Easy access - FEEDBACK for our Product Managers

Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

Hi all,

we would like to collect some feedback about Easy Access.

I started a poll here (Oct. 16th to Nov. 16th) and I would appreciate if you could take a moment to vote.

Please feel free to add any commment you would like to share about Easy Access with us as a reply to this post.

Thanks and best, Esther

Former Community Manager


  • Mikethk
    Mikethk Posts: 1

    Generally Teamviewer is not very user friendly. I understand that there might be alot of access security settings, that should be followed.

    But Teamviewer is FILLED with password, easy access, users, names, usernames, PC names, registration names, Alias of PC name etc. etc. etc. etc.

    Maybe get some help on making some of it a bit more easygoing, and beside that put in a Advanced options. Im pretty good at IT and YES, it is required to start using Teamviewer.

    Normal people dont stand much of a chance really.


    And what is up with update admin login? Okay it is fine that you need to have admin rights, but plz tell us what is going on. . . . It says "You need admin rights" Login:
    Comon. . . Gief me a chance to understand what is going on.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,013 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello Mikethk,

    Thank you for your message.

    It is always the big dilemma : security or user friendliness ?

    As TeamViewer is a powerful tool, we have to make security one of our priorities.

    This is why you have a lot of passwords and security measures.

    Concerning the question about the message "You need admin rights", this is how it works.

    With the professional licenses Premium or Corporate, you can create a Company Profile.

    The administrator of the company profile will be able to create or invite users in his Management Console, in order to give access to the license to his users.

    If you are a member of a Company Profile, it is normal that you have this message when you click on "User management", because only the admin can manage this.

    I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to contact us again.


    Community Manager

  • john0022
    john0022 Posts: 1

    As TeamViewer is a powerful tool, we have to make security one of our priorities.This is why you have a lot of passwords and security measures.Concerning the question about the message "You need admin rights", this is how it works.With the professional licenses Premium or Corporate, you can create a Company Profile.The administrator of the company profile will be able to create or invite users in his Management Console, in order to give access to the license to his users.If you are a member of a Company Profile, it is normal that you have this message when you click on "User management", because only the admin can manage this.

    I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to contact us again.

  • lapademaris
    lapademaris Posts: 1

    First, I have to say that Easy Access (EA) is great!

    Though, I do wonder if there are underlying vulnerabilities that I am not thinking fully about when using (EA). I know that when I setup a new computer with Team Viewer (currently v12) that I install the program on a domain computer, click start with Windows, then assign to account. Enter the information > check my email > approve the device being added > which ultimately adds it to my lsit of comptures to which I can connect.

    However, I have noticed that on some of the computers, at first, I was not putting in a password that would be required for changes and alterations to settings. When this PW was not in place, some instances of TV12 seemed to uninstall themselves from my users' computers. I know the first thought would be that the user did it themselves, however I am quite sure that some of these users couldn't find Control Panel with a walk through guide.

    Why would it do that behavior, and is my implementation of a password for changes the correct resolution?


    And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. - Colossians 3:17