Hello, I'm doing a mass upgrade to v15 and I'm building custom module and policy in the console 15.43.8 not in the classic management console (web)
I am able to install the module, which has a Rollout Setup selected. The rollout setup (which could only be configured in web) assigns all devices to the Master TV account, and inherits policy from a device group.
The device group has policies assigned, created in the console (back to the 15.43.8 console)
I install the module and get my customisations, but also this..
NOTE it says TWO managers. Click allow and finish I'm left with "Manage this device"
When clicking manage this device as a standard user..
Everytime the computer restarts, you get the 2 managers allow and finish window, and the "manage this device" you can't at this point remote the device even using the teamviewer ID and password, doesn't work.
So I fully close teamviewer and run it once as an administrator (just a desktop admin - nothing to do with teamviewer)
Click "Allow and finish" and...
Managed by FIVE managers. (which is actually correct) everything works as expected. (I didn't have to do any login, just worked when I clicked Manage this device)
1) I need a silent method of installing this module. In 15 I only get the option to download an exe. I did find this article..
Deploy TeamViewer (Host or full client) - 9/9 - TeamViewer Support
But this doesn't work either, infact it doesn't look like it's applying the assignment ID (I used the first example for simplicty)
I note there are NO API keys for a "Modern" Module either?
2) How can I get the module to just register the without having to run it once as an admin?
Tried this on 2 test vms a dozen times trying various tweaks and I simply cannot get new installs to drop into device management.
Thanks for any assistance!
FYI - the policy settings frequently just disappear in the console, like none have been created but are visible in the classic management portal. That's an issue too.