Commercial use - Connection time out



  • KDenis
    KDenis Posts: 2 ✭✭

    And where they can write? They hide their contacts, Without a bottle of **bleep**, their contacts are difficult to find. Please write here the contact service for the removal of the flag on commercial use.

  • AnneQMP

    I am new in my position at work and have the use of my predecessor's computer. This person used up the trial version to remote access their computer at home leading to the expiration of the free trial linked to this computer. I have no need to remote access other computers, but an unexpired free trial allows companies that have a team viewer subscription to log in to my new work computer to help with programming and tech support issues. However, because my predecessor ran out the free trial, I am having to turn to less trustworthy remote access apps to have tech support help me with the programming issues.

    Is there any way to reset the free trial related to my computer's mac address because it was not being used the way it was supposed to at the fault of my predecessor?

  • laknox
    laknox Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Using TV 14 for PERSONAL USE ONLY, but TV keeps popping up the Commercial Use Detected box and is now even opening a tab on my browser to get me to try and buy.  I have filled out and submitted the affidavit stating that I use this for personal use on TWO occasions for the two systems that I use it on.  My home system and my dad's system.  I only use this to "keep in touch" with my home system while I'm working at my dad's house.  I do NOT do any paid troubleshooting for anyone and only rarely log in from my home to my dad's system and that's usually just to check something like a message that will pop up or to grab family pics or docs off his system.  This is MAYBE 4-5 times a year, if that.  NOW, I can log in, but then get timed out after only 60 seconds and then made to wait about 30 minutes before I can log back in.  This is getting real old, real fast.  If TV's techs can' t differentiate between someone who's logged in for a few hours, but is moving almost zero data and someone that's logged in for the same amount of time and is moving megabytes, then something's wrong.  I also have never been contacted after submitting what amounts to sworn affidavits of personal use to confirm or deny my use.  I like TV, and have used it for a number of years, but there =are= alternatives.  If TV's bottom line is suffering that much that they need to start hassling the free users, then maybe they should just go 100% pay only.

  • Softman

    The same here: i use teamviewer on 2 home PCs, 1 personal laptop and 1 android smartphone.

    And Teamviever drop my sessions after few minutes :(

    "Commertial use suspected" blabla..

    In fact, i have access to company enterprise account with lot of free licenses, and if i wanted to, i shall use it without problems.. In my case - i suffer because i DONT use TV illegaly.

  • SteveP666

    Just discovered that TV only suspects my laptop.  My desktop, iphone and ipad all work without interruption.  Hope they don't go after those as well.  Just helped out my 88 year-old mother with a problem with her PC using TV.

    Gonna check the alternatives someone posted.

  • Acecool

    Despite using as public-use, I am constantly flagged for commercial-use for helping friends and family. My mom has an eye-disease which prevents her from always being able to read so I connect to her computer, frequently, to help her read, or use the magnifier if it isn't that bad on a certain day.

    My old neighbor who is nearing 80 years old, I stay in touch with him - he is a friend. I help him from time to time with computer problems and accept no payment, ever. Personal use.

    The most recent time I was flagged was when I was trying to connect to GIFTEDSLIM-PC, my moms computer ( given to us by her ex-husband, also a family friend, as he doesn't use computers anymore and it was better than her old one ) blocked me from connecting for 20 minutes while she writhes in pain trying to read without me. This has gone on too many times - PLEASE FIX IT.

    The same neighbor purchased a device which had teamviewer pre-installed. I am not an employee of the company that sold it to him, nor am I an employee of the company of the product. I connected to help him but my connection was cut off after 3 to 5 minutes with TV claiming I was using it commercially, when I have never, nor will ever, receive payment from him. I am helping him as a friend, for free..

    Another situation - I help a lot of people on my own discord, or other servers, if I see they are having problems - FOR FREE... If they have an issue with a game, configuration of their computer, viruses, etc... I also tutor hundreds of students, and if they have trouble installing the necessary tools to learn - I help them... ALL FOR FREE.

    Yet I am constantly being flagged and told to wait before I can reconnect. When I reconnect, if the device times out a single time within the first 10 seconds of connecting - I am told I must wait for up to an hour before being able to reconnect.

    I have a broken neck, back and severe nerve damage. I do what I do for mental health preservation but by blocking me from being able to help, you are hurting me.

    -Josh Acecool
  • Acecool

    But doing that means I have to somehow get my family member, with an eye-disease, to read off a code they are unable to read, along with a password they are unable to read...

