Hi all,
Improving our software for better usability and state-of-the-art security is one of our main pillars to ensure that our users and customers have the best and most secure experience when using TeamViewer products.
With today's TeamViewer release in version 15.11, we add another security enhancement to our products by increasing the RSA key length from 2048 to 4096 bits.
This increase is part of our commitment to maintaining the strictest standards to safeguard our customers.
What is the RSA key?
The RSA key is used to encrypt TeamViewer connections and the details within your Computers & Contacts list.
Why did we increase the length of the RSA key?
Increasing the RSA key length results in much more robust security and goes along with our goal to be the industry frontrunner in the implementation of future-proof encryption.
Does it apply to all TeamViewer products?
Yes - while we already released the increased RSA length for TeamViewer Meetings with TeamViewer 15.10, it now applies to newly created TeamViewer IDs and newly created TeamViewer accounts, regardless of the TeamViewer product.
Do all TeamViewer users benefit from this change?
Yes - as always, we make sure that both free users and our customers can benefit from the latest security improvements. Please keep in mind that the increase of the RSA length only applies to newly created TeamViewer IDs and newly created TeamViewer accounts for now.
We make sure to keep you updated on further enhancements and improvements, and we hope to continue to convince you with our features and high-security level.
All the best,