HOST Macbook pro does not enter sleep mode when teamviewer is remote controlling a guest


 I am using latest Macbook pro late 2016, when I start a remote control from macbook, even I am inactive for enough time, the macbook does not enter into sleep mode.

Is it a normal behaviour? How to turn this feature off?

Many thanks.

Best Answer


  • Archigos
    Archigos Posts: 30 ✭✭

    I assume this is intended due to the fact that there has to be some sort of back and forth traffic to keep the connection alive, therefore not technically allowing enough idle time to initiate sleep. You can look in the settings/options for the inactivity timeout and set that to 20 minutes (for example) which will allow it to force close the connection and 'reset' the idle timer on the system hopefully allowing that to sleep after the OS timeout passes.

    I believe the inactivity settings you need to adjust are from the system you are connecting FROM. Although setting it on both would probably be best.

  • ForthOK
    ForthOK Posts: 2 ✭✭

    TeamViewer continues to prevent the Mac from going to sleep even after the connection is closed. That doesn't make sense.

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