My "Wake-up" command no longer works. (Free version) Is it something I did?
I now have to physically turn on my desktop computer.
I have same problem. Any other solution (depicus, Linux wol, mikrotik wol, openwrt wol, etc...) is work, but TeamViewers wake button dont.
Since last week the WOL function is doesn't work. The PC and the router/firewall settings are correct because if I use other method (Mikrotik,OpenWRT,Depicus,Linux) they power up my machines. Only Teamviewers wake button doesn't work. Why? I had used since several years ago without problem.
Many thanks
Same issue here . . . thought it might be due to system/windows updates, but it still does wake using a different program, so it's gotta be something with Teamviewer.
same here; I called the sales department before doing an upgrade & they told me that wake does not come with the single user version, so that option is a "no go" for me . . .
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I have been using TeamViewer to wake a remote computer successfully for several months. All of a sudden it stopped working yesterday. I have two different remote computers and it will not wake up either one of them now.
I am able to use a separate windows program to wake up either computer over the internet so I know the computers can be powered up remotely.
Any suggestions would be apprecieated.
I had wake working well on Teamviewer for quite some time, and as of a few days ago, it no longer works. As you mentioned, I can connect while the computer is on, but it no longer wakes it up if it's off. Seems a few others have had the same issue recently, so thinking it must be something on the teamviewer side. I have an iPhone & started using Wolow, that wakes up my computer both on a local network, as well as thru DDNS, you might want to give that a try. Another app that only works locally for me is Wake Me Up.
WOL has recently stopped functioning for me too a few days ago.
It's a bug in TeamViewer, because I can still wake the PC remotely from
My PC has several network adapters, so maybe the bug is that the TeamViewer Windows client does not use the correct MAC address (the one for the physical Ethernet adapter).
@TeamViewer: I can share logs if you need them.
i would like to turn on my nuc via wol function.
- the bions is configured well.
- the lan card accepts wol calls.
- teamviewer is wol-enabled and I have assigned my teamviewer account to the nuc and assigned the ids that can turn it on
- from the web console I see my nuc with the "wake on lan" function (as shown in the image) active, but the pc does not turn on.
Can you help me out?
Thank you
I've been trying to get wake-on-LAN set up for one of my computers using an always on pc on the same network. I've followed the setup guide, but not only does it not work still, but now when the target PC is shut down, teamviewer on other devices shows that the target PC is still on. This of course removes the "Wake" button.
Fast startup disabled, BIOS setting set to allow WOL, both computers connected to the same network via ethernet, network adapter settings in windows set to allow this device to wake this computer, and magic packet checked.
Attempts to connect to the target PC while it is off result in "Error, No connection to partner! WaitforConnectFailed". As per some google searches, I disabled IPV6 on target PC and nothing changed.
I can connect to the always-on PC just fine, and when the target PC is turned on, I can connect to it as well. Just can't wake it, as the option won't show up seeing as the target PC shows online even when powered off.
I have WOL enabled for 2 machines in my local network. This has been working without problem for months, but in the last 1-2 weeks I can no longer wake the other machine.
Nothing has changed in either PC and the WOL is configured correctly as it has been working without any problems.
Anyone else having the same issue?
Hello. Hoping someone can help me here. I'm a bit lost. I managed to set up a forwarding port and a static i.p address to set up wake on lan. When I enter my valid router I.P and port like recommended in every tutorial or steps I see all I get is "entered data is invalid" can't figure out why.
I also have the same issue as multiple posts above. Everything was working fine, and WOL stopped working. I use No-IP DDNS. If it helps diagnose the issue, if I put my current IP address in TV settings, WOL works. If I put my DDNS address in TV settings, WOL does not work.
Any news?
same here with noip DDNS provider in my case , If I enter the public IP NUMBER in the settings of the PC and not the public ADDRESS NAME, then the PC wakes up. Else not. Everything (DDNS and port forwarding) is set up fine and I can wake the PC from web sites the support the function. No news yet?
The issue remains.. but I found that it works if you try from
This means the bug should be in the TeamViewer program / app, since it works in the web version.
Hello, no you are not the only one, I too have encountered problems with the latest update on, I woke up PCs via iPhone now it doesn't work anymore !!
Me too. Since version 15.40.8 was installed it will not Wake On Lan other computers on the LAN. Other computers on the LAN which are still on version 15.39.x can still WoL each other.
Alright thanks guys! Then I will just wait for an update or something fixing that problem. :)
Here is a work-around. Use a Windows restore point to put your version back to 15.39.x and, in Teamviewer, tell it not to automatically update. WoL works again now.
I recently upgraded to V15.40.8 (32-bit) and wake on LAN quit working. I get a message saying "Failed to wake (computer name)" on the first try and no message if I try again. I had no problems with this feature on earlier versions. Has wake on LAN setup changed in any way?
Can confirm @Mhaxx post, The android app does not allow me to wake up my machine, but the web management console works fine.
I reverted back to version 14.7.48671 which is on the TeamViewer web site. In the advanced options settings, I left the auto-updates on and TeamViewer updated to V15.2.2756. This version seems to have wake on Lan working fine. You need to uninstall V15.40.8 and install V14 on all you machines and let TeamViewer update to V15.2.2756. Then turn off the auto-update feature to prevent update to V15.40.8. Note - the V15.2.2756 won't let you log into V14 machines.
Hello guys,
So I don't know if any of you experience problems with the new update but yesterday my teamviewer was updated on my PC and Laptop and since then I am experiencing some problems.
The last 10 months I have used Wake-on-lan without any problems to get my PC out of sleep with my laptop. Since the update it does not work anymore. Furthermore, since the update when I put my PC in sleep mode it is still visible as 'online' in my device list.
Can someone tell me if I am the only one experiencing these problems since the new update and if someone knows a fix?
Thanks in advance, kind regards Boaz
same problem for me, waking up with TV used to work, now it doesn't work anymore.
It is a bug I used Feedback option to report this.
Also I managed to find a previous version 15.39.6 in this location: c:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\TeamViewer\
I managed to install it over the 15.40.8 version without any issue and WOL is working again. I switched off automatic updates in Extras/Options/Advanced/
Is there any update on this?
The current version is still 15.40.8 and there does not appear to be any response from the developers.
It looks like new one is there but no info re this bug being fixed.
I installed version 15.41.8 and tested it. It failed to wake a target computer which will wake from version 15.39.6.