Teamviewer setup segmentation fault

Cannot setup teamviewer. It connects, asks for username and password, and then give this error message.


There are no network problems, and I can reach Iptables does not block outgoing connections, and the user / pass is correct.


  • DanielStm
    DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🤠

    the crash in 'teamviewer setup' is known, will be fixed.

    Are you actually interested in the headless mode?
    If not, you can do the account assignment in the UI - see the options dialog.

    Linux Developer
  • Thanks, but the machine actually does not have a GUI.
    I need TV because using ssh behind a NAT is tricky, i dont have access to the router to create a port forward... But TV can work behind NAT...

  • I am in the same situation. Headless install no GUI. Installation went ok. Remote X11 tunelled over ssh ends up with some "Invalid X11 configuration found (DISPLAY=10.0). Teamviewer cannot start". All other installed graphical applications work fine albeit slow. Another problem was the modal dialog: appears very small, cannot be resized such that i had to maximize from the global taskbar menu to see the info.

    Is there a workaround untill the problem is fixed?

    Thanks for a great product.

  • DanielStm
    DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🤠

    @redwil, please clarify your scenario, I'm not sure if you are talking about the same thing as the orignial poster. What I can say:

    • this is about 'teamviewer setup' not working. Has nothing to do with remote/ssh etc.
    • screen grabbing (=incoming remote control) does not work on remote X11, as we only support grabbing via the shared memory extension, which only works with a local X server
    • using TeamViewer (e.g. for outgoing connections) on remote X11 is untested

    is the last your  scenario? Did you just run 'teamviewer' in the remote X11 session?

    Linux Developer
  • @DanielStmMy apollogies. I presented more than one issue.

    Indeed there is first issue regarding the setup, is where I get exactly the same error as presented by the initial post. After installation (whether through package manager - apt in my case since i run an Ubuntu 16.04.03LTS or through the tarball by means of tv-setup) running 'teamviewer setup' ends up with


    Welcome to TeamViewer configuration.

    This short guide helps you to setup TeamViewer on this device. After you have   
    successfully finished the setup, this device will automatically be available in
    your Computers & Contacts.
    Connecting... -                                                                 
    Connecting... -                                                                 
    Connecting... -                                                                 
    Connecting... \                                                                 
    Connecting... \                                                                 
    Connecting... \                                                                 
    Connecting... \                                                                 
    Connecting... |                                                                 
    Connecting... |                                                                 
    Connecting... |                                                                 
    Connecting... |                                                                 
    Connecting... /                                                                 
    Connecting... /                                                                 
    Connecting... /                                                                 
    Connecting... /                                                                 
    Connecting... -                                                                 
    Connecting... -                                                                 
    Connecting... -                                                                 
    Connecting... -                                                                 
    Connecting... \                                                                 
    Connecting... \                                                                 
    Connecting... \                                                                 
    Connecting... \                                                                 
    Connecting... |                                                                 
    Connecting... |                                                                 
    Connecting... |                                                                 
    Please enter your e-mail / username: <my email>
    Please enter your password: <my password>
    Initiating sign in                                                              
    There was a connectivity issue. Please check your internet connection and try   
    boost assertion failed: px != 0 in /mnt/dev/TVLib/TV12/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:typename boost::detail::sp_member_access<T>::type boost::shared_ptr<T>::operator->() const [with T = tvhelper::ISettings; typename boost::detail::sp_member_access<T>::type = tvhelper::ISettings*], line 693

    The second issue pertains to my particular scenario (although the above might be influenced by it). As stated this is an Ubuntu 16.04.03LTS installed inside a LXC container. I have installed (i hope) all necessary packages for graphic desktop axcept a physical graphics card. I am using X11 virtual frame buffer server Xvfb for all GUI based applications. This setup works well with X11 forwarding through ssh or through xdhcp, xrdp or xpra. I have not explicitely installed Weyland. The trouble with X11 forwarding through ssh ist that is sluggish and the other options do not work well behind NAT firewall.

    I have not tried yet fresh OS install on a separate hardware or VM. Will do it and if succesful where and which are the configuration files.

  • @DanielStmBTW: if needed i can provide you with the logs, core dumps and stack info. Basically everything from logfiles directory. Also I can try different aproaches to help you narrow down the issue/s.

    OTOH would be nice to have an idea of the architecture of the linux native client. Obviously the parts that are not trade secrets or proprietary.


  • DanielStm
    DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🤠

    @redwil, thanks, I don't need logs. The crash has already been fixed, teamviewer setup should work with the next update. On your scenario, my first answer holds true:  grabbing from a forwarded X11 session is currently not supported, as we require shared memory access. Outgoing connections are untested, but I think we would need to add explicit support for Xvfb for that. We experimented with that, but before that can ever become a feature, it has to work flawlessly. For the foreseeable future we have to focus on more commonly used things.

    As time permits, I might write a blog article about some of the inner workings of TeamViewer some day next year.

    Linux Developer
  • doomy
    doomy Posts: 2

    thanks for the great work! any idea when the update's going out?

  • DanielStm
    DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🤠

    Dear @tzolesz, @doomy,

    Please have a look: [Update: 13.0.6634] Christmas Update

    All the best,

    Linux Developer
  • Using the Christmas Update I still have this error using SSH to setup Teamviewer.


  • AlexYuan
    AlexYuan Posts: 1


    Trial the TeamViewer host rpm. The client one seems depending on the GUI, which should not be avaialbe, once in headless linux mode.

    I have suffered the issue, once I upgraded from tv 13 to 14. Just figured out, I should take use of the host version instead.

    Good luck!


  • Last login: Wed Jan 22 10:20:25 2020 from
    luke@ubuntu-s1:~$ teamviewer

    CheckCPU: SSE2 support: yes
    Checking setup...
    Launching TeamViewer ...
    Launching TeamViewer GUI ...

    Then this error:

    invalid x11 configuration found (DISPLAY=localhost:10.0), TeamViewer can not start.




  • I am having the same issue as reported in January 2020 - is this something that should have been fixed in the intervening two years or is it simply going to remain an issue with Linux forever?

  • zvidan
    zvidan Posts: 2

    I have very similar issue, like reported in January 2020 and June 2022 above.

    Only in my case I see in brackets "(DISPLAY=::1:1)".

    What happens, if the issue is already resolved ?