Remote screen freezes after a few seconds

Tequila Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited May 2023 in General questions


after logging onto a remote machine the screen freezes evrey 10 seconds for about 3 to 5 seconds. It is really annoying. Tried to disable udp as described in a lot of posts here and also tried to install new network drivers. Disabled ESET, uninstalled ESET Internet Security and used the Windows Firewall. Nothing helped.

Has someone a good idea how to fix this?

Win 10 Pro x64, Realtek NIC



  • ITD
    ITD Posts: 3 ✭✭

    We have the same problem in several cases since nearly 2 weeks. And the problem is growing.

    2 weeks ago there were 2 or 3 hosts that have this problem, but today there are more hosts included in this problem. We had updated the hosts to version 13, restarted the computers, then it seems to get better, but after a certain time the same problem is there again.

  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi all,

    We also got feedback from our customers regarding that problem - there will be a fix in the next release. At the moment I do not know when we will release it, but I will inform you as soon as we published it.


    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • Tequila
    Tequila Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Hi, as ITD our problem also grows, now it is on 3 more systems. As we are paying for a commercial license, the answer "do not know when we will release it" is not really satisfiying. You would no accept something like "I have the money but I wont pay you" for the licence either.


  • ITD
    ITD Posts: 3 ✭✭

    You're right, it is very angry. We can't work really effectively, the teamviewer sessions are three, four, five times longer than normally and some actions doesn't work at all.

    We paid a lot of money for the upgrade of our corporate licence a few weeks ago. An now it is worse than before with teamviewer 10. Unfortunately we had upgraded the most of our customer hosts to version 13.

    But what can we do? We hope that TV will patch this bug in the next days.

  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi all,

    Thank you for your patience. We published a new version today - please install it on both sides of the connection.

    If you still encounter a slow connection it is NOT related to this issue and something else might be responsible. When you have a license, please contact our SUpport department so they can have a look at the logfiles. One idea might be to disable UDP.


    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi all,

    I didn't receive an answer from you, so my question is, if you still encounter connection problems with the current version.


    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • ITD
    ITD Posts: 3 ✭✭


    you published the news that a new version fixing the described problems is on air last thursday.

    Then we checked that with some of our problem cases and it seemed to be ok. In some cases we had to activate the UDP-option und to restart the host service, but after that the new teamviewer version worked. On thursday and friday we are satified.

    But today we had the same problems again in several cases. In most of the cases the remote screen freezes for 10seconds und then works for 6 or 7 seconds, freezes for 10s again and so on. It is very angry that the problem isn't fixed at all.

  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi ITD,

    Thank you for your feedback. As I said previously - when you still encounter connection problems, it is not related to the bug which we had. I would suggest you to contact the TeamViewer support team when you are a customer.

    A slow connection can have different reasons and best for us is to receive the logfile to have a look at it.


    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • hryan
    hryan Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Same happening to me.  Have used for years with no problems until a couple weeks ago.  The remote computer freezes constantly.  Version 14.2.8352, Win7 64 bit.

    LEXXIUS Posts: 1

    I'm on Windows 10 and Teamviewer 14.4.2669. I occasionally service computers of my family members and I sill experienced this issue. I then combed through the options in Teamviewer and in "Remote control" and I disabled "Record video and VoIP..." (I have a different language set up, so I tried to translate the options as best as I could) and "Play computer sounds and music" (I'm not sure if this is necessary) on both, my and the computer I connect to (for good measure). This seemed to help so far and I hope this helps anyone else too.