Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
Community Manager 🌍
Updated by Akiho

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    @Fuloskop - I don't understand your question. Please use punctuation to format sentences and give more details. Maybe someone can help.

    @xaris - Servers are not allowed on the free program use. From your description, connecting into the office sounds like commercial use to me. I think you are being flagged because of this:

    @dkenefake When you fill out the Reset PDF are you including both TV machine ID's? Is one of them running a server operating system? Are you using a work internet connection to access your home PC? Scroll back up for the last month or two and you will probably find some helpful tips. Machine ID's do not change even if you uninstall/reinstall TV. More on machine ID's here:

    I'm trying to use this for personal use to help out with my relatives like its meant to be used for. The license says (non-commercial use) which I believe that is right??

    The error I'm getting says (Your TeamViewer session has timeout and will be closed) while i am showing my family a certain program. Why I try to reconnect I get (your connection is blocked for a minute)

    All of the computers that I have this installed on are registering the same non-commercial use. Anyone know why this is happening? Unless i need to request a account

    Seems that if they have stopped allowing free personal use the could at least state that instead of ignoring everyone. I've moved on.

    Same issue here.

    User: "GlennG"
    Updated by GlennG
    Hi guys,
    One of my home computers (Jupiter, a Windows 10 machine) has been
    blocked because of suspected commercial use. I put in a statement
    through the automated system but have not heard anything back. The
    Teamviewer ID of Jupiter is XXXXXXX. It appears that the
    Teamviewer ID in the PDF I submitted is that of the machine I was
    connecting from (a Mac).
    I have since looked through my Teamviewer connection logs and suspect
    that the machine was locked out for reporting a location of 'London'. My
    home location is Sydney. However, Jupiter is connected to my TV and I
    use a VPN (Hotspot Shield) to stream media from the UK. I forgot the
    machine was still on the VPN when I connected (the VPN stayed connected
    overnight). Jupiter never has, nor ever will be physically in London.
    As I noted in my original correspondence, I am semi-retired and do not
    use Teamviewer for commercial purposes. I mainly use it for controlling
    machines around my home (several linux boxes, a Mac, a couple of Pis and
    a Windows 10 machine---Jupiter---and a WIndows 7 box that gets switched
    on occassionally). I will occassionally provide computer support to my
    I would appreciate you reenabling access to all my machines.
    Looking forward to hearing back from you shortly on this matter.
    (Donald) Glenn Geers

    Same issue, sooooo frustrating as Teamviewer is quite rarely needed when there's enough time....😁

    I do not see any recent solutions btw.

    hello i use team viewer to my all pc close or controlling and use my girl friend pc use but Did team viewer limit the session because it thought I was using it for a commercial job. Can u help me

    User: "xaris"
    Updated by xaris

    My suggestion is that you search for another alternative.

    It happened to me before. I rarely used Teamviewer. Maybe once or twice a year. But when I do, I may be a couple of hours cnnected to one or two computers.

    The first time, I sent an e-mail asking them why I was flagged for commercial use, and they didn't explain but they allowed me to use it again.

    That was a year ago. I've been a couple of days trying to connect to my server and another computer that's having problems connecting to the server. And I can't. 30 seconds and I'm out.

    Then it says that my coneection is blocked for a minute or so. I try again, and again the same message saying that the connection is blocked.

    Desperate, because I can't go to the office (I had an accident, and I can't walk for the moment), I decided to pay one month of the license.

    And not only the price has gone up quite a bit, they pretend that I pay for a full year... they don't give you the choice to pay only for a month.

    The timeout after a few seconds is happening between any 2 pcs. Not able to use teamviewer now.

    @EdwardUK - I noticed that. I had pretty much decided that most of the folks posting asking for help have not done any reseach and that I was only going to respond to those it appeared to have done some research first. I might still unsubscribe from this thread because I'm not sure anyone is getting our responses. Maybe i should have been including the @ Username . I did get a notification from TV forums that you had mentioned me in a comment. I assume it was because you included the @ and not because you Quoted a message i wrote. I agree that TV should provide some information on what an account holder might try and do. A link in their warning pop-up would be good.

    so many complaints for the same issue, this company needs to get its act together

    User: "jetman67"
    Updated by jetman67

    this free version has turned into a joke, machines I have used for years set up as private use work once and because I have a bad connection i loose connection, try to reconnect then it blocks me and tells me its for personal use and connection blocked because of timeout and i have been connected for 1 minute. Im over this and im not paying the crazy price of 50 a month for a private usage thats totally unrealistic for a single license, must be time to look for another solution, pity this was a great free tool


    When connecting from Win10 to Arch Linux on a RPI3.