    Unattended access is the only way I can help my family members with this eye disease. It seems Teamviewer doesn't support the disabled community.


    I can not disable unattended access to 'resolve' the issue of this software bug, or attack by TV against disabled individuals and good, honest, people who help others for free.

    -Josh Acecool
  • Acecool

    How do you submit a support ticket? For me I am redirected to the community page and can't find the support ticket page at all...

    -Josh Acecool
  • Acecool

    I wouldn't say 'great'. The software is usable, and has a good UI. But, because it isn't built into the OS, it can't easily emulate things - meaning much more data has to be sent...


    With Remote Desktop, built into Windows, there is 0 delay on your screen. If you launch an app, it responds instantly because it gets emulated on your local machine and that's what you see - and as long as you have a connection to the client - they will see the same. Some other data must be networked, but not near as much as TV does because teamviewer seems to network a movie, essentially.. instead of capturing windows, networking them individually, along with the background, then simulating other events - which would be a faster way to do things.

    -Josh Acecool
  • cjbreisch

    Well, I always used the VPN connection from TeamViewer and then Remote Desktop. Best of both worlds.

    Before TV decided I was a criminal and couldn't use their software anymore.

    However, as I have said repeatedly now, there are other remote utilities for Windows that you can find with a simple search. One of which is frankly better than TeamViewer in every way and allows Remote Desktop connections. And seems faster and more stable, at least so far.

    In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.
  • Mossme89

    My account is for personal use only. Please remove the flag on my account. I use it for my personal PC, my aunt's PC, and my Mac. 

  • badblocks-net

    Hallo Teamviewer.

    Heute wende ich mich mit einer Frage bezüglich eurer Lizensierungsmodelle an euch.

    In der Vergangenheit habe ich häufiger Produkte aus eurem Haus genutzt, um von unterwegs auf meinen PRIVATEN Pc zu PRIVATEN Zwecken zu Hause zuzugreifen. Seit neuestem nun wird mir komerzielle Nutzung unterstellt. Nach Meldung über das angegebene Reset Formular wird mir quasi kommentarlos (lediglich der Hinweis, das kommerzielle Nutzung vermutet wird) ein Dokument zum Ausfüllen zugeschickt, das einer Erklärung an Eides statt sehr nahe kommt.

    Keine Begründung, keine weitere Erläuterung, nichts. Da ich nun aber auf eben diese Verbindung angewiesen bin, da ich aus Gründen der Sicherheit nicht meinen gesamten Datenbestand mit mir rumtragen möchte, stehe ich nun kurz davor, eine Business Lizenz als Privatperson abzuschließen, denn ein Formular fülle ich gewiss nicht aus ohne weitere Begründung, weshalb und warum das Notwendig sei, bzw. welches Nutzerverhalten meinerseits zu eben der Bewertung der kommerziellen Nutzung geführt hat. Weiterhin ist nicht ersichtlich, wie und in welchem Umfang personenbezogene Daten verabeitet werden.

    Danke, Teamviewer. Echt großes Tennis, das ihr mit so windigen Methoden wie Zwangstrennunng versucht, Abgaben rauszupressen.Mich habt ihr nun weichgekocht, ich beuge mich eurem Diktat und werde nun ein Abo abschließen, damit ich weiterhin meine privaten Mails lesen kann.

    Bitte nicht falsch verstehen. Einer Vergütung stehe ich grundsätzlich positiv gegenüber, schließlich soll die Leistung dahinter auch entlohnt werden. Gäbe es eine Vollversion für Privatnutzer zu kaufen, würde ich direkt zuschlagen. Lediglich diese Illusion, als Privatperson könne man Teamviewer kostenfrei nutzen, aber wir schauen dir genau zu und trauen dir halt mal pauschal nicht, stinkt mir gewaltig.  

  • PinsitojQui

    I was dropped/block stating am a commercial user. I am a personal user to help my own/family/friends with some computer issues. I am making no money helping and running no businesses. I am retired military and knowledgeable on computer issues. I help in good faith and was blocked trying to help a retired soldier friend from home in FL to his home in TX. I could not finish helping because you blocked my connection. Please explain why you advertize free license for personal use but not keep it up.

  • aXXit
    aXXit Posts: 9

    **Third Party Product** (rückwärts schreiben) ist eh weit besser. 

    Mittlerweile bin ich froh, dass mich TV ausgesperrt hat :) 

  • andrewdobish

    Good morning all, this is my first post.  I use to use my latop and PC for a business account through one of my clients they gave an email log in and password and use to remote into various machines.

