Got ID changed on a headless needed


We have several headless machines running ubuntu 16, with teamviewer 12 (full version) installed. These are deployed remotely to collect data from sensors, so I have no phisycal access to it. I've just found out that one (at least one, I have to check if other machines are affected as well) got it's teamviewer ID changed, so it became unreachable!! No update has been done.. this just suddenly happened.  We have a business licence.

We just added the machines to computer and contacts list, without assigning to the account.. does it make any difference? In the past I used to have an option to add the remote computer to the account directly from my computer, but now the option is gone and the only possibility is to do it from the remote computer, which however requires to confirm by receiving a mail.

Any help ?


Best Answer


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @rok

    Thank you for your message and welcome to the TeamViewer Community! ?

    You are correct - this should not happen. A TeamViewer ID is unique and dedicated to every TeamViewer installation.

    Let me suggest you the following:

    1. Delete the impacted device from your computers and contacts list
    2. Assign the device to your account, it will add the device automatically to your computers and contacts list

    ...and check if the situation stabilized.

    I hope this could help. ?

    Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

    Best regards


    Community Manager

  • rok
    rok Posts: 22

    Hi JeanK, thank you for your support

    So.. adding the remote computer to "computer and contact list" is different from assigning it to the account?

    Reguarding the link you provided.. I have no option (I remember this option was there time ago) in my teamviewer 15.10.5 (ubuntu) to assign the device remotely, should I connect to every single device and confirm then by mail ?

    Third and most important question..How can I do all these things If the device is headless and remotely installed ? I discovered these ID changed (2 at the moment) only thanks to the fact that we have other computers in that local network.. but we have single computer who has probably the same issue and cannot connect in any way!