it's usually because they have a low IT skill level... And it can't be imaginable to push them at using a "hacked" solution.

    There was a very convenient free and legitimate  mean to help them... now it's a bit more "complicated" !

    Have a nice WE., with kind regards...

    I don't really care, it works now, if it stops working for good I will be forced to stop using it altogether & these "legitimate" users could opt to use a hacked version if they are on a private home network.

    @Glassdub wrote:

    ...and why 2 pcs on the same work network with the same OS & software are NOT mutually blacklisted?


    ... if read all the posts of this thread, you'll see why !

    If you try to understand something fully coherent, you'll fall into madness.

    But TeamViewer implicitly admits that it's improving its algorithm (ahead of its Knowledge Base), in order to make a finer discrimination between true "Free users" and "Commercial users"... But it shouldn't be a good news for you, as if it works well, both of your 2 computers would be detected as "'Commercial use".

    Sorry again that I can't provide you the link nor any picture of that news, but... you know about censor... ). You can look for by yourself.

    ...and why 2 pcs on the same work network with the same OS & software are NOT mutually blacklisted?

    @origami wrote:

    >Where is it written that running TV from a "corporate network" for PRIVATE USE constitutes >commercial use??? This would eliminate probably over half the users.

    Amen, exactly right.  Teamviewer seems to think they have the right to redefine the English language so that "commercial usage" includes connecting to your Grandmother's computer via McDonald's WiFi, because McDonald's is a corporate entity.  

    @origami ; @Glassdub

    Hi !

    I'ts a bit subtle indeed ! TeamViewer doesn't redefine any language (Whether it is English or any other). It just applies its own rules and interpretation for a free usage of its own product. Eventhough we don't agree with TeamViewer rules, it has absolutely the right to have its own rules ("Dad's house, dad's rules !"). This has nothing to do with the law, nor language's rethoric or semantics.

    Quote : "> Where is it written that running TV from a "corporate network" for PRIVATE USE constitutes >commercial use??? " ...  Its textually and explicitly written  in the TeamViewer charter from its Knowledge Base. Every case is detailed... (But sorry that I can't provide you the link, nor a picture, as my reply is immediately censored when I do it... You can look for like I did it).

    And you are right (both origami & Glassdub), according to these rules after youy read them, probably over half "Personal users" are in fact "Commercial users" (But without their knowledge I suppose).

    But there are some (I'm one... I should say I was one) who use TeamViewer only with their private computer from their home private network, to only their friends and relatives private computers via their home private network (without making money or any business in any case, of course)... and yet, they are still detected as "Commercial users" !

    That is the main question... and the topic of this forum thread.


    @origami wrote:

    >Where is it written that running TV from a "corporate network" for PRIVATE USE constitutes >commercial use??? This would eliminate probably over half the users.

    Amen, exactly right.  Teamviewer seems to think they have the right to redefine the English language so that "commercial usage" includes connecting to your Grandmother's computer via McDonald's WiFi, because McDonald's is a corporate entity.  




    Hi !

    It's a bit subtle indeed ! TeamViewer doesn't redefine any language (whether it's English or any other) but just provides its own rules and interpretation of what does "Commercial use" mean for its own product... And, eventhough we don't agree with these interpretations, TV has absolutely the right to do it, just because these rules are applied for a free usage. This has nothing to do with the law, nor rhetoric or semantics of any language. !... Just an owner's rules ("Dad's house, dad's rules !")

    Quote : >"Where is it written that running TeamViewer from a corporate network...  ?"... See on below picture (it's from TeamViewer Knowledge Base... Every one can find it as same as I did it)...

    ... And you are right indeed ! Probably more than fifty percent "Free users" are in fact "Commercial users" (most of the time without their knowledge I suppose ?)

    TeamViewer_Commercial use-2.JPG

    >Where is it written that running TV from a "corporate network" for PRIVATE USE constitutes >commercial use??? This would eliminate probably over half the users.

    Amen, exactly right.  Teamviewer seems to think they have the right to redefine the English language so that "commercial usage" includes connecting to your Grandmother's computer via McDonald's WiFi, because McDonald's is a corporate entity.  



    Where is it written that running TV from a "corporate network" for PRIVATE USE constitutes commercial use??? This would eliminate probably over half the users.

    @origami wrote:

    There is NO SUCH THING as an algorithm to detect commercial usage.  How would a computer know whether you are using software to make money or not?

    ... ... ...

    ... ... ....


    Obviously there is an algorithm. But of course not to detect if you make money or not... that's impossible (unless you claim it by writing or speaking while your sessions).

    This algorithm "can" just detect (at least it is supposed to) if you are using TeamViewer to a corporate network or a private one.

    There is NO SUCH THING as an algorithm to detect commercial usage.  How would a computer know whether you are using software to make money or not?

    The only algorithm that works is TRUSTING YOUR USERS, showing respect for your free tier customers, and incentivising them to purchase your paid products by providing excellent service and enticing extra carrots for your paid tier that the free tier folks might find desirable.




    @Glassdub wrote:

    Its very common for TV users to use it at work to phone home to a pc, I'm sure I'm not the only one, I'm not making money from this so it is not commercial use whether its detected as such or not. As I made clear earlier, I use 2 PCs at work to phone home (in addition to my notebook.) both are on the same work network with the same OS (Win 7 Pro), one is marked commercial the other not. I couldn't use the marked PC for 2 months I was off for a week when I came back it now works with the "new" popup (one time nag) as posted a few posts back, I'm sure I'm not the only one that is so lucky.


    If you  control remote your home computer from work with your phone which is connected in WiFi at your office network, it means you are considered as "Professional use". By the way, if one of you work PC is marked and not the other, it means you are lucky.

