Deploy TeamViewer Host MSI option file with relative path


Greetings. I'm trying to deploy a custom TeamViewer Host via Intune Win32 app, though not with Intune / Company Portal integration. So just at custom TeamViewer Host really. I run into problems when referencing the options file. I've created a intunewin file where the MSI setup file resides, as well as a subfolder "Options" where the .tvopt file resides. The problem is that I can't seem to use a relative path to reference the options file, as I get an error message stating that the reference file is not accessible. Is it possible to use relative paths here?

error message + install stringerror message + install string

Here's the install string:

msiexec.exe /i "TeamViewer15_Host.msi" /qn SETTINGSFILE="Options/TeamViewer15HostSettings.tvopt"


If I do a local install with an absolute path (C:\whatever\TeamViewer15HostSettings.tvopt) the install works as expected. As far as I can tell that won't work with a Win32 app deployment as there's not absolute path to reference, and the Win32 app states to use relative paths for extra files. Is there any way do this with a relative path?



When generating an .intunewin file, put any files you need to reference
into a subfolder of the setup folder.
Then, use a relative path to reference the specific file you need.
For example:

Setup source folder: c:\testapp\v1.0
License file: c:\testapp\v1.0\licenses\license.txt

Refer to the license.txt file by using the relative path licenses\license.txt.


  • JakeMccarthy

    I ran into this issue as well! You can get around it by using CMD to call the msi and use %CD% to generate the absolute path.

    Here is an example

    cmd.exe /c start msiexec.exe /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn SETTINGSFILE="%CD%\TeamViewer_Settings.tvopt"

  • harsxhe


    I was tired of trying to make a Teamviewer 15 deployment which requires absolute paths for the configuration files and there was no way to get it to work.

    Following this post  I did the test with the installation using a cmd script and the execution paths %~dp0 (I didn't know about them ngl) and saved me from having to reconfigure all of my clients!

    If someone by any chances comes here for the same I quote the script (.msi, config file and .cmd must be on the same folder):

    msiexec /i "%~dp0TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=XXX APITOKEN=XXX SETTINGSFILE="%~dp0ConfigFile.tvopt"

    Greetings from Spain,


  • Ignacio_Ibarra_86
    Ignacio_Ibarra_86 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hey guys, any news on this post? I am deploying windows 11 and I want to install Temaviewer with a password pre-set, the only way is doing it through TVOPT, but adding the line in my MDT it doesn't work

    msiexec.exe /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=XXXX APITOKEN=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %computername% --grant-easy-access --group-id gXXXXXXXX" SETTINGSFILE="D:\MDTwin11\Applications\Teamviewer\configuration.tvopt"

    D:\MDTwin11\Applications\Teamviewer, I change this path several times trying different ones.

    when I take this SETTIGSFILE line off, It will install Teamviewer with the other configuration working, with SETTINGSFILE it wont work, any advice on what can I do to make it work?

  • Ignacio_Ibarra_86
    Ignacio_Ibarra_86 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hey guys, any news on this post? I am deploying windows 11 and I want to install Temaviewer with a password pre-set, the only way is doing it through TVOPT, but adding the line in my MDT it doesn't work

    msiexec.exe /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=XXXX APITOKEN=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %computername% --grant-easy-access --group-id gXXXXXXXX" SETTINGSFILE="D:\MDTwin11\Applications\Teamviewer\configuration.tvopt"

    D:\MDTwin11\Applications\Teamviewer, I change this path several times trying different ones.

    when I take this SETTIGSFILE line off, It will install Teamviewer with the other configuration working, with SETTINGSFILE it wont work, any advice on what can I do to make it work?