Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Yup. Can't get an answer from customer service either. I'm using for personal use only, they said they unlocked things, but I'm still getting errors. They don't seem to care.

  • Dear TeamViewer Customer Support,

    I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the recent message I received stating that my account is being used for commercial purposes and therefore my session time has been limited to only 5 minutes.

    I want to clarify that I am not a commercial user at all. My account is linked to a single personal computer in my home and I do not use it for any commercial purposes. I only log in to this account intermittently for a very short period (a few minutes) to help my young daughter access some content such as children's videos.

    I do not see any justification for restricting my use of the account in this way. I kindly request that you reconsider this matter and allow me to use the account normally without any time restrictions.

  • Ulfert
    Ulfert Posts: 2
    edited September 24


    I always am identified as a professional user while I use teamcenter to maintain the PC of my 86 year old dad. Lot of nagscreens and connection interruptions.

    How can I get rid of that?


  • RenoK7
    RenoK7 Posts: 2

  • mavo99
    mavo99 Posts: 3
    edited September 24

    Hello Community! Sorry, I did not use the form correctly. My question is: is there a way to stay "non-commercial" even though there are more than, say, 10 different users I connect to? I help elderly people with their computers absolutely free of charge, definitely without any payment, but run into "commercial use" again and again. There may be 3 connections per month, to the same seniors or to different ones, but after half a year I get locked as "commercial". If this is not feasible in the future, I have to switch to other software, but then "my oldies" have to get accustomed to a different GUI, and that is the reason I would prefer to stay with teamviewer. Can someone please give me a statement to this problem? Thanks in advance /Martin

  • surfingjoe
    surfingjoe Posts: 2
    edited September 24

    I'm retired and do not own or work for any company. Nothing on my desktop would imply that I'm in a commercial environment other than that my laptop is behind a personal firewall.

    I have no clue why Teamviewer thinks I'm in a commercial environment.

    The only person I use Teamviewer to support is my aging mother, who lives on the other side of the country. I simply will not pay [removed per Community Guidelines] per year because Teamview thinks I'm in a commercial environment to support my 83-year-old mother, who needs help regularly. Google Remote Desktop (which I do not like, nor is it anywhere near as efficient and free to use) will be the alternative.

    Because I have a free license, I do not get support and have no method to contact Teamviewer to correct this obvious error. Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this? I've used Teamviewer for a few years not to help my aging mother, but now, suddenly, I cannot. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

  • AntonioAl
    AntonioAl Posts: 2
    edited September 24

    The system is blocking my free account indicates an unespecif licencing problem.

  • TaiButton
    TaiButton Posts: 1
    edited September 24

    My friend is having the exact same issue for the last 2 days!

  • TLEW
    TLEW Posts: 1
    edited September 25

    I'm not using TeamViewer commercially, but it says I am. How do I fix the error?

  • I use team viewer for personal use, but i keep getting a message saying I am using it for commercial use and i get kicked out of my sessions

  • gabbbor
    gabbbor Posts: 1
    edited September 25

    Same problem here, In order to make it work I had to upgrade to 15.58.4 version. When connecting remotely after a few seconds the session terminates (gets blocked) and an error message tells me to wait until hh:mm. How to fix this? I am a registered free user and used TeamViewer only a few times in the last 10 years. I accept that the application has to be upgraded time to time, but now it is useless. I'm not sure whether the same TeamViewer account can be used on both sides of connection or different ones needed. Since I have no physical access to the remote side anymore it's a serious problem to provide help to an elderly family member.

  • muffmolch
    muffmolch Posts: 11
    edited September 25

    Seems to be that 15.58.4 is really buggy

  • peternorgreen
    peternorgreen Posts: 2
    edited September 25

    only using privately, how to do?

  • Batzi
    Batzi Posts: 1
    edited September 26

    Why is it the free version now only allows 2 or 3 minutes at most then logs out? I can barely get logged in on my other computer and it says it timed out and I have to wait till ***** totally useless

  • zea62
    zea62 Posts: 1
    edited October 17

    Go here to reset license

    Reset Management - TeamViewer

  • Vatson
    Vatson Posts: 2
    edited September 26

  • Hazumi
    Hazumi Posts: 1

    I hope this works. I use this to control my PC while at work from my Laptop so I can help my son with homework when things are slow at work. I would love to use it to help my mom with her computer too, but if I can't even connect to my own device, then I won't be able to help her.

