Show pictures / attachments in the New Ticket info email

Hi everybody,

I think this is more like a feature request or a deficit in functionality (for us). Currently we receive the info email that a new ticket has been created from servicecamp without the attached/embedded pictures or other attachments. The attachments/embedded pictures are not lost, they are in the ticket, but for our support agents it would be much easier to react on a new ticket, if the complete original email would be included in the new ticket info email.

We have a few guys who are sometimes not in the office but have some free time and know the answer to a request immediately. They would use their mobiles to answer directly to the email, but in the current situation they have to login into servicecamp to view the attachments first. In that case tickets lay around much longer, because those messages are ignored for the moment.

Maybe the product management can have a look a this situation and create an option that can be enabled to include attachments into the new ticket info email in a future version of servicecamp.

Thanks and have a nice day.