Make the window larger


I am using Team Viewer on a Surface Pro 4 and when I connect to a customer the entire desktop appears in a window that is approximately 3" x 3-3/4". How do I make this window larger to fill my screen?


  • AlanW1
    AlanW1 Posts: 157 [Former Staff]

    Hi WadeHenderson58,

    Thank you for posting.

    When you are connecting to the remote device, please go to menu bar "View" and select "Scaled" in Scaling.  Then you will get the full screen of the window.

    You can refer to following snapshot.



  • vr_driver
    vr_driver Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Any chance we can have it scale to the size of the window it's in? EG, scale up? rather than just down? It doesn't work on Version: 15.37.3 (9191c897b9c) for Mac.

  • tobiasve
    tobiasve Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited August 2023

    Why the **bleep** it still doesnt work on mac ?

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,078 Moderator

    Hi everybody!

    Thanks for your questions!

    Please know that at the moment it is not possible to scale up on any device.

    TeamViewer can only scale to the size provided by the partner's device.

    Example: Connecting to a laptop from a large external monitor - the laptop screen size cannot be scaled up past what it provides so that it displays bigger on the larger external screen.

    Scaling down is possible for both Windows and macOS.

    I hope it helps! 🍀

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • gregthegeek

    Are you kidding me!!?? Why can't we scale up? Why can't it just Zoom-in!! It shouldn't need anything on the client's system, just zoom the image! I can't believe I can't do this. On Mac here, too. Have to reduce my screens each time to do a remote session. I don't want to change my client's resolutions or display settings.

    Maybe it's because I got new monitors that I'm running into this? Was this always the issue on older TV versions?

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,078 Moderator

    Hi @gregthegeek,

    Welcome to our Community and thanks for your feedback.

    Despite the new interface, the newest version of TeamViewer Remote operates the same; scaling down is possible for both Windows and macOS, but scaling up isn't possible at the moment.

    TeamViewer can only reproduce the partner's screen, mouse, and keyboard. It's not possible to zoom in or to create a virtualization of the partner device.

    You could try using an HDMI Dummy Plug with a higher screen resolution. It usually works well with devices that don't have a monitor.

    We also would like to invite you to post your idea in our Ideas Hub. We may not guarantee that your idea will be selected by our development teams, but it's the best place to share your thoughts on how TeamViewer can become even better.

    Let us know how it goes, and if we can help you any further. 🙋‍♀️

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • deejinoz
    deejinoz Posts: 34 ✭✭
    edited December 2023

    TeamViewer lost the plot with the latest major upgrade of their software. The new UI is desperately unintuitive and requires much more clicks to get to opening a support session with a client. I tried using the new UI for several months and eventually gave up. The plentiful UI bugs that also exist in the new UI only made my return to the classic UI more necessary. If TeamViewer were to remove access to their classic UI tomorrow, I would walk away from the product without any hesitation.

    But not being happy with ruining the UI of your product, you have also broken or lost some critical functionality from the product (I am using the macOS client almost all day every day to support my customers), including:

    1. Pass through of modifier keys is unreliable and can lead to loss of control of the remote session, necessitating reestablishment of the session. This is not only makes TeamViewer look bad but also those of us that use it in customer facing/service provision. I have opened support cases about this but am always fobbed off with suggestions and questions that are useless or simply irrelevant,
    2. Scaling up of remote displays used to work just fine. I have had 2 x 42" 4K 60Hz displays for several years now, so I can support my clients when they have two, three or four HD or higher displays. This used to work very well when I needed to scale up a remote session, whilst viewing all the customer's displays at the same time (often required). But the latest major release of TeamViewer broke this.

    The loss in this critical functionality and reliability is now forcing me to look into alternatives. Unless TeamViewer are able to fix these issues you will only see an increasing number of your loyal customers walking away.