    I have one PC that has apparently been flagged in error for commercial use. I've requested and been granted a reset three times but still get kicked off a minute or two after connecting. I tried calling for support but was sent to this community for answers.

    What do I need to do to get a home PC cleared to use after numerous resets fail? Can I change the Teaviewer ID for this machine and start over? If so, how? Should I continue asking for a reset until one sticks?

    If this has happened to anyone else and there's a solution out there please help me find it.


    This would not be the proper thread to put your suggestions. This thread is (apparently) community-user-based support only. No TV employees here. I'm sure there is others parts of this forum that is for suggestions.

    Who the heck is Esther? I've seen the name mentioned a few times. I assume it is a TV employee that offers support in other threads? I've been following this thread for weeks now and don't recall any TV support people. Occasionally a post (or quoted post) from a moderator.

    That work network (commercial) is most likely what is triggering TV's system to think you are operating commercially. Even if you convince TV to reset your personal TV account, their notice to you (in the approved Reset Management) says suspicious activity in the future could trigger a block on your account again. Besides, your work should not allow you to be connecting to personal devices. That is poor security system management. But that is between you and them. If you really must connect to your home system from your work location, you might have to use a smartphone or tablet that is NOT connected to work WiFi in order to connect to your home device.

    Hi everybody,

    I'm a Personal (free) and Professional (payed) TeamViewer user. (and don't have TeamViewer shares πŸ˜‰)

    As many have experienced, my Private account has also been blocked, .... only once and already some time ago.

    The reason for the blockage is that TeamViewer does not use your account information to check the commercial use policy, but the "Partner ID / Your ID". This is actually a " Machine ID", with no relationship to your TeamViewer account. This " Machine ID" is the same for every Windows user on a certain machine (PC).

    If the "Machine ID" has been identified as "Commercially used", your free account fill be flagged. I don't know how TeamViewer executes its "Non commercial use" policy, but I don't think you get flagged on the first occasion.

    What can you do to prevent from being flagged:

    1) Don't mix Personal (free) and Professional (payed) use on one machine (PC). Even if you have separate TeamViewer accounts.

    2) Use you private PC only for your Private free TeamViewer account for helping you friends and family.

    3) Use a separate (home) PC for connecting to your PC at work or other commercially used PC's and server (always commercial). And use your Professional account.

    If you stick to these rules, I think you will stay out of trouble..

    For the experts: If you want to use both account types on one PC, you can consider setting up a Virtual Machine on your PC and use the Virtual PC for one of the accounts and keep everything nicely separated.

    And in the event you get blocked, contact TeamViewer support. They are there to help you!


    PS: Of course, it would be nice if TeamViewer used a better algorithm for detecting commercial use and a more customer friendly mechanism to point out that a certain connection cannot be made, because of the "Non commercial use" policy.

    I have a free license for personal use. Both computers are set exactly the same. I only get one-way street connection (desktop to laptop), it does not connect the other way. Any ideas, tips, please.

    I don't work for Teamviewer. I'm just a personal user like most people here.

    Hi again.

    I like so much TeamViewer that I wish to propose my idea.

    Maybe it can be useful in some way. Why don't proceed with a contract's form for STUDY and Research of Operative systems, etc at a discounted price? I can think at a form of 50-75% of discount in this case.

    I would agree with a reduced payment, because for personal NO-MONEY use, the full contract is too much expensive.

    I hope this idea may be considered.

    Please, give me an answer also negative.

    Thank You for all.

    Erminio Giuseppe Carlo MOSTACCI

    Hi, I use TeamViewer only at home, not for commercial purposes. I never receive money for my studies.

    I already sent 2 messages that I can't find and I received no response.

    I hope that it'll possible to reactivate my free licence that I use for connecting my home computers.

    Thank you.

    Erminio Giuseppe Carlo MOSTACCI

    Teamviewer have tightened up their process of identifying commercial users using the free service. This has resulted in many false positives. Send in a reset request (see first post of this thread).

    Why am I getting time restricted on my personal use Free license, from home?

    Where is Esther?

    This content has been removed.

    I use this to connect to computers at home. Not for work. Im away from home with no access to printer or scanner to fill out the reset form. But need to access computer at home for more then 15 sec. How can i fix this?

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