  • AmyBlake
    AmyBlake Posts: 2
    edited September 26

    I am a free user. I login in to my aunt's home computer to help her. I am getting kicked out and not allowed to login. TeamViewer is trying to force me to upgrade. I submitted a ticket and received an email that I was confirmed as a Free User and they would fix the issue. I am still having the issue. I need this fixed please.

  • Crossie
    Crossie Posts: 4
    edited September 27

    I recently was unable to connect with a friend and I believe that I am being recognized as a commercial, rather than private, although my main screen clearly says "Free license (non-commercial use only)"

    This has happened before, maybe 2 years ago and I had to submit a letter explaining that I was not using Team Viewer commercially. But, it has been long enough ago that I forget the process of who to contact and what to include in the letter.

    Any help?

  • I am using the free version of team viewer. I am trying to access a PC remotely, but I get disconnected after 2 minutes, in the past i never experience that issue.How can I fix the issue, I went in setting did try a few setting but no success.

  • Laidbak2
    Laidbak2 Posts: 2
    edited September 27

    I use teamviewer to remote in to my home computer while I'm away but lately I keep getting blocked, WHY? It's MY HOME COMPUTER.

  • As a Private user I receive the last days always, after a short period, the message : Time out

    I use Teamviewer only too help friends and family.

    Please reset my account

  • 2APatriot
    2APatriot Posts: 3
    edited September 30

    Why do I get a "session timeout" after 1 minute on free connection?

    ASAUS Posts: 1
    edited September 30

    good dayI am disappointed with the teamViewer application.During use, it often blocks the connection and marks my activity as spam. Your application marked me as a commercial user.I am forced to use your competitor's application PARSEC.The reason why Teamviewer has to leave is that it incorrectly labels commercial and non-commercial connections. In the event that the situation changes and teamviewer does not mistakenly mark non-commercial use as commercial, I will return to teamviewer after fixing the application. Thank you

    dobry den
    Som sklamany s aplikacie teamViewer.
    Pocas pouzivania casto blokuje spojenie a oznacuje moju cinnost za komernu. Vasa aplikacia ma oznacila ako komercneho pouzivatela .
    Ja som nuteny pouzivat aplikaciu vaseho konkurenta PARSEC .
    Dovod preco musi opustit Teamviewer je to ze nespravne oznacuje komerne a nekomercne pripojenia . V pripade ze sa situacia zmeni a teamviewer nebude chybne oznacovat nekomercne pouzivanie za komerne vratim sa na team viewer po oprave aplikacie . Dakujem

  • I am, by definition a single use non-commercial user. I had this problem before where they locked my account and it was originally fixed. It is locked/limited again.

    I use team viewer from two location, Austin and San Jose to access both my personal computers at each site as well as helping my 90yo father when he has issues. My license says free, but they keep giving me message that I'm an commercial user and want me to upgrade.

    Can you help fix this.

  •  have been using my TeamViewer FREE account successfully for over 10 years without any hassle or problems. Most of the time, i use TeamViewer to remote manage my main desktop computern (an iMac) from my cellphone or my notebook from WITHIN my HOME NETWORK. My problems started when my son begun to work as an IT Coordinator at this company, and based on my suggestion, purchased TeamViewer Business instead of **Third Party

    Now my HOME NETWORK is being flagged as a business/comercial network by TeamViewer system, and i cant use my free account anymore!!

    Can someone please help me with suggestions on how to fix this?? Is there any support team in Germany that could analyze the logs and fix this??


  • k8six_al
    k8six_al Posts: 2
    edited September 30

    Is the Teamviewer Free version still avaiable? I try using it with two different people and it fails. Yesterday I have a buddy connect to me and it worked fine. He disconnected and I tried connecting to him and it failed, plus I get a timeout. So I tried having him connect to me again and his failed, plus he also gets a timeout.

    I use Teamviewer on such a limited basis it is NOT worth the $[Removed as per Community Guidelines]/mo and especially since you get no tech support at this price. :(

    Any ideas??

  • mdenisson
    mdenisson Posts: 1
    edited September 30

    Every year or so TV prompts for commercial license even though I only use it to manage/fix my parents and relative's computers. Read the snippet about commercial definitions and current usage should not trigger any of the criteria.

    Is it possible to look into switching me back to personal or am I stuck with **Third Party Product** now?

  • gemnistone
    gemnistone Posts: 2
    edited October 17

    Hi all, so i have the same dang problem. I have gone to the reset page and submitted my ID 3 times and each time i get its done but still same freaking problem at the PC. How do i fix this?

  • I have submitted a reset for my ID 3 times and all three times i got the email its fixed but when i use the computer same bs timer and commercial use prompt. WHO CAN HELP ME FIX THIS PLEASSE>