Hi everyone :),
This message because I can't find an equivalent bug on the forum. I am under linux mint 20.1 Una, with Teamviewer 15.37.3.
Initial installation with the previous version, downloaded from the Teamviewer site. The update was performed by the update manager, from the official repository, Stable channel, from Teamviewer. My concern is that, once I have taken control of my linux workstation for the first time (from a Windows 11 workstation, in the same version 15.37.3), when I disconnect, it displays the sponsored session window, since which we can evaluate the connection, buy a license or simply click ok. As soon as I close this window (ok button, cross in the dialog box, ...), Teamviewer freezes and ends up crashing ... it seems that the service is still up but I may no longer be able to connect to my linux. when I still manage to reconnect, the interface has been relaunched.
I only found these few messages in the logs:
in le log opt/tieamviewer/logfile:
2022/12/21 17:07:24.288 871 139793991980800 S!! CMeetingControl[21]::Received_MeetingCloseStream(): participant doesn't exist: [***,***], Errorcode=11
2022/12/21 17:07:24.288 871 139793983588096 S!! CMeetingControl[21]::Received_MeetingCloseStream(): participant doesn't exist: [***,***], Errorcode=11
2022/12/21 17:07:24.315 871 139793991980800 S! Carrier[4092]::EndCarrierInternal: Discarded 2 commands, ClientID 1***, ShutdownGracefully 1, SessionType_RoutingSession
2022/12/21 17:07:48.469 871 139793991980800 S!! TcpProcessConnector::HandleRead error 104 reading from process 140836: Connection reset by peer, Errorcode=104
2022/12/21 17:07:48.470 871 139793991980800 S!! InterProcessNetwork::ProcessDisconnected(): ReadFailed session=3*** ptype=2, Errorcode=104
2022/12/21 17:07:48.470 871 139793991980800 S!! LegacyDataCmdSender[4075]::SetOnBuffersEmptyCb(): callback already set, Errorcode=104
in opt/tieamviewer/logfile/nicolas (My name lol)
2022/12/21 17:07:26.611 140836 140413327103744 GX0! XClipboard: Not selection owner (win 0x0 != 0x5a00001 || time 363084370 < 361956009)
2022/12/21 17:07:31.929 140836 140414195411840 GX0!!!Crash: stack dump has been written at '/home/nicolas/.local/share/teamviewer15/logfiles/TeamViewer_FI_15.37.3_2022-12-21-170731.amd64.stack', Errorcode=11
2022/12/21 17:07:47.063 140836 140414195411840 GX0!!!Crash: Coredump has been written at '/home/nicolas/.local/share/teamviewer15/logfiles/TeamViewer_FI_15.37.3_2022-12-21-170731.amd64.core', Errorcode=11
2022/12/21 17:07:47.063 140836 140414195411840 GX0 Process received fatal SIGSEGV
2022/12/21 17:07:48.471 141029 140697652819712 DX0 Received Control_DisconnectIPC processtype=2, reason=6 ReadFailed
2022/12/21 17:07:48.471 141029 140697652819712 DX0 Received Control_TerminateProcess
2022/12/21 17:07:48.471 141029 140697661138240 DX0 ==== Close Desktop! ====
2022/12/21 17:07:48.475 141029 140697661138240 DX0 ==== SPI state change to stopped ====
it's not completely unusable of course but it's a bit irritating
in advance, thank you very much to those who will look into this message :).