android connection


We got a premium license to connect to android devices without authorization. we are testing it right now.
but when we want to connect, I get a warning that "the other person has rejected your connection request". but there is no confirmation screen on the android device



08.11 14:16:22,074: Version: 12.0.40095
08.11 14:16:22,076: Sandbox: remote
08.11 14:16:22,076: SysLanguage: tr
08.11 14:16:22,076: VarLanguage: tr
08.11 14:16:22,076: Flash Player: PlugIn (WIN 27,0,0,183)
08.11 14:16:22,081: UseLanguage: tr
08.11 14:16:22,081: UseLanguage: tr
08.11 14:16:22,089: TeamViewer hasPassword: false
08.11 14:16:22,544: ExternalConnect id=269595746
08.11 14:16:22,548: CT connect 269595746 masterURL:, sandbox = remote
08.11 14:16:22,574: MC.requestRoute(269595746)
08.11 14:16:22,576: MC.sendMasterCommand text=F=RequestRoute2&ID1=777&Client=TV&ID2=269595746&SA_AccountID=104393234&SA_PasswordMD5HashBase64Encoded=&SA_SessionSecret=jq/Vs+SOd8HCbGHpEW+E7Y1wnjOt8MSi5IQ6M+PEWpM=&SA_SessionID=1595454208&V=12.0.40095&OS=Flash
08.11 14:16:22,578: MC wait for ping completion
08.11 14:16:22,580: PS.socket event: [Event type="connect" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
08.11 14:16:22,665: PingThread: TCP-Ping ok
08.11 14:16:22,665: MC.socket mode = TCP,
08.11 14:16:22,666: MC.connect:
08.11 14:16:24,672: connect timeout
08.11 14:16:24,674: MC.ioErrorHandler: [IOErrorEvent type="TV_Timeout" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=""]
08.11 14:16:24,675: MC.socket mode = TCP,
08.11 14:16:24,675: MC.connect:
08.11 14:16:26,675: connect timeout
08.11 14:16:26,676: MC.ioErrorHandler: [IOErrorEvent type="TV_Timeout" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=""]
08.11 14:16:26,676: MC.socket mode = TCP,
08.11 14:16:26,676: MC.connect:
08.11 14:16:28,697: connect timeout
08.11 14:16:28,697: MC.ioErrorHandler: [IOErrorEvent type="TV_Timeout" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=""]
08.11 14:16:28,697: ConnectionThreadEvent fatal error: Master ile bağlantı kurulamıyor
08.11 14:16:28,697: ConnectionThread closed
08.11 14:16:28,697: ClientGUID:
08.11 14:16:28,697: m_ComSessionAfterEnding: true
08.11 14:16:28,697: m_connectionAlready Suceeded: false
08.11 14:16:42,669: PS.socket event: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"]
08.11 14:16:42,671: MC.securityErrorHandler: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"]
08.11 14:16:42,672: ConnectionThreadEvent fatal error: Master ile bağlantı kurulamıyor
08.11 14:16:44,686: PS.socket event: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"]
08.11 14:16:44,687: MC.securityErrorHandler: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"]
08.11 14:16:44,703: ConnectionThreadEvent fatal error: Master ile bağlantı kurulamıyor
08.11 14:16:46,710: PS.socket event: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"]
08.11 14:16:46,710: MC.securityErrorHandler: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"]
08.11 14:16:46,710: ConnectionThreadEvent fatal error: Master ile bağlantı kurulamıyor



  • Iain_wels
    Iain_wels Posts: 54 ✭✭

    Hello lunabilisim,

    From what i read in your post you want to connect from a pc to an android device, is this right? If so unfortunatly that is not possible... Teamviewer does not support the conection from a pc to an mobile device. If it is the other way around the connection should be stable and possible! So please let me know what you want to do!

    I hope this helps,

    Thank you for using teamviewer.

    With kind regards, Met vriendelijke groet,
    Iain Wels,
    If you found this helpfull please verify it as an solution, so it could help other people
  • Iain_wels
    Iain_wels Posts: 54 ✭✭

    Hello lunabilisim,

    My apologies! There is a way to connect from your computer to your mobile device! I just got corrected by a moderator! Here is how you can do it

    I hope this helps,

    Thank you for using teamviewer!

    With kind regards, Met vriendelijke groet,
    Iain Wels,
    If you found this helpfull please verify it as an solution, so it could help other people