Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
Community Manager 🌍
Updated by Akiho

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    User: "JosΓ©Martins"
    Updated by JoshP

    Every single **bleep** time i try to use this thing "U CanT UsE It FoR CoMerCiaL UsE" or something in those lines, i use it from like, ages to ages, to help relatives, and it detects im using it for working? how **bleep** is the code behind this detection?

    So my previous post was flagged and i got the following mail:

    Note From Moderators:

    It is not the account but the TeamViewer IDs in the connection that is flagged.

    As this alert is ID-specific, it is possible to see the alert after reset if the other ID in the connection is also flagged:

    You can request the reset for your other TeamViewer IDs here:

    As this topic has already been answered here and we will go ahead and merge your post into it:

    Thanks and have a great day!

    Both the connecting and connected devices ID have already been reset like this multiple times. It still happens, so i'm still stumped on how to proceed.


    My personal device has been flagged for commercial use. I've followed through the steps to get this retracted and have gotten confirmation that it has been done so three times already. Still i get the notification that the account has been limited as soon as i try to use it. How to proceed from here?

    User: "JosephShen"
    Updated by JoshP

    Recently I reinstalled my PC and start from now the system told me I have reached limit. But in the manage console I found I cannot remove the devices in the "Free devices" panel, what should I do?

    I have a free user, and I can swear to God I only used teamviewer to access computer in my school. What are my options now? 

    I am a private user for free use, I was challenged in a commercial use how to solve the problem to return to a free use.

    Is there an email to send this type of problem? If so, clarify the use made? I act only on PCs of my possession for transfer large image files


    My Sister has free teamviewer, I use it to help her with her computer which is usually just a few times a year. I am not using it illegally as in commercially. When I connect to her teamviewer it comes up as a "invalid license" logs me out after just a few seconds and make me wait to try again...but this cycle repeats. I have tried:

    Uninstalling and re-installing her ID is the same...same error. I have checked and the software shows as a free license like mine does and I still can't get it to let me stay logged in. Can anyone help.

    Mike Miller (tennessee)

    User: "Holland_brown"
    Updated by Akiho

    how do I activate a free version

    It keeps asking me for a purchase #

    already downloaded.

    I'm using TeamViewer for personal purposes "Free account", I access my pc at my home when I travel to get some copies of my documents like my passport and ID,

    suddenly I got this message

    "usage pattern suggests that you have been supporting others professionally"

    now I'm not able to access my pc at home, please what to do?

    so is there still no fix on this issue? i have it since yesterday and nothing suggested on Google work. is free TV no longer meant for remote access?

    User: "Azharoth"
    Updated by Akiho

    i am new in here. i manage to access my PCs (1 laptop, 1 PC) before but suddenly it said `your license limits maximum session duration` and asking me to upgrade. but both are my own computer with 1 at another room and sometimes i access PC at home from laptop from outside. i do stuff remotely from 1 PC to another. is it no longer allowed for free license?

    it is frustrating because i cannot get immediate support on something that works perfectly before and paid license not worth it in my case.

    Thanks for the info. I've gone through the reset process, lets hope it solves the issue.

    I have a free non commercial version of Team Viewer installed on my Windows laptop computer. I've been using for a number of years across different PC's but today I repeatedly kept being timed out after about 20 seconds. I don't understand why or how to fix the problem. Does anyone have any ideas that can help me resolve this issue? It looks like I'm unable to raise a support ticket because I use the free non commercial version. Thanks.

    User: "unknown"
    Updated by unknown
    This content has been removed.

    I think i need reset for all of my account id's... this happens even between reseted id's

    My id's was reseted after filling the form. still getting instant commercial use suspected message and allmost instant disconnect from host. How to fix this?

    Every machine that i try to connect i get commercial use suspected. filled the form and my id's was reseted (both side id's host and remote control side)

    What to do. i need to get my teamviewer back to working again. πŸ˜”

    I do not know if this is the correct place to put this and I did look for a contact link.

