Is the TV session secure in the sense of intercepting personal data from the stream



If someone has knowledge about the real possibility of interception of personal data during a TV session by third parties (hackers). I have a problem with one of the hospitals that refused me remote access to my computer in the hospital's local network, explaining this by the danger of personal data being intercepted (leaked). He explained this by the fact that the data stream in the session passes through external servers (TV servers) and this is a threat, thus preventing me from performing a contract contract using the remote access method.



  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @KzSk1 

    With today's standards, the TeamViewer app using an absolutely secure encrypted connection.

    If you want, you can take a look here to find all details about it.

    You are totally secured when using it.

    Best regards