Hi all,
Welcome to the TeamViewer Community, a place where passion meets knowledge, solutions are born and ideas come to life to help people grow together.
Please take a moment to read through our User Guidelines to familiarize yourself with our rules. We put together some useful information for you about how to use this forum, the do´s and don´t´s and general guidelines for behavior with the goal to have a supportive and meaningful forum, everyone enjoys.
In order to guarantee a great experience for everyone, we expect you to follow these guidelines.
Play nice and remember your manners
Our goal is to have a positive and productive community and we welcome all TeamViewer users to join us.
It is ok if you don't agree with a post of another member. No one always has to agree. Just remember to always be courteous and polite and do not bully. We do not allow name-calling or personal insults and we encourage you to reply to the content of a post and not the tone of it.
Play fair!
Our Community is available all over the planet and open to all TeamViewer users. To give everyone the same chance to benefit from the Community, we want to have all posts in English only.
You can post questions in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese or Chinese in the respective communities. See you there :-)
Please also refrain from sending support requests via private message to other TeamViewer users or staff members. If your problem is being discussed in a thread it gives everyone the chance to benefit from your question and the answers - also at a later date.
Patience please
Please keep in mind that this is a user-driven community. Answers may not be as quick as you want them to be and not all answers from users may be correct.
We can't guarantee you a staff reply but we will always work hard to make sure that we correct any incomplete or inaccurate answers.
Pro-tip: A good way to get in contact with others and to increase the chance of getting a reply to your question is to start answering other users' questions first. If you know the answer to a question: Do not hesitate to post it and help others. The more people act like that the more likely everyone gets a reply.
Sharing is caring
This community is for both experts who want to share their TeamViewer knowledge, and for beginners who need help. If you can support someone, go for it! We and everyone in our community appreciate that!
And keep in mind: By supporting other TeamViewer users in the community, you give them the chance to become a TeamViewer expert as well who can help others.
Keep it clean
Inappropriate language, SPAM, pornographic, or racist content is not permitted. Ever. We have a zero-tolerance policy. Do it once and you’re out.
Just the facts, please
Gossip, hearsay, and rumors do not help anyone. If you do not know it to be true, please do not post it. Stick to the relevant facts and express yourself clearly. Always strive to write high-quality contributions that others will read.
Search first
Our Community is filled with solutions, articles, questions, and answers. It's most likely that your question has already been asked and answered by other users.
Take a moment to search for this before you post your question to the community to avoid the community being filled with redundant questions no one will answer as it has been answered before.
Keep discussions on topic
To guarantee high quality in our discussions, stay focused on the topic of the thread. Post meaningful and relevant contributions and try to bring up something that has not been said before.
If you need to go off on a tangent, simply create a new thread. It´s easy.
Also - please do not post a topic in the wrong category and refrain from cross-posting the same thing in multiple threads as well as do not post no-content replies. The moderators will delete such posts anyways.
TeamViewer only, please
This is the TeamViewer forum.
Please do not discuss third party or competitor products. Please do not post links to or promote third party or competitor software. If you want to say something nice, say it about TeamViewer.
Please do not advertise to sell any product or service to anyone and check your links before posting them.
Our moderators will alter or delete the posts containing such information.
Religion and politics
Topics like religion and politics are for other kinds of online communities, please leave these at the door.
Your privacy is important to us
Never post your personal information, including your TeamViewer IDs, passwords, your license information, etc. or ask others to do so.
We mean it. Never post it. It is to protect your data and keep you safe.
Also please refrain from posting or uploading your logfiles. Also in parts. The logfiles or even the full posts may be removed. Please only share your logfiles with our staff members via our Ticketsystem.
Don't talk price
Our Community is all about the products of TeamViewer: knowledge sharing, support, and general questions. Please respect that price discussions are for our sales team. You can always contact them via mail or phone and have a great conversation with them: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/support/contact/
Don't try to break TeamViewer
That is self-explanatory: Please refrain from doing anything that interferes with the normal use of TeamViewer, like manipulating the program, blocking sponsored popups, or helping other people to use TeamViewer in an unintended way.
Respect Moderator and Community Managers' instructions and decisions
Our Community Moderators use these guidelines to perform their jobs to maintain this community.
Moderators may edit, move or delete any content and if needed, users may be warned and banned at the moderators' discretion.
Please help our moderators by always respecting our user guidelines, providing high-quality content and alerting us when you see something which needs our attention.
If you see bad behavior, refrain from replying but make our moderators aware by reporting it as inappropriate content via the post-menu.
Thank you!
We thank you for your participation in our Community and your passion for TeamViewer!
We appreciate that you took the time reading our user guidelines and we hope that you have a great time in our community, meet some nice people and that you got help for your case.
And if someone helped you: Show your gratitude by giving them a kudo and accept their reply as a solution :-)
Here you can find the full Terms of Use, also referred to as the Code of Conduct.
Thanks and best,