Commercial use - Connection time out



  • tsparks
    tsparks Posts: 6

    I need a new ID# because my current one keeps telling me I'm using TV commercially...and I AM NOT.

    You have reset my ID several times and I have the same problem.


  • I was erroneously flagged as using team-viewer commercially on my Linux machines I submitted a request to have this flag removed and return functionality to my account, this was done on the 26th April 2023. This is the second time that the account has been falsely flagged. Last time it took less than 7 days to get a response and rectification. It's been a month and I've had no communication whatsoever. There are several elderly family members that rely on my help and this has seriously impacted them, in one case leading them to falling victim to a fraud scam as I was unable to help them when requested.

  • I have a free TeamViewer license. I thought that this would allow me to connect remotely from one computer to another. My goal was to connect to my home PC while out of town, but I keep getting disconnected with some message about needing a license upgrade. Am I missing something? I tried to find online chat support, but I couldn't find anything about that.

  • JeffreyMGeorge
    JeffreyMGeorge Posts: 8
    edited January 17

    Who **bleep** runs this community site? Issuing warnings for asking a question about a product that doesn't work the way it should while, at the same time, not providing a resolution? What **bleep**.

  • DruidTech
    DruidTech Posts: 2

    I have a friend I help that is Elderly partially blind and infirm. Somehow when the question of personal or corp came up she selected corp and now I can't log on for more than a min or so. How do I get her account back to personal?

  • Does the generate and upload PDF for the reset link even work? It doesn't do anything for me. I would never give this company any money when they can't even support what they already offer.

  • TomaszT
    TomaszT Posts: 1

    For some reason my private one has been marked for commercial use when it has not been used for this. I use the program to connect with my family members to help them use the computer. Please help me solve this problem.

  • You won't get any help or support here. There's nothing anyone in the community can do about it, and TeamViewer doesn't offer support to their free accounts.

  • Vago
    Vago Posts: 1

    I use TeamViewer a couple of times a year so I do not have a Licence.

    After say thirty seconds of use it says I have over used the system and locks me out.

    I have TeamViewer on the start up on my PC would this be the cause, even though I am not connected to any other PC

  • Furhat
    Furhat Posts: 1

    I have used TeamViewer for years for private use and now for some reason I am notified that you suspect me of professional use. This is an error, I only use it to support my friends and family as well as manage my own servers. I do not get paid for any support I provide and should not be regarded as a commercial user. How do I get this overturned?

  • commercial use suspected. not true! i'm only using teamviewer for family and friend. how can i get my personal free account re-activated?

  • Radix257
    Radix257 Posts: 1


    I have been a licensed user for the last 4 years and starting from April 2023 I retired from work and therefore canceled the TW subscription.

    Now TW keeps considering me a commercial user and denies me to run it in "private non commercial" mode. After 5 minutes any connection I open is been closed.

    Since I often need to connect to my son's or my wife's PCs to assist them with complex computer tasks (but simple to me :) this is quite annoying.

    How can I restore the "standard" behaviour of TW on my PC ?

    Best regards,


  • Jen_Godin
    Jen_Godin Posts: 1

    I am currently in the same situation and would really like being able to keep using the service. For us it doesn't even give us the 5min, it blocks after not even 2min at times.

  • JoeF4369
    JoeF4369 Posts: 2

    I'm using my personal account, not the company account. How is this fair that a company I left 2 years ago is affecting my personal account?

  • melardev
    melardev Posts: 1

    Hi, I am using TeamViewer for personal use, I spend most of my life in two countries, and I have computers in both, at the start I used to connect fine between computers, but now, I get an error saying that I am not using it for personal use and so the connection closes immediately, how is that? it is easy to check, if i was using it for business, then each time would be a different user, however, i always use Teamviewer with the same pcs, can anyone Teamviewer staff check and get it fixed, please?

  • fornarij
    fornarij Posts: 1


    I'm using teamviewer for private reasons (cot commercial) to fontrol my pc at home when i'm not there or to help my father on his laptop. Most of the time i use the software i have installed on my enterprise pc. Do the use is private, the computer in ehich the program is installed is not. I suppose this makes Teamviewer believe i'm using the program for commercial and the program limits my session to 5 mins. What must i need to do to unblock the account? Or i have misread the terms and i cannot really use the program for private purpose from a commercial pc?