    I just changed over and my account is PERSONAL which it now is and I am only wanting to go between my laptop and PC and every time I log in it says "commercial use detected" and kicks me off in 1 min.

    As a FREE account how do I get this to work?

    Thank you


  • SomeAsianKid

    So apparently you can't contact Teamviewer directly anymore about your account being flagged.


    I run a home lab at my apartment so i can do testing and just general messing around and configuring random stuff as a hobby (apparently thats not common with TV?). So i was flagged before and i let them know "hey i use teamviewer free on my work computers to connect to my home lab VM's to mess around with my home lab stuff" and they removed the flag because none of what i do is commercial.


    Well flash forward and im flagged again on all of my devices and i cant do anything with my home lab while i've got down time at work let alone my personal computer connecting to my work laptop thats connected to my home lab as a piggy back to get access into the home lab.


    So i guess i'm hoping someone from the TV team can actually shed some light on who or how i can contact you guys and explain what i do with my TV is in no way commercial. I haven't used TV with friends or other devices i don't own in a few years so this is pretty bogus to me.

  • 10blk
    10blk Posts: 1

    I've been getting the same messages.  I am just remotely hitting my home machine from work.  

  • SomeAsianKid

    At first they flagged my old work laptop i dont use often so it wasnt a big deal i could still do my personal lab **bleep**. But now EVERY device is flagged and i cant do a thing.


    I'm literally trying to remote into my lab VM so i can configure a VPN on my lab gateway so i don't have to keep relying on TV for this stuff anymore.

  • SomeAsianKid

    Wow look at this, so not only are the TV forum mods actively reading all of these community complaints, they moved it to the general section and don't even leave feedback or a way to contact Teamviewer about getting this fixed.


    Well i'm glad this will be a big impact for my actual work when they bring up maybe switching **Third Party Product** to Teamviewer. I'll be switching over to a different free service now.



    Time to take my personal and potential business else where.

  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 895 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @SomeAsianKid 

    Thank you for your post.

    As the original post to this thread (and the marked solutions) states:

    2019-11-07 13_09_21-Solved_ TeamViewer thinks I’m using the software commercially! - TeamViewer Comm.png

    Please fill out the linked form for any ID that is flagged. 

    Once submitted our support team will assess your request and let you know more. More info is found in the support article linked in the original post as well. Here is a direct link: Why do I see 'Commercial use suspected' / 'Commercial use detected'

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • darksupernova


    I have an oculus rift plugged into a PC that sits in the living room. There is no external monitor attached to it anymore. Teamviewer is the only way in which I can see whats going on, install updates / new games etc when oculus desktop view stops working. Today I opened it up and was accused of commercial use. Last time this happened I got the warning a few times and then my account was banned! 

    Please see a screenshot here:[external link removed]


    Please can you advise what to do?

  • sg325is

    i am recieving a false message for commercial use.  i do not use the free version for commercial use and need my access restored.  let me know what you need to reset my device.


  • pomonabill220

    Well I have filled out the form and submitted it via email, and approx. 1 week later I got an email saying that non commercial use cannot be detected, so

    I AM DUMPING TV!!!! after being a private user for years.

    I don't understand why TV is having so much trouble with this issue!

    Doesn't anyone see that this is a mass problem and something was done to create this?  Gee, MAYBE something that was done about a month ago, caused this, ya think?


  • pomonabill220

    Why all the friggin forms that go unanswered or are rejected?

    I already filled out the form and got an email saying personal use could not be determined, so BYE BYE TV!!!

    I have had it with all the carp that TV is making everyone go through with NO resolution!

    This is REDICULOUS and I don't have time to play the games..... so I am going elsewhere!

    Just think of one of the biggest email services and a browser.

  • Acecool

    What form?

    -Josh Acecool
  • bhowes
    bhowes Posts: 4 ✭✭

    that form is terrible. they take forever to respond and they do nothing to fix the false alarms. most folks complain about getting reflagged 

    why cant tv fix this horrorshow. clearly they amped up the detection algos and its causing widespread issues. i have already switched to a free competing product until this is sorted. sad. 