    As you say : "Its very common for TV users to use it at work to phone home to a pc, I'm sure I'm not the only one" ... That's exactly why TeamViewer decided to deploy this algorithm which is "so much efficient" that it detects also as "Commercial users" those who are absolutely NOT.

    But your case is clear, you really use it as "Professional use" (I mean according to the rules of TeamViewer). The question is not that you make money or not, but just that you use TV from a professional corporate network.

    That's none of my business and you can do what you like, but you cannot complain.

    If you want to know more about what is "Professional use" (still according to TV rules), just read it there :**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**-**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**

    In addition, the true "Personal users" can understand better whom they have to be grateful for this so much efficient algorithm which detects them as "Commercial users". Thanks for them !
    (As you say, you are not the only one indeed... who doesnt play fair... But you probably did it because you never read the TeamViewer rules).


    @Glassdub wrote:

    Its very common for TV users to use it at work to phone home to a pc, I'm sure I'm not the only one, I'm not making money from this so it is not commercial use whether its detected as such or not. As I made clear earlier, I use 2 PCs at work to phone home (in addition to my notebook.) both are on the same work network with the same OS (Win 7 Pro), one is marked commercial the other not. I couldn't use the marked PC for 2 months I was off for a week when I came back it now works with the "new" popup (one time nag) as posted a few posts back, I'm sure I'm not the only one that is so lucky.



    If you  control remote your home computer from work with your phone which is connected in WiFi at your office network, it means you are considered as "Professional use". By the way, if one of your work PC is marked and not the other, it just means you are lucky.

    As you say : "Its very common for TV users to use it at work to phone home to a pc, I'm sure I'm not the only one" ... That's exactly why TeamViewer decided to deploy this algorithm which is so much "efficient" that it detects also as "Commercial users" those who are absolutely NOT.

    But your case is clear, you really use it as "Professional use" (I mean according to the rules of TeamViewer). The question is not that you make money or not, but just that you use TV from a professional corporate network.

    That's none of my business and you can do what you like, but you cannot complain.

    If you want to know more about what is "Professional use" (still according to TV rules), just read it there :  What is "Commercial use"

    In addition, the true "Personal users" can understand better whom they have to be grateful for this so much efficient algorithm which detects them as "Commercial users". Thanks for them ! (as you say, you are not the only one indeed who doesn't play fair... but you do it just because you probably never read the TeamViewer rules ).


    @Glassdub wrote:

    Its very common for TV users to use it at work to phone home to a pc, I'm sure I'm not the only one, I'm not making money from this so it is not commercial use whether its detected as such or not. As I made clear earlier, I use 2 PCs at work to phone home (in addition to my notebook.) both are on the same work network with the same OS (Win 7 Pro), one is marked commercial the other not. I couldn't use the marked PC for 2 months I was off for a week when I came back it now works with the "new" popup (one time nag) as posted a few posts back, I'm sure I'm not the only one that is so lucky.


    If you  control remote your home computer from work with your phone which is connected in WiFi at your office network, it means you are considered as "Professional use". By the way, if one of you work PC is marked and not the other, it means you are lucky.

    As you say : "Its very common for TV users to use it at work to phone home to a pc, I'm sure I'm not the only one" ... That's exactly why TeamViewer decided to deploy this algorithm which is "so much efficient" that it detects also as "Commercial users" those who are absolutely NOT.

    But your case is clear, you really use it as "Professional use" (I mean according to the rules of TeamViewer). The question is not that you make money or not, but just that you use TV from a professional corporate network.

    That's none of my business and you can do what you like, but you cannot complain.

    If you want to know more about what is "Professional use" (still according to TV rules), just read it there :**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**-**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**

    In addition, the true "Personal users" can understand better whom they have to be grateful for this so much efficient algorithm which detects them as "Commercial users". Thanks for them !


    Its very common for TV users to use it at work to phone home to a pc, I'm sure I'm not the only one, I'm not making money from this so it is not commercial use whether its detected as such or not. As I made clear earlier, I use 2 PCs at work to phone home (in addition to my notebook.) both are on the same work network with the same OS (Win 7 Pro), one is marked commercial the other not. I couldn't use the marked PC for 2 months I was off for a week when I came back it now works with the "new" popup (one time nag) as posted a few posts back, I'm sure I'm not the only one that is so lucky.

    @Glassdub wrote:

    I never got reset, it has been blocked on the same work pc for a good 2 months, the difference now is that I just get the "suggestion" to pay popup instead of getting bumped off after a minute, The pc in question is still obviously marked (Wrongly) for commercial use & not reset.


    Hi Glassdub !

    What do you mean by "work PC" ?... If you mean a computer that you use at work, connected on a professional network, (and possibily via a server with an OS such as 'Windows Server' or other), it means "Professional use", and it's normal that this computer is detected for what it is.

    The main title of this topic, as same as most of the complaints posted on, obviously mean all other cases that only and really use TeamViewer out of a professional environment. In one word, those who should be allowed to use it for free but they are not.

    Sorry if I misunderstand your case, and thanks to clarify.

    (* Anyhow, I would say, if the only remaining problem is this "paying suggestion pop up", but you can use it without being blocked, it's just a bit boring, but not a big problem. The question is still : for how long time ?... and it can be scary as you never know if your distant friend will not be planted in a mess).



    I never got reset, it has been blocked on the same work pc for a good 2 months, the difference now is that I just get the "suggestion" to pay popup instead of getting bumped off after a minute, The pc in question is still obviously marked (Wrongly) for commercial use & not reset.

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