Special Keys IPAD


How do you send special keys when using an IPAD to Mac OSX? I don't see any place to enable special keys using the menu at the side of the IOS app.


Best Answer


  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 895 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @rmcilmoyle,

    Thank you for your post.

    The iOS keyboard in the TeamViewer app should operate normally, as the keyboard does in the rest of the device.

    When you are connected from your iPad to a computer, first bring up the menu in the bottom right corner and click the keyboard icon.

    ipad 1.png

    Once in the keyboard, click ".?123" in the bottom left of the keyboard.

    ipad 2.png

    To see more special keys, click "#+=", right above the "ABC" button.

    ipad 3.png

    To go back to letters, simply click "ABC".

    ipad 4.png

    Hope this helps!

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • rmcilmoyle

    Turns out the issue is the IPad Pro keyboard cover. I was using the magnetically attached IPad Pro keyboard cover and in that case, you can use the shift key+any numeric key to accomplish the special key. Once I removed the optional keyboard it works as described. 

    I find if I connect to my OSX desktop and then initiate a Microsoft Remote Desk to session it will not generate the expected keys to its remote device. I know remote to remote ... the OSX desktop is functioning somewhat like a jump host.