    We have already covered this one time before. I am using Team Viewer to support my own machines. I am NOT using this commercially as I know the limitations and I do follow your rules. If you take a thorough look you will find all the machines that are running Team Viewer are either mine of my mom in NC as she is bedbound. I am completely transparent on this. Please look at my records and see that you have already checked my usage and already know that I AM following your EULA. I have had to rebuild 3 of my personal machines in the last 90 days but all are personally owned. I happen to love this program and have had great success using it to both monitor and correct my personal machines. I am more than willing to give you a complete list of the machines I personally own and my mom's machine to prove my case.

    Wayne Hill

    i'm a Radio Ham licence holder i help people to connect to the radios and help them programming radios i do this free i never get paid.

    Im disabled in a wheelchair i cant travel to go in other people houses.

    I hope you understand my point.

    I cant log in because Teamveiwer think i not using this for personal used.

    I come here to tell you all that i have used the reset platform 4 times, and this 4 times, i get replies saying my ID's are successfully reset. Obviously it's an automated message that actually does nothing.

    1 out of my 3 ID's are still flagged despite filling the reset form, they are all are my own devices. I will keep filling it daily, they say, never give up if you want something done.

    Now that i've been using Teamviewer for own personal uses for years, and its a wonder this month i got flagged. I hope the Teamviewer's team can respond.

    Oh and by the way thanks for the 'Molecule' promotion.

    I me to the list of people who do not charge for help and work with those who are older like me in their 70s and I also use it on my wife's computer to help her from time to time. I have been using TeamViewer for many years and have never charged for my services.

    User: "nckersh"
    Updated by Nadin_W

    I've filled in the "form", but am still blocked. I tried to talk with someone on chat, but all he said was "pay for a license" - thanks, Haim - not very helpful.

    I've been using TV on a free license for some time and find it very useful. However, as a pensioner, I have a limited budget and so cannot afford to pay for a license.

    Can you help me...?

    Looks like teamviewer cut back on their QA. From all the issues on here about long term free personal users suddenly getting flagged as commercial users suggests they tweaked some code and didn't test it. Add me to the list. I help several friends and family members as I spent 35 years in IT. Cmon teamviewer, 90% of the population always had a flashing 12:00 on their VCR. Surely it isn't hard to understand that lots of people need help from friends and family that have technical expertise. I have used teamviewer for many, many years so it isn't like they don't have a history of my usage. Nothing has changed.

    I am trying to connect a remote teamviewer but error is displayed showing error that session blocked after timeout , what could be the possible reason?

    I have been blocked by TeamViewer as they believe I have used TeamViewer for commercial purposes. This is not the case. I use TeamViewer to access a remove computer attached to a printer. This enables me to work in one place yet print remotely. It's very useful. Without it, I have to constantly run back and forth between my computers.

    How can I get my ID re-instated?

    When I connect it closes me out within seconds and pops up a window showing me the plans you pay for. Any idea why

    When I try to connect to one of the 2 computers I have created so far, a message popup, problem with license on the remote computer ? The first computer I created on my account, I can log in without error messages. I had created a new account 05-03-2023, because i had the same problem on my old account. Why license issues occur on a free account ? I only try to use it on Family & Friends private Desk- & Laptops

    User: "nckersh"
    Updated by JoshP

    I am trying to unblock my ID, which was blocked due to suspected commercial usage. I have not used TV for commercial purposes and would kindly request that you unblock my ID.

    Thank you.

    Nigel Kersh

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    My Team Viewer account has been flagged as business. I filled out the reset request and received an email saying that it was reset but it still isn't. Do I need to put the ID of the Team Viewer account that I connect to as well as mine? I only added my ID.

    Hi guys.

    From work, on my own personal laptop running Fedora, I connect to my own PC at home, Windows, so I can stream my personal stuff.

    I'm getting "Connection Blocked" for corporate use.

    I am going through the internal corporate network of where I work.

    What is the procedure to prevent that from happening.

    Thank You.

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