(unknown) status on the computer list



  • keosmart
    keosmart Posts: 2

    Since some days (I connot be sure when), there is a new status in the list of computers in my account, (unknown) (inconnu un french).

    I do not know the meaning of this status, but the "unknown" computers cannot be reached, even if I know that they are connected (checked with the user of the remote computer)

    Can I have some explanations. I still use TV10.


  • Awponder
    Awponder Posts: 2
    Same issue here
  • War_Doc
    War_Doc Posts: 2

    Same issue here.  About a 1/3 of the computers I work on that are normally online now have this Unknown status.  What's going on here?

  • neno
    neno Posts: 1

    Same here. It is a bug!

  • Awponder
    Awponder Posts: 2
    Like it’s a big they will fix or it’s a bug and we have to re assign all these contacts
  • macaid
    macaid Posts: 6

    @Awponder wrote:
    Like it’s a big they will fix or it’s a bug and we have to re assign all these contacts

    God i hope not i have 60+ users

  • wayneh
    wayneh Posts: 2

    Hope it's fixed quickly, I have this problem across five sites, if I have to go reregister all these devices it's going to be a major pain!

  • macaid
    macaid Posts: 6

    Yes same problem here at first all my user userlist apeared empty all of a sudden today 24th july around midday i rebooted my Mac but still same. then they appeared again but a lot of users show ( Unknown) after their name and appear offline see picture

    Screen Shot 2018-07-24 at 23.53.22.jpg

  • dlengyel
    dlengyel Posts: 3

    I am having the same problem.  No problem with TeamViewer until today.  Now, all computers are showing, on and offline.  I only want to see active computers in each group. 

  • We are also experiencing the exact same problem. We use TeamViewer to manage over 200 computers and now we can't see most of them. Is there an ETA of when this will be fixed? Is there any response from Teamviewer directly?

  • AdamC
    AdamC Posts: 3

    Same here, last 18 hours or so.  Oddly enough, web interface doesn't seem to suffer the same issue.

    Why no reply from Teamviewer yet?


  • War_Doc
    War_Doc Posts: 2

    @telnetworks wrote:

    We are also experiencing the exact same problem. We use TeamViewer to manage over 200 computers and now we can't see most of them. Is there an ETA of when this will be fixed? Is there any response from Teamviewer directly?

    I talked to tech support and I was basically told if the UNKNOWN won't connect, you have to manually go through and authorize that computer again.  Told them the computers were spread out over different states and I was told too bad, so sad.  Oh well.

  • chriswong
    chriswong Posts: 1

    Get reply from HK support..

    TeamViewer was applied a security update in Germany yesterday.
    If the hosts with unknown status that need to restart the service, and the TeamViewer ID will be changed.

    After that, we should re-add all the host in the partner list.
    it's ridiculous...

  • AdamC
    AdamC Posts: 3
    I'm seeing some (most?) machines come back online correctly if I stop and restart the Teamviewer service. Not convenient, but it does probably mean that instructing the remote user to reboot would get them back online.
  • draganm
    draganm Posts: 1

    Here the same problem. But even worse. After a reboot the teamviewer address changes again. What means I'll have to add the machines after each new start over and over again. This makes teamviewer useless. 

  • Gatho0216
    Gatho0216 Posts: 1

    Hi everyone,
    same problem even after restarting lokal teamviewer service.
    Some ideas from technical teamviewer stuff???

  • TV_bkk
    TV_bkk Posts: 2

    same problem - about a third of my machines are marked as "unknown".

    i have a corp license for TV8 and was seriously considering to upgrade to the new licensing model even iam not a big fan of it. 

    however if i really have to ask all our people to come in to have a new Teamviewer installed i may as well install another product ...

  • Junaid
    Junaid Posts: 4
    edited May 2023

    same problem with me, it **bleep** really can we have our IDs back i have 23 workstations showing unknown. **bleep** i should do?

  • AdamC
    AdamC Posts: 3
    I'd start by raising a support ticket - I haven't had a reply to mine yet, but the more they get, the harder it is to ignore the issue.
  • Yes - I have the same problems and nothing from Support !!  Very annoying

  • tbjw
    tbjw Posts: 3

    Same **bleep** here at my customers. Can not see status at a few servers and machinery.

    They have changed id numbers. But why o why, this makes it totaly unusable and indeed customerservice is **bleep** at this debate.

  • https://twitter.com/TeamViewer?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

    No updates for 19 hrs......guess they have bigger problems !!

  • MacGuGuSS
    MacGuGuSS Posts: 2

    the pc that lose their connection have a trouble with id whitch reinit and create a new one with 10 numbers instead of 9 

  • That's not quite true.  I have examples of (unknown) machines in my list that already have 10 digits.

    This is going to be a pain if these connections are lost.  I have 100+ machines showing (unknown) in my list now.

  • AnotherProblem
    AnotherProblem Posts: 8
    edited March 2022

    Called Support - you will not like this

    There is nothing they can do and you need the new ID numbers. Support said they did an update and did not realise the impact - no **bleep** Sherlock !!! must be ex TSB Computer chaps !

    I have dumb pc's around the country - luckily only 6, but I now have to physically visit them to reset. Will take a few days.

    So much for a paid service


  • macaid
    macaid Posts: 6
    **bleep** well i have 60 plus users i paid a lot of money for a teamviewer license now if i have to travel to clients locations to fix this im going to be out of pocket
  • tbjw
    tbjw Posts: 3

    If teamviewer gmbh is going to it sales events across the country, let them bring extra clothes. it will be rotten egs and tomatoes all over the place.

    And when will teamviewer gmbh have the descency to formerly apologize there paying customers?

  • I'm a free user (personal use), and had the same problem this morning. However, although initially unable to connect to a remote machine, after a couple of attempts it did connect (with a 9 digit id).

    I ran remote update, which worked. The machine is still able to log in and connect, and still has a 9 digit id.
  • My three computers are just shown as offline. Reason is: all computers have gotten a new ID.

    Too bad that linking a computer to an account does not update the list of my devices, their IDs automatically.


    I would assume that the solution is:

    Remove the computers from the list, log out from Teamviewer, relog, add computer to list again.

    Or: reinstallation of Teamviewer and adding machines afterwards

  • 7GSoft
    7GSoft Posts: 2

    We are still experiencing the very same issue since 48h. The situation is becoming unbearable for us, so we started installing another product on the computers we still have acces to.

    If this is not resolved entirely by tomorrow, we will definitely leave TeamViewer.