Dear TeamViewer Community,
In a previous topic / thread (see Audio ducking issue (and resolution)), it was acknowledged by TeamViewer's support and development teams that there was indeed an "audio ducking" issue that was introduced in release 12.0.78517 for macOS.
For many of us, the workaround was to downgrade to the previous release of TV (12.0.75813), where the "audio ducking" issue did not exist, while waiting for the official fix.
Recently, TV released version 12.0.80984, which corrected the "audio ducking" issue, but introduced a new one : the sound is now boosted to its maximum level (I'll refer to this as the "audio boosting" issue from now on) when establishing a remote connection or when accessing the TeamViewer for macOS' Audio properties.
There are a few variables in this case : which sound device is selected in macOS, which sound device is selected in TeamViewer's audio properties, is there more than one audio device available on the computer, etc. This will hence need some investigation in order to establish what really works and doesn't and how one setting affects the others.
Step-by-step procedures to reproduce this "sound boosting" issue would be welcome from all contributors in this community.
BTW, version 12.0.81460 was released shortly after 12.0.80984, but the "audio boosting" issue persisted in the latter as well.
So... Community !! Let's give the TeamViewer team a hand to sort out and pinpoint this issue so that we may finally get a great audio experience when using their application ! :smileywink:
Thank you all in advance !!
Kind regards,