  • BillyE

    I was a TeamViewer user to connect from my Laptop to my Desktop Computer to check email when I am away from home.  It worked fine for about 1 year then I began getting messages on login the I was using TeamView commerically which was not true.  It would kick me off after about 5 seconds.  I completed the Private User Form and received an email from TeamView saying I was approved as a Private User and would be allowed to use the application free.  However, I stillget teh same message about commercial use and am kickoff after abouto 5 seconds.  I completed a second Private User Form listing both my Laptop and Desktop ID's but never received a response from TeamViewer Support.  I get weekly emails trying to sell me a license but can't justify it for my single private use.  Any suggestions on what I might do the get TV Support to respond?

  • FrodeE

    I am deeply disappointed and find that the statement of being free for private use is a hoax.
    I have two computers sitting next to each other, one running windows 10, the other Windows XP due to older versions of programs that I can't afford to upgrade. To try to save space on my desk by only using one keyboard and one mouse, I prefer to run teamviewer between these two computers. For some reason the staff at teamviewer consider this being commercial use????

  • lholloway

    I have installed the commercial version on my side. Do I have to install it on the remote side?

  • Acecool

    Ah, I haven't been flagged in quite a while since I was last flagged - also for the same reason ( helping my mom who is has an eye disease, my old neighbor, then neighbor, and other friends / students - whom I have never charged, nor will ever charge ).


    I submitted my case - lets see what they say. I also mentioned the fact that unattended access HAS to be set for my mom, and other people who know next to nothing about computers. I mean, my old neighbor complains about the internet running slow at times, when he has 200+ old tabs open and I have to tell him how to close them, every time. I even installed an app on his browsers, where he only needs to click to store / save the opened tabs, and search them without slowing anything down.

    Maybe I should be getting paid, but for $50 a month on TV, I'd rather pay to update each and every single client to Windows X Professional for a few dollars less, from home and be able to connect to them forever. The monthly fee stuff is ridiculous and they need to rethink it. I would pay for additional features, if it was one time per major version.. not because of commercial use, because that's not what I'm doing - it is for personal use, but to help.


    I mean, I have already paid for a very useful explorer replacement ( can be a replacement, or not - I chose not on the installer to avoid reboots during updates ) called Directory Opus. I can set icons on files - so client-side files get one color, server-side another, shared half of client and half of server icon, etc... it is incredibly helpful in searching for files, having tabs, etc... It is a 1 time fee per major version and they update minor versions frequently with new features, etc... 

    If Teamviewer had some additional features and a 1 time payment option for personal use - forever, or for major versions ( which come out every other year, or so - if it is warranted, and not just to get people to spend again ), and got rid of this problem, then I'd buy in. But for $50 a month, it is cheaper to update every client to the Pro version of Windows they are running for the additional features and unattended remote access server, etc.. which also runs a lot better than TV.

    For a company, like the indian scammers run which scams people out of thousands each using TeamViewer and 'refund' scams, by editing the users browser data using dev console and live-html updates to 'fake' incoming money transfers for computer illerates, then have them 'wire' money to a legitimate bank account without any money ever going in... $50 a month is cheap... Why isn't TeamViewer targeting these scammers, or does TV condone this type of behavior? 

    Before I'd buy in to TV, I'd want them to kick off the scammers. Although, a lot of them that are run recycling companies and can easily put in a new piece of hardware and get a new id and be up an running in minutes or an hour... so... On Windows 10, even less time... So reporting does little...

    TV needs to fix the id system so that reporting these scammers will actually ban them from being able to use TV, at least for a day. That'd be nice. 10 minutes isn't a deterrent as they can make 10s of thousands an hour with multiple scammers working.


    edit: It also seems like the only people doing anything against the scammers are people on Youtube that 'buy in' to the scammers offer, then delete the files on the scammers computer. This only works if they don't have a backup. Some don't, but most do. But TV doesn't seem to be doing anything against these people other than accepting money from them. I really hope that it isn't to look the other way..

    Another reason why I'd buy in, is it would give them more funds to hopefully hire a support staff that can actually respond to these issues.. People that pay the one time fee get quicker support, or something like that - to a point. ie: if a paid person adds a ticket, and a non-paid also adds a ticket, the paid would take precedence, but not to the point where the non-paid would never get answered. A week seems like too long, to me. It should be 48 hours, maximum. For paid members, 12 to 24 hours.


    Edit: Also, I was saying - because I do not use TV for commercial purposes - and because I only help a few people constantly - it would be cheaper to upgrade their OS's instead of spending the $50 per month for TV indefinitely - especially because I am not doing this commercially. If I was, then it may be justifiable although if I had a small number of people - it'd still be cheaper to upgrade the clients for Windows. TV really should reconsider their pricing...

    -Josh Acecool