    Thanks and sorry for my bad english

  • phkoehl
    phkoehl Posts: 1
    edited June 2023

    hi all

    I'm an "old" user of Teamviewer, using it occasionally to help remote friends and relatives when they experience difficulties with their computers.

    Never had any problem.

    Today it seems that I'm now considered as a "professional" user, despite the fact the number of "my computers" is still the same.

    Do you kow what happened ? New policy from Teamviewer ? What are the criteria that make you considered as a professional user ?

    Thanks in advance for your help

  • Teamviwer is blocking access to my personal pc With the new update, can someone from support assist?

  • Dark_Lycos
    Dark_Lycos Posts: 2
    edited June 2023

    Same for me ... second time it happened, last time I contacted the support and they unlocked my account..

    I have to redo it ..

    That's just a bot cheking your usage of the app I think.

    I also help friends and family, but most of the time I access my computers and I use it very very often, but still a personal use ..

    Good luck 😁

  • Le_Chriesi
    Le_Chriesi Posts: 2
    edited June 2023

    How did you contact support. Am having the same issue but can't find a way to.

  • Henhead78
    Henhead78 Posts: 1
    edited June 2023

    Same just happened to me, it happened a good few years back and managed to get it fixed,

    Bur having issues contacting care some one this time. Will try above link. Fingers crossed.

  • kyungmohwang
    kyungmohwang Posts: 2
    edited June 2023

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    I'm using the program for non-commercial purposes.

    Please release the restriction on my ID

  • I have been using TV for a long time and I just got a notification this morning (attached)

    I have not changed my usage behaviour and all the computers I am accessing are all on the same subnet in my home. I have 5 computers in my list that I access and they all have Win 10 on them.

    The only thing that I can think of is I forgot to close a session on one of my computers overnight so maybe that triggered something.

    Of course, using the free license I can't contact TV support to find out why things all of a sudden changed.

    Any ideas on how I can get this resolved?

    Appreciate any insight into this issue.

    Thank you.

  • bhalfhill
    bhalfhill Posts: 3

    I get suspected commercial use error. I never made a penny off of using TeamViewer. This is beyond annoying. I am disabled I use Teamviewer to access other computers in the house or to help out my brother with computer issues. Please fixed this.

  • WBurchnall
    WBurchnall Posts: 2
    edited January 17

    I'm in an identical boat. It is so frustrating. I literately, just login to help my parents recreate "short cuts to their banking" on their desktop. I don't use it commercially. I assist my aging parents FOR FREE. I connect to two PCs total. My parents and my own home media server. WHAT **bleep** is going on with Team Viewer that I can't connect for more than 60 seconds before being disconnected? My media server is in another city from me right now so I cannot connect long enough to do ANY MEANINGFUL TASK like start a download, get my media server to refresh my library and so on.

  • WBurchnall
    WBurchnall Posts: 2
    edited June 2023

    THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING that Team Viewer says we will get 5 minutes and we get disconnected after 60 seconds. [removed per Community Guidelines] I might never go back to Team Viewer, even if you do unblock my account in up to "5 business days". TEAM VIEWER, you are LOSING popularity and customers.

  • bhill126
    bhill126 Posts: 1
    edited June 2023

    Our research group in our school uses Teamviewer to monitor the processes on one of our lab machines, and it seems that recently the free license was restricted for some reason. The ID is [removed per Community Guidelines], would it be possible to get the time restriction removed from that ID?

  • KK_1
    KK_1 Posts: 2

    Need help, please. I can't work and TeamViewer refuses to speak with me since I have a free account. . :-( Since yesterday, they are trying to force me into a paid account. It's just me; same IP can be proven. No one else here/no other users. I log in to my personal PC in my office from my laptop. That's it. And no activity is different then all the prior months. It won't let me log in. It has me blocked. 'Usage suggest sharing' and 'usage suggests supporting others professionally.' How do I get this unblocked, before I end up unemployed? Thank you.

  • danilopez
    danilopez Posts: 2
    edited June 2023

    I just connect with my 92 years old father, to help him with his computer issues, but it keeps logging me off.