I've just done a clean install of Raspbian Buster onto a new RPi4, installed Team Viewer host, and everything works and connects and I can remotely control the RPi4.
However, if I open a terminal window while remotely connected, and type some commands, it always shows one command behind what it should.
For example, if I type the command: pwd (without pressing return) the remote display shows:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pw
whereas the monitor connected to the HDMI port on the RPi4 shows:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pwd
The screen only updates if I leave it for around 20 seconds, or if I move my mouse over the terminal window, (or type another character but then it's still behind one character).
I've tried a complete reinstall of everything, but it's still the same. I've also tried running the Team Viewer client from another PC, but again, still the same.
Any ideas how I can get it to refresh the screen correctly as I type, at the moment its barely usable/incredibly annoying.